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  1. Well, I can't tell from what I have seen wrt his race.
  2. What does race have to do with it? But you throw it out there.
  3. Running on addressing income inequality won't be in the cards for Biden. He's out telling everybody the system is set up to screw them. Blacks, Hispanics, the poor, the working person, everybody. You all have no chance at success. But hey Joe, you are the system!
  4. where Biden did something illegal thereby tainting the justice system. I don't see it.
  5. Biden Makes Ridiculously Racist Comment About Black Families During Radio Interview By Nick Arama Joe Biden has a long history of racist comments and he's said some incredibly dumb things over the years. I could go through a long list, from his comment in the 1970s about not wanting his kids to grow up in a "racial jungle" to the "you ain't black" if you don't know to vote for him more recently. But he did an interview with a black radio host out of Milwaukee, Michelle Bryant, about a week ago and the audio of one of his comments on the show has now come out. It was truly bad, both with confusion and not being able to get a straight thought out as well as showing what a skewed perception he has of black families. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2024/03/20/biden-makes-ridiculously-racist-comment-about-black-families-during-radio-interview-n2171662
  6. Well said! The only thing missing is the inherent racism in some of the posts
  7. Open racist statements about black kids not knowing what a computer is? And her cult supporters love her for it as they share the same soft bigotry
  8. Too bad racist a-holes were screaming the N word at Cox. I remember hating Cox but that situation got out of hand.
  9. He did pick a great fit for the system! Christian Benford, five rounds later 😆
  10. Since you don't trust the police or the judicial system, this should be right up your alley!
  11. Roundy... Remember when we joined the pitchfork mob and we turned out to be wrong? How can all you racists not see how morally superior we are?
  12. Maybe she was only joking. I don't know the full context of the video. But, even as a joke, whitey can't joke about making a series out of single motherhood, watermelon and fried chicken, or that will be deemed racist. 🤣
  13. Earthquakes are homophobic, racist, and xenophobic. So are solar eclipses. What a mess.
  14. Look at all those racist...hispanics.
  15. You want to keep black people on the democratic plantation. Pretty racist and pathetic.
  16. Meh. The entire thread is the farm showing their racist bone again and again. If this same narrative was about inner city issue, the same folks would scream racism.
  17. Not that I know of, but I'm sure Trump knows all manner of 1950s Queens racial slurs that I have never even heard.
  18. Thanks. I will note that "Asian" is such a huge category that it is almost meaningless. It will encompass South Asians (India/Pakistan/Bangladesh), Southeast Asians (Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia/Thailand), East Asians (China), Japanese, Koreans, etc. I will say I've personally never encountered something like an "Indian American criminal street gang," whereas I have encountered may such gangs composed of other Asians. Just my two cents. It seems to exist for the sole purpose of pointing out the race of the alleged perpetrator in specific crimes. Not for the purpose, say, of "correcting" MSM sites that hide the race of the alleged perps. No. Simply to focus on the idea that "lookee here, another black man committed a crime against a white person." Again: racist.
  19. Just racing fine stupid given his situation to make money for his family but fine, racing in a situation where you can wreck into other cars not involved on the other hand, what an #######.
  20. Are you suggesting that war paint is inherently racist? The trope of using war paint to ironically depict football coaches as brave is offensive to whom exactly? Use your strong mind.
  21. I would say you can't make that up. But lately it seems to be the norm that the ones trying to play victim , are the racist aggressors.
  22. No one cares if you are or if you aren't upset. But you shi!tlibs bring race into EVERYTHING and you expect to be taken seriously?
  23. Lighten up Judge Francis. System is rigged. Let him go. He ain't hurting anyone. 😏
  24. It's not about Gaza/Israel It's not about trans/LGBTQIXYZ+ rights It's not about racism/DEI/BLM It's not about climate change It's not about Ukraine. The issue is NEVER the issue. The issue is ALWAYS the revolution. Thus It's inevitable that they will eat their own.
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