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Everything posted by Nextmanup

  1. This analogy has been made at least 2 or 3 times this past week on Schopp and Bulldog on GR-55. Bulldog suggested Mahomes vs. Burrow feels like Brady vs. Manning, and Allen is Roethlisberger...or maybe even Rivers, as you suggest. What concerns me is that Josh's game is at its best when he's a little out of control and living in the moment, doing crazy things with success on the field. That's not sustainable and repeatable week in and week out. And sure enough, look at the inconsistencies in his game....
  2. Of course comparing this regime to past ones is stupid! But good luck enjoying those 50+ Super Bowl victories before you die. You must be young. Wait a while! Soon you'll be begging for one before you die too. 😂
  3. A penis found in the parking lot of a gas station. That's nice.
  4. Never saw any of this in my high school hockey playing career. I graduated in 1989. This stuff grows worse and worse around the country all the time now, apparently. People scare the crap out of me.
  5. I continue to hear from "experts" who talk about this stuff for a living that Edmunds is going to get north of $15 million per, and it might even be $17 or $18 million! I pray to God we don't re-sign him. Any FAST LB can slot into that role in our system and achieve similar results.
  6. Not sure what you mean by this. Why are you glad he didn't fire Frazier? Because it takes away that scapegoat for McDermott and allows pressure and heat to build on him specifically going forward? Or is just that you think Frazier is a good DC?
  7. I agree, but can't we all agree on something? The consensus around the league and among NFL fans, for quite a long time prior to the current era, was that the "best of all time" was Joe Montana. He had that mystique as a multi-SB winer, the guy who could always mount the last second comeback, and was very calm and smooth under pressure. Like during the Bills SB era and later, people talked of Montana as the non plus ultra of quarterbacks. Then a whole bunch of really good ones emerged and now it's more of a conversation.
  8. Dan Marino is probably the best pure passer of all time! Dude was miles ahead of Jim Kelly.
  9. On some interview I saw years ago, he straight up said that if it wasn't for his wife, he would have been dead some time in his 20s (I think). May have been slightly later than that. He was lying around passed out drunk for days in an apartment (I think in LA) with empty pizza boxes on the floor and for some reason, his wife took interest in him and kept him going.
  10. Sounds like your "Sabres fan friends" aren't really Sabres fans. Which is perfectly fine! But I think almost everyone actually interested in NHL hockey and the Sabres are back and have been so for a long time. Some of us never left, as ugly as it was! Downtown Buffalo was a ghost town at noon on work days when I was down there wandering around every day working in the mid '90s. And it was nothing new then. WNY is a community of little rural towns and suburbs. Amherst has been bigger than Buffalo for a long time. I'm sure some are hurting, others are not; I don't think it's a money problem. It's an interest problem and a trust problem. Pegula has been the most inept owner in the NHL for a very long time and that has done a lot of damage.
  11. What is this, the never-ending Tony Romo hate thread? Just what this place needs!
  12. The NFL would grant exclusive rights to sleep with its mother if the price was high enough.
  13. There is almost no basis for a comparison between the two. Totally different quarterbacks. The guy playing in Cincinnati is a much better comp for Brady.
  14. Quite possible! And the same fans who are mocking and laughing at your response NOW are the ones who said we beat the Bengals by double digits in our recent playoff game. I.E., clueless.
  15. Brady isn't out of this thing either. They were talking about his situation this morning on the radio with Howard Simon. The conclusion was (for what it's worth) that his agent is likely seeking out San Fran (home town team) and Miami (where his family lives now) and asking "Do you want Tom?" If the answer is "NO" at both places, he quietly remains retired and that's that. If either says "yes" that's where he goes. Brady in Miami and Rodgers in NJ are enough to make me question if we win the division next year. Let's hope NONE OF THIS HAPPENS.
  16. Perhaps this is slightly off-topic, but if we are to assume that he means it this time, it's a matter of time before this guy shows up on Sundays commenting on football games. I don't know if they want to use him as a color guy calling games, or if he'd be more of a studio host. One thing is for sure, I literally can't listen to that guy's whiny voice and I will absolutely actively turn the channel to avoid the guy--unless he's calling a Bills game. At which point I'll turn the volume off and listen to WGR-550, with a time synch problem! I don't care. I just can't listen to that guy---he does these car rental commercials and you can't avoid the guy---I can't stand him!
  17. I don't understand the obsession of Bills fans in drawing parallels of this regime to that of the Super Bowl teams. They are completely different groups of people, involved in their own time lines, in differing eras of the sport, separated by 30 years. One has zero relevance to the other one. Can a few similarities be found? Sure, they are playing football after all. Can you find lots of discrepancies? Yep. Does ANYTHING the Kelly/Thomas/Smith Bills did have ANYTHING to do with this team? NOPE.
  18. Shaw, you use a lot of words here to basically rationalize the Bengals loss as simply the outcome of one game. A single one-on-one matchup that didn't quite happen to fall our way. Compared to a large sample size, this is trivial and the big picture is that we are still a great team. You effectively seem to think the Bengals game is useless in deterring future success of the Bills. You aren't alone with this idea. Most Bills fans right now fall into either your camp, or my camp... My theory is that sure, you can look at the Bengals loss in this way. Or you can look a bit deeper and realize that we weren't simply bested on a single day in a single outcome. We were out-classed by a superior team with superior coaching/coordination. Play the game another 9 times for 10 total, and I think the Bills win maybe 1 or 2 tops. Are the Bills going to be a 5 win team next year? Do we need to be totally reconstructed? No, of course not. I am predicting a slight regression for next year, but we'll win a lot of games and make the playoffs again. And when push comes to shove, and we have to beat the best teams with the best coaching in playoff football, most likely on the road, we'll lose again. Once this happens enough, people are going to start to agree: "Hey, maybe it's the coach." Remember, our roster is a product of our coach and his dated, defensive approach to the game. It's not just about coaching, though when it comes to that, he's average in in-game circumstances. If it makes you feel better to dismiss another lost season down to a single day that didn't go our way, what can I say? Wait a while. See how it plays out. At some point, you'll be switching to the other camp. As I have now mentioned for the third off-season in a row, you would think at some point, Pegula is going to have to ask himself if what we have is good enough. This won't be the offseason for that question (again), but the day is hopefully coming.
  19. I would certainly hope so, depending on how the future plays out. Are you suggesting McDermott is here forever, based on what he's done so far? God, I hope not. Unless he starts winning championships, or shows that we are close. We've regressed the last 2 seasons and next year is going to be a bit worse.
  20. Terrible game tonight, and now TT is hurt. Good time for the break.
  21. HELL YES! I'm not sure why fans are expecting the people who run this franchise to suddenly change who they are this off-season however. I hope they do! They'll probably take a DT with our first pick.
  22. Every time I am reminded of this game, I wince in pain a little. I hate this idea and a Bills game at 9:00am or whatever is going to suck. I'm usually not even awake at that time on a Sunday!
  23. Miami had massive QB problems and the Jets kind of ran out of gas at the end of the year; both are beyond "up and coming"...they are pretty much here. The Jets need a QB and Tua needs to stay healthy. The Jets in particular are a bad matchup for us and we could easily lose to both teams next season.
  24. It feels like Dahlin has been around a long time because he has! Dude was starting in the National league as an 18 year old, and has now played 325 games! What I get excited about is Owen Power, who is WAY ahead of Dahlin's development level at a similar stage, though the team he is working with is much better than the one Dahlin had and we have eternally better coaching now too. I am hoping the building will be full tonight as it's the last game for quite a long time. I have no idea why people living in WNY are still staying away from the building. We have one of the most exciting teams in the league and play a wildly exciting brand of hockey. Avoiding that place made all the sense in the world for the last decade, but not now!
  25. Not sure why fans are so willing to be patient with a 7 figure salary earner at this level. If he can't do it NOW, get him the hell out of there and find someone who can.
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