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  1. Another fraud. Like the sexual predators that founded the Lincoln Project bc the Neo Cons behind knew they were going to be out of work for quite some time and were already broke. In comes Dem Super PAC money. Same with this moron. The Lincoln Project implodes amid infighting and scandal The Lincoln Project, the anti-Donald Trump political outfit, imploded Friday evening amid mounting criticism of its handling of sexual misconduct allegations against one of its co-founders and of the management of its finances. Steve Schmidt, a prominent political strategist and one of the original co-founders of the organization, on Friday evening became the latest in a string of departures from the group. In a lengthy statement, Schmidt said he was “incandescently angry” about allegations that former Lincoln Project leader John Weaver sent sexually explicit text messages to young men. Weaver, who is married with a wife and two children, has acknowledged sending “inappropriate” messages to men. Then, on Thursday, the Associated Pressreported that more than half of the organization’s funding had been directed to consulting firms that had been controlled by Lincoln Project officials — a massive sum that fed accusations that leaders had enriched themselves. The crisis intensified later in the day, when the Lincoln Project’s Twitter feed posted screenshots of private online messages between Horn and Amanda Becker, a reporter for 19th News who had been working on a story about the organization’s work culture. The Lincoln Project deleted the screenshot, but not before sparking intense backlash. Schmidt apologized for the episode in his statement, saying, “it is my job as the senior leader to accept responsibility for the tremendous misjudgment to release” the messages. The Lincoln Project’s funders have begun distancing themselves. Senate Majority PAC, the top Democratic outside group focused on Senate races, and Majority Forward, an affiliated nonprofit, gave $1.9 million to Lincoln Project in October, at the height of the election. Lincoln Project had been spending on ads against GOP senators, including in critical races in South Carolina and Maine. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/12/lincoln-project-scandal-468984
  2. Checks and balances were not written anywhere????? Explains why the tools his PAC funds, dispise the constitution.
  3. You specifically have asked in this thread why Josh's completion % fell under Brady and why our receivers weren't scoring under Brady. I have given you explanations on both and therefore neither is out of context. One, Diggs and Davis sucked after week 6 ands got worse as the season progress thus leading to Diggs having a 58% catch % and Davis in the 40% area under Brady. Second, as I previously pointed out, Brady diversified the offense and the ball went to Cook and Allen near the end zone thereby limiting the TD catches to the receivers. As to Singletary and Moss, who cares. They have never played here under Brady so why are they relevant to this discussion? The Bills drafted Davis to be this team's version of Kenneth Davis, a tough running and good catching, 3rd down back for this offense. Not an offense run by Daboll or Dorsey. How those guys utilized a 3rd down back is meaningless. As to their 3 RB's pedigree, I'll disagree there as well. Davis has the fastest 40 time (4.52 vs 4.66 & 4.65). He outgained Singletary from scrimmage in their final year and Davis earned his numbers in the SEC vs Singletary at Flordia Atlantic. Moss put up the best counting stats, but again he did it in the D challenged Pac 12. Just because some was drafted in the 4th rd vs the 3rd round is not proof that they have a better pedigree. It's more likely proof of a weaker RB group in the draft when Moss & Singletary were drafted or a stronger over all class in Davis' year. These are the 3 key stats. The Bills rushed more, turned the ball over less, and won 7of 9.
  4. Billionaire funded PACS/MSM are already attacking every one of them. ACT blue will be throwing money in those districts. Their parrots will ignore or attack.
  5. per the media and Shady funded pacs? supported in Reddit sub forums. SMH BTW. the president doesn't represent the world, and the world doesn't choose the president.
  6. Interesting take. I think QB's coming out of college are way over hyped to begin with. The defense played by most teams in college is not very good. No team (including Alabama) has studs at every position on a starting college defense. And once you get starters injured it can become a free for all on the field, with teams marching up and down the field. (Watch the Arizona-Oklahoma bowl game from last season for context. Just a ridiculous second half comeback by Arizona with so many big plays. That stuff does not usually happen against an NFL defense.) Caleb Williams played in the PAC 12. Not a lot of good defense is played there. Same for Michael Penix and Bo Nix. Not saying they won't be good pros, but the NFL is not the PAC 12. Penix is slightly built and was bludgeoned pretty badly by a very dominant Michigan defense. Nix is not a big guy either. There is always a period of adjustment going from college to the pros. I think Williams supposed cockiness won't play well in the pros. But its really all about how you play the game. The rest of it doesn't matter if you are real good. Russell Wilson's prima donna all about me stuff was fine until he wasn't great any longer. Now he is old news. As for Richardson, he better learn how to take care of himself on the field, otherwise his career will be a brief moment in time. And Levis who really knows. Getting rid of caveman Vrabel certainly should help his progress.
  7. Hell no. its just moronic DEM PAC and MSM promoted garbage. but totally understand you do. They use the fear to keep you in line.
  8. I don't know, maybe ask the party who consists almost completely of the same religious group, and has massive PACS and lobbies to legislate accordingly with their religious beliefs???
  9. At this point the msm, politicians, PACs promoting wedge topics while saying everything is amazing. Are just the tools holding up the cut outs for the shadows on the wall.
  10. Back to the point a dem PAC sued a 15 week limit that got it thrown at the federal level. Ow it's not a federal issue. Now amount of "double backing" makes that false.
  11. Cause it was a highly funded Dem PAC that fought the 15 week limit law in Mississippi, that got it all tossed. Even RBG knew it was on very shaky ground.
  12. That's a true story right there. I watch more college ball than NFL and for me to watch a full season college calendar, i need to buy a subscription for SEC, the Big 10, the PAC, etc. It used to cost me $1,800 a season to watch every game from every conference. I was always hoping that they would have bundle packages for every conference, but nope, each one is an individual subscription......now i just watch whatever is playing on TSN, ESPN, etc.....i can't justify paying that kind of money anymore.
  13. Walt Nauta's testimony before the Grand Jury: Grand Juror asks him: when Trump got the National Archives demand for return of certain documents, what did you do? Nauta: Trump told me to just send a dozen random boxes to them. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/07/politics/mar-a-lago-trump-nauta-classified-documents/index.html We learned this week that that's how the prosecution originated. Remember when Nauta kept asking for continuances before entering a plea? He couldn't get counsel. Until two Trump PACs agreed to take care of it. Do you think maybe - just maybe - Nauta flipped back and won't testify because he now sees what side his bread is buttered on? Mafia style tactics. It worked. Trump effectively derailed the prosecution by playing carrot and stick with little Diet Coke Valet Walt. Trump and Nauta being picked on? No. In any normal prosecution this is witness tampering and Trump would've got himself into even more trouble. But launder the funds through a political PAC and I guess it's ok. https://www.newsweek.com/walt-nauta-paid-trump-pac-fec-1816581
  14. Star Wars Ghosts N Goblins Street Fighter II Pac-Man
  15. Remember going to a bar and seeing people crowding around a Pac Man game watching a person breaking a 100 K score. Lived in Sunnyvale, CA for a couple of years and there was a small comedy club/bar called Rooster T. Fethers (may still be in businesss). Nolan Bushnell (founder of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese) installed the first Pong game there. The next morning, the owner of the club called to tell him the game was broken. He showed up and found that the coin box was full. No one had anticipated the demand.
  16. From my days of dropping quarters into machines at Hungry Charlies on Marshall St. 1) Space Invaders (the one that started it all.) 2) Pac Man 3) Asteroids 4) Missile Command
  17. Project twenty five was created by a dem funded PAC. The rest is pure fear mongering and explains the irrational posting of the op. Fear consumes and breaks logical thoughts processes
  18. Yes, it is not easy to choose only 4. Others that I love are: Galaxian, Gyruss, Zaxxon, Q*Bert, Rampage, Gauntlet, Gorf, Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Star Wars, Star Trek, Phoenix, Joust, Defender, Dig-Dug.
  19. Ms pac Man (better than Pac-Man) tetris track & field
  20. Pong Pac man Missile Command Space Invaders
  21. Pong led to PAC Man led to Galaga, our favorite by far on date night. I still want one in the basement, and then I remind myself of how rarely anyone goes in the basement.
  22. Frogger Pac-Man Area 51 The Simpsons Arcade Game
  23. its flawed data provided by a DEM PAC with 10K doctors counted as members. there are over a million doctors in the USA Same site was 100% supportive of mandates, vaccines, school closures. its got the integrity of the OP that posted it.
  24. Highly funded PACs directly the mob on current things. Not unusual for communist hypocrites to be anti semites.
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