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Everything posted by zow2

  1. Yup. Fred is the master at the One or Two Cut move...no wasted motion. He just finds the seam, plants his foot and cuts...if he makes it past the LB's he usually does a 2nd cut, but its not a juke move. He's very decisive like Maurice Jones-Drew. Yes, CJ has to learn this or he will have a 3.0 ypc career.
  2. I prefer McLovin' returning the KO's. He seems more decisive and burns it up in there, instead of stutter stepping (which will kill any KO return instantly). I do agree that we need Leodis in the secondary so letting CJ learn on the fly is probably the wiser way to go. It's not like the team is battling for a playoff berth.
  3. I'm tired of all the "franchise quarterback" talk. I really am. In the NFL there are some great QBs, some bad QBs and the rest are kind of bunched up. Fitz is in that bunched up category but he has climbed rapidly this year to near the top of that heap. There's no reason to believe that if he had a better team around him, that whe would not improve into a great QB. Somehow, people seem to think that Brady, Manning and Brees never have a bad game or throw a bad pass or two? Didn't Peyton just throw away a game last weekend at NE? Didn't Brady get completely punked and look awful at Cleveland a couple weeks ago (and a few other games)? Brees didn't look good at all early in the season. I mean, why do posters expect Fitz to be perfect on every throw every week? my gosh, it's ridiculous. I would like people to realize that Fitz is playing at a very high level on a very mediocre to below club. If i could trade Fitz for one of these guys today, I'd do it in a heartbeat. That's between 11-13 guys. That's it. This is who i'd rather have then Fitz and its a pretty short list. I think the team should still grab one of the Elite QB's on the draft to groom for the future, but i would not be at all upset if they went heavy on D and O-line. Michael Vick Philip Rivers Ben Roethlisberger Tom Brady Aaron Rodgers Peyton Manning Drew Brees Matt Ryan Joe Flacco Eli Manning Tony Romo Mark Sanchez (maybe) Kyle Orton (maybe)
  4. Shhhhhhh!...don't tell anyone that the Bills actually have talent. Most want to believe this group could not field a decent UFL squad.
  5. That was pretty funny. Gotta hand it to Crisis Carter on that one. They set it up nicely by showing Brady, Peyton, Eli, Garrard, all wearing really nice suits in their postgame pressers, then Stevie all tatted up and wearing skullcap and wife beater. Cmon man! Carter is shouting at him "you got money!"
  6. I think it's interesting that as a WR, you don't want them taking big hits...there's nothing to gain by grinding for an extra yard in most cases. I think self-preservation is a good thing and Stevie knows that. As a RB, they are considered tough if they smash heads. Totally different positions. Even with RB's, it's ok if a guy like Lynch or Marion Barber wants to create havoc but you don't want CJ Spiller or guys like that trying to take guys on too much. It's just a recipe for injury.
  7. Dan Patrick was actually kinda' funny last night on the NBC pregame highlights show. When they showed a long Maurice Jones-Drew run, Patrick starts shouting-singing.. "Mr. MOJO RISIN'"... Anyway, he had a bunch of those... good to see he doesn't take himself too seriously.
  8. Funny how people can listen to the announcers and get a totally different vibe. I thought Tasker was slanted a bit towards the Bills yesterday. He agreed with nearly every call against Cinci, disagreed with some of the calls against Buffalo....continuously ripped on Palmer ignoring Ochocinco and some of their play calling.... He was kind of pumping up the Bills whenever he got a chance. I thought Tasker was very fair and did a good job.
  9. Take a similar player like Austin Collie...who may have gotten concussed again over the weekend. I mean his career is at stake now b/c he takes some big hits after receptions. Our man Stevie, catches the ball in traffic and kinda' goes in slide mode when he's about to get drilled. I personally think its brilliant. What a brutal position it is to play and Stevie knows when to get the 1st down and get out of harms way.
  10. I'm thinking the Bills win two of their final six games to finish 4-12. That would put them drafting somewhere in the #4-#7 range, i think? I just hope they can knock off the Pats for one of those wins and end that stupid streak.
  11. I agree about the short memory. That is something that should not be taken for granted. This is the exact mentality that Kelly had and Favre for that matter. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it will kill you. You just hope in the end that the positive plays (3rd down conversions, TD's, etc,)..outweigh the negative plays. It's a whole lot better than other QB's we've seen who go into a conservative shell with each INT. Also, Gailey seems to be a gunslinger as well. Against the Chiefs and Bears he was not conservative at all late in the games while going for the win.
  12. you realize just how much Chan loves this guy and his ability to direct the offense on the field. I don't think we (fans) have any appreciation for the intricacies involved in being a successful QB and identifying coverages, calling out protection schemes, finding the "hot" receiver, etc..., let alone putting the ball in there. I think whatever rookie QB gets drafted by the Bills, he is gonna have an awful tough time earning the trust and faith of Gailey like Fitz has. I see Fitz being the starter here next season and probably longer (assuming Gailey is here).
  13. ...and both were shut out this week as starters. Just makes you appreciate Fitz even more.
  14. What is a reasonable number of subpar games for a QB in a 16 game season? Really. I know Brady, Manning, brees, Ben, Rivers, etc don't have 16 great games a year. What is a fair number to compare Fitz to?
  15. I've lost a lot of respect for Bulldog and Schopp today. (not that i had much to begin with!). They are bringing negativity to a day when our QB has a fabulous day, after a not so great start. The franchise QB, Palmer, had a great start and a bad ending. it happens. All QBs don't play awesome for 4 Qtrs. Fitz is clearly a starting level QB in the NFL and these guys act like he's John Beck...3rd stringer that happens to be having a decent year. Trent Edwards never did one eighth in his career of what Fitz has done in 8 games.
  16. Yeahhhh!! Wooooooooo!!! I love Fitz, Stevie, Fred, Chan, Florence, Kelsay, Poz, Wilson....all with awesome games today.... everyone played BIG in that 2nd half/ This team is gonna screw up someones playoff run
  17. People that dog Mallet are ridiculous IMO. The Guy puts up great numbers in the best conference in the country. He can make all the throws and actually has quicker feet in the pocket than we think. I'd be thrilled if Buffalo got Mallet or Luck.
  18. Here's an article that talks about Harbaugh probably leaving Stanford sooner than later.... http://www.mercurynews.com/sports/ci_16653442?nclick_check=1
  19. Yeah, I listen to that show sometimes.. Chad Dukes can get a little crazy. They teamed him up with Lavar Arrington to be his sidekick but Dukes is more interesting to listen to than Lavar (who seems like a big goof sometimes). Anyway, his rant has gotten alot of publicity. This morning they had Chris Cooley on and he listened to the rant and totally agreed with it...even as a player.
  20. I've been wanting Mallett for 2 years now so I'm not stressing over whether Carolina takes Luck or not. Whatever happens, happens. I'm even rooting for the Bills to win their last seven games....is that crazy or what?!?
  21. If Locker is even in the conversation of the Buffalo Bills 2011 draft, then I'm giving back my fan card. I don't even want that guy in the discussion, ever!
  22. Lot's of empty seats all over the league this year...so Buffalo does not look so bad in that regard. I think even Tampa had only 44,000 last weekend on a beautiful day and they are a division title contender.
  23. The Stand up sit down thing with Lee was hilarious. Those guys are just as superstitious as i am at home...ha ha. Crazy that Detroit made like 5 clutch plays on that last drive and finally the Bills got em on the 2 pt conversion. Seems like Fitz and the boys would have been severely demoralized if Detroit had tied it up.
  24. I agree. Hope that scenario plays out. I've watched Locker play at least 6 times and I'm still waiting to be impressed. Either he bails out and runs or throws a very short out pass and misses quite often. I'd take Mallett in a heartbeat if Luck is unattainable.
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