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  1. I don't buy it. Giants trying to pressure us into trading up. We're bidding against ourselves. What does Josh Allen do better than Pat Mahomes? Nothing.
  2. In what way? Both were raw with poor mechanics. Both have mobility. Both have enormous arms. Both are "projects" who need at least a year. One actually produced in college. Mahomes is a better version of Josh Allen. There's nothing Allen does better on the football field than Pat Mahomes did as a prospect.
  3. 1. Sam Darnold - Bills 2. Josh Rosen - Jets 3. Josh Allen - Cards 4. Baker Mayfield - Browns 5. Lamar Jackson - Ravens Bills pick - Darnold
  4. did the Josh Allen tweet just save us the 22nd pick? He will be there at 12
  5. Cmon please be Josh Rosen!!!!!! I am losing it let’s get this started already!!!!!
  6. I really want to believe the Bills are smart enough to stay away from Allen.... I really do. But I just have this nauseating feeling that Josh Allen will be a Bill in the very near future. If the Bills, after all of the draft trades, player trades, and a year plus of researching these players end up with Josh Allen in the end? What a disaster. The only thing that makes all of that worse is trading up for him in the process.... If Josh Allen is a Bill at the end of this draft, the clock starts ticking immediately on Beane and company..... Please Bills...... don't mess this up. Whatever it takes for Darnold, Rosen, or Mayfield.
  7. Well, you won’t have to worry about me ruining the board and starting up endless threads as I never really post anything anyway, a logical consequence from me being probably the loneliest Bills fan in the world. I am Belgian, I live in Belgium, and I have never ever come across another Bills fan here. I lived in England in the 1990’s, watching some NFL on the local channels there, picked up the Bills in that era as my favorite team and have been following everything since. It has been a long road of reading match reports, then listening to John Murphy on the local radio station via a crappy ISDN internet line, accompanied by some lousy graphics that came on the PC screen with a 30 second delay (that is how I lived through the music city miracle, it still turns my stomach), all the way up to being able to see every Bills game through NFL Gamepass. I have not missed a minute of a Bills game since and not a day goes past without me checking the NFL and twobillsdrive websites, and enjoying reading the board here. One day I’ll come to a game in Buffalo, so far I have only seen them live once, a few years ago in London, a game which was a fitting metaphor for my Bills fandom in the past decades, which I always describe as “a quest for mediocrity” Regarding the draft well, what can I say, I know absolutely nothing about college football, hell, I wouldn’t recognize Josh Allen if he stood next to me in the lavatory of my local pub. Yet somehow, bitten by the bug, I end up reading all these mocks and reports for weeks. Seems like every year this thing gets so pumped up that we are lead to believe there are several Aaron Rodgers in the draft. Whether that is the case or not this year, we’ll know in a couple of years. I for one have faith in the current regime. They got us an extra first round pick with last year’s trade while we still got a top 10 talent in Tre’Davious White. That is looking at it a year later when you can really evaluate a draft and not like all these B+ or C- minus grades we will see in a few hours… And to all those on here that have bemoaned the Jets trade and feel that they shafted us, well, the Jets were crap last year, that is why they had the 6th pick, and they gave up huge draft capital to get to 3. We were in the play-offs, and boy was I glad that finally happened. So stay positive, have an enjoyable evening, and spare a thought for me trying to have an enjoyable night and a tough day at work tomorrow, since the first pick is at 2am my time… Let’s hope we make the right choice not just for today but for the next 5 or 10 years. And when we win a Super bowl you’re all invited round to my place for some real Belgian waffles. GO BILLS !
  8. Ha! my 1000th turned out to be a comment that Josh Allen could turn out to be the best of them all - nobody knows
  9. ...I'm going BOLD.....I think a collegiate QB named "Josh" goes in the 1st round...place your bets.............
  10. Please post your reaction in this thread only...
  11. 10.) Oakland Raiders - Minkah Fitzpatrick I slot Minkah Fitzpatrick as a safety, but scouts around the league place him as a cornerback. Who knows which one he’ll play in the NFL, but either way the versatility doesn’t hurt the Raiders. They’re secondary consists of Karl Joseph and a practice squad. Fitzpatrick can come in immediately and play both cornerback and strong safety for the Raiders. DB - Minkah Fitzpatrick - Alabama 6’1” - 202 Lbs. - Junior Pros: Fast. Range. Versatile. Blitzing ability. Game changing speed. Aggression. Reaction time. Footwork. Physicality. Cons: Over pursuit. Arm tackles. Breakdown. Review: (11/6) Minkah Fitzpatrick demonstrates elite athleticism. He has tremendous game-changing speed that allows him to show a gifted range and closing speed in the open field. His power and aggression makes him a dangerous, versatile option for the coach. He’s lined up at safety, corner, nickel corner and linebacker. Not only has he lined up at linebacker, but he’s often blitzed from the linebacker position. Fitzpatrick’s nose for the ball and elite speed will make him a sure fire top 15 pick in the draft. (3/21) There is no denying the elite game changing speed that Fitzpatrick offers to his team. Fitzpatrick is a dangerously fast defender that may be break too the ball quicker and more aggressively than anyone currently in the NFL. Some scouts are listing Fitzpatrick as a cornerback, but to play him at cornerback would be horribly undervaluing his extremely versatile style of football. The best use of Fitzpatrick will come as a rover style safety, one that can play safety, or the eighth man in the box or cover the slot and tight end receivers. While Fitzpatrick will be a top ten pick based solely on his athleticism, this doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a safe pick. Fitzpatrick has an apparent reckless style to his game that results in poor breakdowns and missed arm tackles. He will need to learn to measure his aggression before he can be an elite player. Grade: 8.8 Position & Overall Rank: 1-7 Game Films: Georgia (2017), Clemson (2017), Arkansas (2017), vs Clemson (2016) 11.) Miami Dolphins - Tremaine Edmunds If Edmunds can learn to dissect the hole a little bit quicker, he’s a top five linebacker in the league. His physical traits are desired by everyone in the NFL, and had this pick been Josh Allen instead, the Bills would’ve landed Edmunds. However, the Dolphins would rather let Buffalo burn down in a civil war before the faithful even sees Allen step foot on an NFL field. P.S. The noise about Miami drafting a quarterback at number eleven is just noise. They’re right in front of the quarterback-needy Bills and Tannehill is capable. It’s a smokescreen hoping to bring in some trade benefits. LB - Tremaine Edmunds - Virginia Tech 6’5” - 236 Lbs. - Junior Pros: Size. Aggression. Play recognition. Tackling. Eats blockers. Pursuit. Pass-rush. Closing speed. Range. Cons: Misreads play action. Finding the hole. Shallow zone. Review: (1/08) Tremaine Edmunds is a big, athletic and promising linebacker prospect. His size and speed combination gives him the opportunity to develop into an elite physical specimen. Standing at 6’5”, Edmunds plays a physical and aggressive brand of football. He’s as sure as they come when it comes to tackling, as he often stands running backs up and rarely ever misses a tackle. While he doesn’t quite have elite speed, he has terrific pursuit which makes up for it. His ability to play in coverage makes him an every down linebacker that will immediately improve a defense. Little mishaps such as often times misreading play fakes and struggling to find the right hole get covered up and lost when you look at Edmunds overall game. He’s a linebacker that will likely excel immediately at the next level. (3/21) Edmunds uses his devastating speed and an incredibly large frame to be an intimidating factor on the field. His speed allows for a massive range across the field, being the definition of a “sideline-to-sideline” linebacker. His speed and burst allow him to be a threat as an outside edge rusher as well, giving versatility to his game. While Edmunds plays a little shallow in his zone, allowing receivers to come behind him, his speed will make up for anything. In a man coverage scenario, Edmunds is fast enough and tall enough to play with the best tight ends in the league. If Edmunds can manage to diagnose the play and find the gap quicker, he will be an elite linebacker in all sense of the game. Grade: 8.7 Position & Overall Rank: 1-10 Game Films: vs Clemson (2017), vs Miami (2017), vs Oklahoma State (2017), West Virginia (2017), 12.) Buffalo Bills - Josh Allen Don’t shoot the messenger (although the messenger isn’t opposed to Josh Allen). Allen’s shady tweets are definitely going to insinuate some sort of draft day slide, and I have it coming to an end in Buffalo in this mock draft. I can understand how frightening this is. We’ve seen EJ Manuel in Buffalo, the big physical guy with a nice arm and putrid accuracy. Josh Allen could definitely be EJ Manuel 2.0. I’m not going to deny it. However, I’m also not going to deny that in this scenario, we keep our six picks in the first three rounds, fill our holes, while also possibly drafting Carson Wentz 2.0.. Would I rather have Darnold? Yes. Would I rather have Rosen? Yes. Hell, I’m even starting to tell myself that I might even rather want Rudolph. But at the end of the day, if this is the pick that Buffalo calls tonight, I ask you to keep a level head. His downside is greatly outmatched by his upside. Not too mention, McBeane has shown us every reason to believe that they know what they’re doing thus far (although I know some of you will say that they messed up by allowing the Jets to trade to 3 before us). QB - Josh Allen - Wyoming 6’5” - 234 Lbs. - Junior Pros: Good body size. Strong arm. Quick release. Smooth throwing motion. Good mobility. Climbs the pocket well. Throws on the run well. Goes through his reads. Touch. Athlete. Cons: Airheaded moments. Footwork can be jittery. Forces passes. Can lack composure. Spotty accuracy. Poor out routes. Deep ball. Quick to run. Pocket awareness. Review: (9/11) While Allen seems to have all of the talent in the world, it could be mental mistakes that hold his game back. Against Iowa you witnessed plenty of them. Early in the game a quick flick of the ball out of bounds about 15 yards back from the line of scrimmage resulted in a costly intentional grounding penalty. After falling behind in the game, Allen turned into much more of a gunslinger forcing unnecessary passes. Both of his interceptions were completely avoidable and were just errant mistakes that seemed to be from a lack of composure. While climbing the pocket well at first, his footwork became increasingly more jittery as the gap grew between the two teams. Despite these issues, there’s no questioning the raw talent that Allen possesses. It starts with his body size and a rocket for an arm. Along with his strong arm is a quick release and a pretty throwing motion. He shows a good ability to climb the pocket, has good mobility and throws the ball well on the run. With a strong season and less air headed mistakes, Allen displays the potential to be the number one overall pick. (10/24) As the season has progressed, Allen has both grown as a player and began to show some blaring weaknesses. He appears to be a much better runner than anticipated, with his coach willing to not only allow him to run, but add designed runs to the gameplan. He continues to show the necessary intangibles to be a successful quarterback. On the forefront, you see his strong arm, quick throwing motion and his pocket awareness. However, bigger concerns are starting to appear with his accuracy. While some of this may be blamed on the talent surrounding him, it can’t all be. Poor timing and ball placement will need to be eliminated to be a top pick. Grade: 8.7 Position & Overall Rank: 3-16 Game Films: @ Iowa (2017), vs Hawaii (2017), vs Utah State (2017), Boise State (2017), 13.) Washington Redskins - Da’Ron Payne Vita Vea would be the lazy pick to predict here. Let’s dig a little deeper. There’s four guys in this draft that I believe have truly elite potential. Vea is the least polished of them all. Analysts believe Maurice Hurst is suddenly going to slip so I won’t slot him here. Taven Bryan is fourth overall on my big board, but I suppose he has some sort of character issue. This leaves Da’Ron Payne. Payne has the most complete game as a defensive tackle in this draft and should have the smoothest transition to the NFL. DL - Da’Ron Payne - Alabama 6’2” - 308 Lbs. - Junior Pros: Maintains ground. Play recognition. Pass rush moves. Disengagement. Hands up at line. Strength. Leader. Hand checking. Forward movement. Arm extension. Disengagement. Cons: Inconsistent gap control. Pad level. Momentum reversal. Review: (11/10) For a big boy, Da’Ron Payne moves rather swiftly and smoothly. While not necessarily quick off the snap, Payne does have a quick first step and good handwork. He’s shown an ability to beat the man in front of him time and time again, proving to be an efficient pass rushing defensive tackle. While it may be the scheme, Payne rarely controls his gap providing a run stopper. This is an essential part to a defensive tackles game in the NFL and may hurt Payne a little bit on draft day. (3/28) There’s four elite, top-of-the-line defensive lineman in this draft class. You’ve got the quick backfield player in Maurice Hurst, he’ll be the playmaker, the tackle for a loss and sack interior guy. Then you have Taven Bryan, he’s the insanely athletic for his size type of guy. The one with the JJ Watt ceiling, simply unblockable if all goes well. After that you have Vita Vea, the huge road block that you can’t run against. If you want the jack-of-all-trades but master of none, you’re looking for Da’Ron Payne. He has the strength and body stature to get in the way of the run, but the quickness to also make a difference in the pass rush. He’s a strong interior guy that can maintain his ground against the best of them to hold his gap, while also having the quick hands and feet to penetrate against the pass. Payne does have weaknesses to his game, like not necessarily having an elite part of his game. When he’s contacted first off the snap, he struggles to reverse the momentum. He also stands up rather straight when he breaks out of his stance which causes for an undesired pad level. There’s times when he gets too aggressive and leaves his gap open, but these are all correctable behaviors. The athleticism for his size make his upside worth a high pick. Payne never stops moving forwards while also maintaining his ground and gap for the most part. Grade: 8.6 Draft Stock: First Round Game Films: Vanderbilt (2017), Tennessee (2017), Clemson (2017), Georgia (2017), 14.) Green Bay Packers - Joshua Jackson The Packers helped out Aaron Rodgers with the addition of Jimmy Graham this off-season. They could help him a little more by adding a little more depth to their offensive line, but they need help in the secondary. Jackson was once seen as competing for the top corner in the draft with Ward but fell off after a poor combine day. Other are slotting Hughes and Alexander here but I’m not buying. Jackson is an athletic freak that will be a lock down corner in the NFL once he polishes his skills. CB - Joshua Jackson - Iowa 6’1” - 192 Lbs. - Junior Pros: Fast. Athleticism. Lengthy. Plays the ball. Closing speed. Tackling. Body control. Mirrored hips. Awareness. Reaction time. Contain. Ball hawk. Footwork. Cons: Allows excessive separation. Limited experience. Flashy over fundamental. Physicality. Review: (11/7) So far, I’ve only seen Joshua Jackson play one game and it left me damn near awestruck. To make that statement have a little bit more of an impact, that one game was not the Ohio State game. Jackson shows great speed and athleticism allowing him to lockdown a receiver anywhere on the field. This does bring a small setback in the fact that he gives a little too much separation and relies on his closing speed, which results in him surrendering receptions that shouldn’t be completions. Other than that, he shows a great ability to play the ball and is lengthy arms give him an advantage everywhere on the field. He has great body control and shows a solid ability to tackle. I’ve yet to see Jackson’s film against Ohio State, he could surely be working his way into top fifteen, or even top ten, talks come draft time. (3/21) Jackson isn’t quite the prospect that Lattimore was last year due to some inconsistencies in his game, but his potential is definitely in the same boat. Lattimore was a little bit of a more sure player, while Jackson still might turn out to be just an average starting cornerback. However, a starting corner is a starting corner, and demand is high for that in the league, especially when the potential is higher. Jackson displays an ability to play in both zone and man coverage with very high efficiency. His tendency to play the ball makes him a turnover threat in both the air and on the ground. He has fantastic footwork that allows him to mirror his assignment and not allow for a clean break off of the line of scrimmage. Jackson will be the second corner off of the board come April. Grade: 8.8 Position & Overall Rank: 2-13 Game Films: vs Michigan State (2017), Ohio State (2017), Wisconsin (2017), 15.) Arizona Cardinals - Calvin Ridley The Cardinals wanted to draft the quarterback of their future this year, but after the top three picks went how they did, they failed to see an alley or a player worth it. Rather, they throw their pick to go all-in on this year with their mediocre roster and injury prone quarterback. P.S. Calvin Ridley isn’t in my top three receivers, nor is DJ Moore, but the draft analysts know more than some college kid typing this from his school’s library rather than working on his final exams. WR - Calvin Ridley - Alabama 6’1” - 190 Lbs. - Junior Pros: Separation. Release. Route running. Footwork. Quick burst. Relentless motor. Speed. Run after catch. Cons: Run blocking. Hands. Review: (9/11) Ridley shows potential to be a consistent receiver but lacks the elite body size or athleticism to be anything more than a deep threat. His speed and release will allow him to play a solid role for an NFL team, but he’ll never be the pure dominant force that top tier receivers are nowadays. With that being said, Ridley could make for a lethal second or third option on a pass heavy team like New Orleans, Green Bay, New England, and etc. (2/16) Calvin Ridley looks to translate to a fantastic slot receiver in the NFL. He exemplifies fantastic speed and great footwork that makes him a threat in the open field. After the catch, Ridley can turn any reception into a big play. He shows great change of direction and quick cuts that makes him a challenge to tackle in the open. His quick burst and choppy footwork allow him to release from the line of scrimmage with no problem at all. However, he allows below-average defensive backs to knock sure catches away from him, this will become a serious concern at the NFL level. (3/23) Ridley has the most elite break away quickness and speed at receiver in this draft. His ability to create separation and create after the catch makes him a high yardage per reception receiver. However, I didn’t see the type of elite, attack the ball skill that receivers need to be a number one receiver in the NFL. Ridley would be fantastic as a number two or a slot receiver in a pass happy offense. While he showed the ability to run routes at all levels in college, his quickness will likely make him more of a shallow route and create after type of guy. Grade: 8.2 Position & Overall Rank: 4-42 Game Films: Mississippi State (2017), Mississippi State (2017), Clemson (2017), Florida State (2017), Ole Miss (2016) 16.) Pittsburgh Steelers (Trade from Baltimore Ravens) - Mason Rudolph The Ravens panic as their usual best Alabama player available approach fails with the Ridley pick right before them. With Roethlisberger teeter-tottering every year, the Steelers jump the assumedly QB-needy Chargers and draft Lamar Jac… Mason Rudolph? Don’t be surprised when Rudolph goes earlier than expected. He doesn’t have quite the arm strength of Ben Roethlisberger, but his stature looks like something for Pittsburgh to pick up where they left off. QB - Mason Rudolph - Oklahoma State 6’5” - 230 Lbs. - Senior Pros: Strong arm. Comfortable in the pocket. Deep accuracy. Shows composure. Great body size. Quick and decisive. Throwing motion. Stands in the pocket. Cons: Struggles to throw on the run. Inconsistent ball placement. Single reads. System QB. Weak competition. Review: (9/17) Despite a lack of media hype this far, Rudolph may be the best quarterback in this class. He has the ideal height and size that team’s look for in a quarterback. He shows great composure and seems to be comfortable in the pocket, something that most of the other quarterbacks in this class lack. He comes equipped with a bullet but lacks the strength to have an accurate deep ball. Despite his struggles with the deep ball, his accuracy within 20 yards is pin point. I’ll be interested to see if Rudolph can climb to the top of big boards by the time the draft comes around. Grade: 8.5 Position & Overall Rank: 4-39 Game Films: vs Tulsa (2017), Oklahoma (2017), 17.) Los Angeles Chargers - Vita Vea Wow was it tempting to put Taven Bryan in this slot. For those of you that are familiar with his game, imagine the disruption that Bryan would cause right next to Joey Bosa. That’s almost a top ten defense just between the combination of them two. However, mock drafts are supposed to be about what the team would do, not what you would do. So, here I have the Chargers selecting the overrated second round prospect, Vita Vea. The rumors of Los Angeles being ready to draft their next guy at quarterback simply can’t be true. This team is too strong with too much potential over the next two to three years to waste a first rounder on a quarterback right now. They need to try and get Philip Rivers a super bowl ring before he’s gone. Would it be smart to address the linebacker position? Yeah, but with the addition of Vita Vea and an already elite secondary, you only need above average linebacker’s that you can find for cheap via-post draft cuts. DL - Vita Vea - Washington 6’5” - 340 Lbs. - Junior Pros: Eats up blockers. Awareness. Gets hand in passing lanes. Disengagement. Strength. Motor. Cons: Slow off the ball. Poor balance. Block shedding. First step. Inconsistent. Maintaining ground. Aggression. Pad level. Review: (11/1) Vita Vea is a ginormous moving road block. Weighing in at 340 pounds, Vea looks like a bowling ball ready to knock down any pin in his alley. He shows great awareness and play recognition, quickly diagnosing screens and getting his hands up in passing lanes. However, his lack of athleticism may catch up to him in the NFL. He has poor balance and his slow moves cause him to get off of blocks poorly. Vea is most successful when he’s able to bulldoze the lineman in front of him. (2/18) The biggest initial downfall on Vea was his apparent lack of mobility. However, as the season went on he proved to actually have above average mobility. He shows an ability to shed the block pretty well which will also help his draft stock. His first step can sometimes be delayed causing him to get beat at the point of attack, however, he makes up for this with his gigantic size. Vea could become a top ten pick with an outgoing combine performance. (3/28) The inconsistency of Vita Vea is troubling for me when I’m trying to come to a conclusion. On one hand, he’s a monster in the middle of the field. Vea weighs in at nearly 350 pounds and he has the quickness of a 300 pound defensive tackle. Vea clearly has the strength and it’s hard to move him off of his tracks. However, due to his slow step off of the ball, Vea sometimes allows the man in front of him to get under his pads and push him around. He struggles to activate his strength and use it to his advantage. There’s too many corrections that need to be made to Vea’s game to quite call him elite, but his sky high potential makes him a prospect to covet. Grade: 8.5 Position & Overall Rank: 4-36 Game Films: vs UCLA (2017), Oregon (2017), Penn State (2017) 18.) Seattle Seahawks - Mike McGlinchey The Seahawks have plenty of needs and guys like Marcus Davenport remain on the board. However, for them to pass on an offensive lineman here when they have their choice of the bunch would be silly. They’ve had offensive line problems for a while now and are still yet to fix them, picking McGlinchey here is a step in the right direction. Note: I can’t find my scouting report on McGlinchey, it appears that I may have accidently deleted it from my document. I can tell you that I’m not big on McGlinchey at all, but as I’ve said before in this mock draft, it’s about the professional scouts, not me. To be fair though, I’ve only watched one game of McGlinchey’s which is clearly a very limited sample size.
  12. Just some notes before I start this.. - I've been throwing this together since around 3, so I'm sure I've missed some rumors and will provide a final updated version around 7:30, right before the draft. - I don't know much about who's going where outside of the top 8 or so, this is more about the prospect profiles that are coming along with the pick. - There's a couple of players that I wish I had the opportunity to watch and study more, but college got busy over the past month or so, so a couple of the prospect profiles aren't as up to date as I would've wished. - Take my review on offensive lineman with a grain of salt, I struggle to understand how the scout them well. - I was trying to separate this out by post, but I guess you can't do that if no one replies.. So my apologies for the brick of text that's gunna get thrown at you in the first post. That being said, the Cleveland Browns are on the clock.. With the first overall pick, the Cleveland Browns select.. 1.) Cleveland Browns - Baker Mayfield I personally don’t like Baker Mayfield, but this seems to be the trending pick right now. The Browns bless themselves with Johnny Manziel 2.0, except this time they waste the first overall rather than the 22nd. Just like they passed on Teddy Bridgewater, Derek Carr and Jimmy Garoppolo, they’ll now be passing on Josh Rosen, Sam Darnold and Josh Allen. QB - Baker Mayfield - Oklahoma 6’1” - 220 Lbs. - Senior Pros: Mobile. Accuracy. Throw on run. Low risk. Tight spiral. Progressions. Throws receiver open. Playmaker. Footwork. Cons: Small size. Ghost pressure. Pocket awareness. Velocity. Arm strength. Pro style snaps. Offensive orientated competition. Prolonged release motion. Can’t see over the line. Throwing mechanics. Attitude. Review: (11/7) Baker Mayfield is not a quarterback that you want to see your team drafting in the first round. He’s the type of guy that with the correct team around him, has the slightest possibility of taking you to the playoffs. He leaves too many boxes unchecked to be a franchise quarterback. Mayfield lacks three of the most important traits to be a franchise quarterback, size, pocket awareness and a strong arm. He often times can be seen throwing off of his back foot and has a prolonged release, giving him awful throwing mechanics. He senses ghost pressure and tries to escape the pocket when there’s no need to, this could be a strong indication that he’s simply too short to see over the line of scrimmage. Talent-wise, Mayfield may be worth a second round project pick. However, in a league where it’s either you make it or you don’t at quarterback, Mayfield could fall out of day two and well into day three. (3/20) Mayfield has some of the best highlight reel plays of all the quarterback’s in the draft. His playmaking ability is incredible, he extends plays outside of the pocket and shows phenomenal accuracy anywhere on the field. While Mayfield lacks a great awareness for the pocket, he does show strong footwork within the pocket. Where Mayfield is going to struggle in the NFL is his inability to see over the line in front of him. This is clearly visible and it effects many areas of his game. First and foremost, you see Mayfield try to step up from invisible pressure all of the time, into a strong pocket that he then has to escape because he can’t see from inside. This leads to short-armed, side-armed and jump throws rather than delivering with strongly planted feet. Outside of this, you see Mayfield having to drop back as far as 10 yards sometimes so that he can see down the field. If he isn’t dropping that far back, he’s running around the pocket until he has a clear view. Mayfield can be the best backup in the NFL, but it’s hard to see him developing into a consistent starter. Grade: 8.2 Position & Overall Rank: 7-80 Game Films: vs Ohio State (2017), vs Texas Tech (2017), TCU (2017), Georgia (2017), 2.) New York Giants - Sam Darnold This is the man that I want in Buffalo. Unfortunately, the Giants and Saquon Barkley turn out to be a (not-so) incredible smokescreen. I mean come on, there’s been rumors of us offering the Giants three first round picks and more on top of that. You don’t turn down three first round picks to draft a running back that’ll become the fourth highest paid running back in the NFL upon drafting, in a highly-touted running back class. Not only is this year highly-touted, last year’s class that wasn’t so raved about produced two pro bowlers in the third round. Running backs are simply a dime-a-dozen with a short-shelf life. There’s been on and off reports that the only quarterback the Giants like is Sam Darnold and he falls right into their laps. QB - Sam Darnold - USC 6’4” - 220 Lbs. - RS Sophomore Pros: Willing to throw deep. Good short to mid accuracy. Playmaker. Arm strength. Mobility. Pocket climbing. Size. Cons: Indecisive. Holds ball too long. Prolonged release. Forces passes. Inconsistent ball placement. Throwing motion. Review: (9/16) After watching the tape of Darnold versus Stanford, I’m not quite sure if I buy into the early season hype he’s getting. Darnold looks like a first round or second round project quarterback that will not be ready for the NFL immediately. He holds the ball for much too long and looks indecisive in the pocket. On the other hand of this, he has a great playmaking ability and simply drops your jaw at times. He’s willing to throw deep and take risks to make the big play happen. Grade: 8.9 Position & Overall Rank: 1-5 Game Films: vs Stanford (2017), Ohio State (2017) 3.) New York Jets - Josh Rosen The back-up man that I wanted in Buffalo if Sam Darnold wasn’t available will now be playing for our division rivals. Reports of Rosen being “too smart” are just silly, what team doesn’t want a quarterback that’s “too smart”? That’s why the Patriots have destroyed us for the past twenty years. It was down to Mayfield and Rosen at number three, and luckily for Jets fans, it was Cleveland that made the mistake on Mayfield. QB - Josh Rosen - UCLA 6’4” - 218 Lbs. - Junior Pros: Quick and decisive. Great short accuracy. Decent mobility. Good footwork. Pocket presence. Quick release. Scans the field. Cons: Lacks arm strength. Questionable decision making. Past shoulder injury. Forced passes. Inconsistent accuracy. Review: (10/10) Rosen has a great pocket presence, exceptional accuracy and he repetitively shows flashes of greatness. However, his lack of arm strength and inconsistent decision making prevents him from being the best quarterback in this draft class. There’s no question about the talent that Rosen presents. He has an amazing feel for the pocket and shows great footwork. His throwing motion is quick and he gets the ball out high. But, arm strength and decision making are two of the most important parts of a quarterback’s game in the NFL. Grade: 8.7 Position & Overall Rank: 2-12 Game Films: vs Memphis (2017), vs Colorado (2017),
  13. Take this for what you will. PFT is now saying the Jets are taking Rosen at #3. Which would mean if the Bills do trade to #4, they’d need an additional trade with NYG or they would need to cross their fingers that the Jets take. Or perhaps Allen is the guy after all? http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/04/26/report-jets-will-take-josh-rosen-over-sam-darnold-if-both-are-on-the-board/
  14. Well at least it wasn't Josh with this racist prom proposal to his High school GF. https://heavy.com/news/2018/04/noah-crowley-isabella-vinalli-racist-promposal/?b2np=d
  15. I prefer Sam Darnold (slightly) because of the injury concerns. But if we can land Josh Rosen instead without giving up a ton of picks, I'll consider that a big win.
  16. My gut instinct all along has been that the Jets (and Bills for that matter) would be higher on Allen than they were on Mayfield or Rosen. But having said that, I could easily see the sudden rumors of the Jets preferring both Josh's over Darnold as a smokescreen. It accomplishes one of two things: 1. If the Bills want one of the Josh's and the Jets want Darnold, it gets the Bills to sacrifice valuable assets to move up higher than necessary to get their guy. 2. If the Bills want Darnold and the Jets want Darnold, it gets the Bills to think they can safely wait and move up to 4 or 5 instead of 2 and end up allowing the Jets to get their guy instead.
  17. Makes sense, I wasn't paying close attention but weren't those wgr guys ranting about josh allen all morning
  18. I would be pretty miffed. I would try and get behind it but I still put the chances of Allen becoming a franchise QB way below the chances of Josh Rosen.
  19. Forget Allen vs Rosen. On what planet is Josh Allen a better prospect than Lamar Jackson? The NFL "experts" have taken crazy pills this draft season.
  20. La Canfora's 2018 NFL Mock Draft: Giants surprise at No. 2, Bills trade up to get their QB 5. Buffalo Bills (DEN trade) Josh Rosen, QB, UCLA. They did some late work on Rosen, doubling back with people who know him well, going over his personality and how to reach him and connect with him. He is the most pro ready -- and he'll play from Day 1 in Buffalo. GM Brandon Beane didn't make all these trades not to make sure he gets a top passer.
  21. Bloke, You are terrific and your insights are not only sound but also clearly and concisely expressed. However, I want to give you a warning that a rumor has been circulating that bandito is on the war path because of some of your scathing commentary about Josh Allen, his adoptive boy. He, like you, is a fine fellow but he has a combative nature to him that doesn't allow harsh challenges to go unanswered. So this is a warning to be cautious and stay alert. I'm going to let you in on an inside tip. The rumor about Mayfield being Cleveland's qb pick has some substance behind it. Scot McCloughan (sic) formerly the GM for the Redskins before being unceremoniously dumped for imbibing is working on a contractual basis for the Browns. His favorite qb for quite awhile is Mayfield. P.S. When your sh****t isn't together it is still together, relatively speaking.
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