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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. No dummy, not for any historic issues of the past. As a society we moved on long ago, and the vast majority of Americans are not racist. That truth doesn’t garner votes for radical policies, nor does it foster brainwashing of Caucasians through the education system. True, wrong word. It’s tough to be “ caught “ doing something so obvious that everyone knows it.
  2. I’ll agree on the racial divide, and the msm is making it far worse. Most people in America are not racist and want to get along . it’s also a cultural thing with the prison population regardless of race. You earn huge points in jail harming or killing a cop.
  3. I agree with both your statements. This is because it’s the truth. Truth has all too often become irrelevant. She’s an ex cop, so if she gets jail time, she should absolutely not be in general pop and she won’t be. She doesn’t deserve to be physically harmed for her error., and putting her in general pop would all but guarantee this.
  4. From what I understand about Minnesota law, this sounds about right. She was definitely negligent. 10 years is on the extreme end and I would hope she doesn’t get that. The video speaks to a lower number imo. Having an outstanding warrant for an illegal handgun would lead to such a situation, though. Never happens ? You are woke beyond repair. Racism at every turn is all you see.
  5. To a lib, only the most superficial things about us matter. Namely, how we look. So what the Court looks like matters more than what they are there to do. Plus, they don’t like the Conservative majority so they want to change the rules and just add judges. They want judges to tear up the Constitution, not adhere to it. See the pattern? Don’t like the outcome of elections ? Change the rules to allow easy cheating. Don’t like the definition of a word? Change it. Don’t like the gender you were born as ? Change it ! Don’t like White people ? Teach them to hate themselves by forcing critical race theory curricula into schools. It never ends.
  6. Exactly. Sadly, common sense isn’t found in Tibs. Oh well. This was clearly a tragic error by the Officer involved, she meant to tase the individual. She will be found liable on several levels. He shouldn’t have attempted to flee ( he’d still be alive today) but he didn’t deserve to die for his actions either. See, common sense. It’s become rare in America today.
  7. Incentivizing players to get vaccinated sounds fine. I do not believe they should be mandated to get it, and don’t think they will be. I don’t know if staff etc are unionized so maybe they will be required or they already are ?
  8. Do you remember the names of any of the hundreds of Caucasians shot by Police last year ? Hispanics ? I didn’t think so because they are almost never publicized unless it’s around a lib narrative such as “ gun control”. Some folks comply better than others, or don’t make sudden movements etc. Cops today have to assume a suspect is armed, so compliance is key. Cherry picked examples and a huge lib narrative have so many folks fooled into an uproar. Wouldn’t it be great if people were so concerned about the violent crimes that happen every single day in cities across the nation? If they spoke out against criminals ? In recent times we have seen small children killed by gunfire while sitting on the porch of a grandparents home, and a high school graduate gunned down in cold blood. Probably by someone he knew or was familiar with. That’s just in Chicago, and similar things happen daily. Folks go on their merry way, ignorant of reality. If a Cop has to discharge their weapon though, it’s “ outrageous” even when the details come out and it was a justified shoot. Occasionally , it is not. We have a legal system for that. Sad , sad state of American ignorance.
  9. The feel may be similar, but not the look. Her eyes were probably on the subject and not her weapon. She clearly yelled tase. No evidence she knew she had drawn the gun. Seems like error.
  10. The public reaction is influenced by the coverage. It’s often deliberately misleading to create the reaction. For political agenda purposes and because it draws viewers. Mainstream public reaction is often wrong imo. Yes, when you have a minute or two to size up a subject and a situation, street smarts and experience are vitally important. Its tough to tell with drug crimes, because they’re easily concealed. Per capita, there may be fewer in Elma but not necessarily. Lots of folks use recreational drugs these days. People from all kinds of backgrounds and socio economic strata. If the subject is careful, they can easily avoid being caught. Let’s take a subject in a vehicle, for example. If they’ve got no issues with the car from a legal standpoint ( clean tags mounted properly, proper inspection/ registration, no lights out etc they’re unlikely to be noticed unless they’re speeding. If they live in a town like Elma with low levels of street crime or a town without a large force they’re also unlikely to come in close contact with a cop. Some subjects take great care to conceal any trace of their drug use, especially in a vehicle. Other folks aren’t nearly as careful. New Marijuana laws will have a large effect on this going forward as well. Many gun charges originate with a simple traffic stop, leading to a search due to the smell of marijuana. Handgun issues are going to get worse and murders in the city will continue to rise as a result.
  11. What the mainstream media doesn’t report is more important than what they do. I’ve yet to see major coverage on a Caucasian shot ( though I admit my dabbles with msm are now limited to occasional local news shows. Gave up on the rest awhile ago but I would hear about it elsewhere if it was covered. Usually limited to specific scenarios Example : the Denver shooting story went away quickly when they determined the shooter wasn’t white. Same with the driver that killed the Capitol officer. Remember, Tim McVeigh was apprehended they a simple traffic stop. Unconscious bias: yeah no. Everyone analyzes situations and their surroundings. As a general rule, I let someone prove to me that they’re an A@&hole before I assume they are one A crime ridden neighborhood is just what it sounds like. If you deployed a huge number of Cops to Elma you’d have very little to keep them busy. Maybe a few more speeding tickets than usual but that’s small potatoes. When was the last drive by shooting in Elma? The last gang involved murder? Well of course it is, but I’ve yet to see a subject cuff themselves. Some things just require physical contact. A confrontational subject that needs to be subdued should be handled by means that don’t often result in an injured officer. Like a taser
  12. Well, most departments procedure will call for using other methods before putting an officers hands on an individual . Physical man on man contact is a last resort. The taser was called for here once the subject decided to resist arrest. He’d certainly be alive today if he hadn’t. Tasers can look and feel very similar to a service weapon, and this type of errror is not the first of its kind. As for fear, it’s unwarranted. If the subject complies, there is almost no chance of harm. Fear is stoked by media activism and politicians with radical agendas, not grounded in reality. Arrests occur without inflicted harm every single day
  13. The anti cop attitude is definitely being fostered by the biased media and their activism / political agenda. People from some cultural backgrounds tend to go along with it more than others . Anecdotal evidence about getting a ride home from a cop means zilch. Folks in cities have probably had that happen too. How one interacts with a cop can influence how things go on occasion. Unconscious bias is the new buzzword, but it’s another lie. There is something we used to call “ street smarts” and cops need to use it for sure. Ask folks in crime ridden neighborhoods who had a child, grandchild etc fall prey to a criminal with a handgun that’s waiting for an arrest and justice for their family if their area is “ overpoliced “.
  14. Not surprised at this latest bit from Veritas. Is anyone really shocked that is what CNN was/ is doing ? So obvious to anyone paying attention. CNN is not news, they’re propaganda.
  15. The trouble with your analysis is thinking the real world works according to “ the numbers” . Numbers don’t account for cultural differences between demographic groups. Numbers don’t commit crimes, nor do they respond to interactions with police in different ways. They’re just numbers. Certain groups commit more crimes, so data will be skewed certain ways because of that. Expecting things to play out relative to population makeup is seriously flawed.
  16. Yep, and they’re never covered by the media. Doesn’t fit the narrative. I’m not personally outraged or offended when a Caucasian is shot by a cop either. It’s a total joke , the only thing that matters now is racial background of a suspect. It’s just stupid.
  17. Oh Chauvin is guilty of something . Just not sure what
  18. Hey, hasnt it been established that showing proof or a document is now “ racist” ? How could Poloncarz and the rest of the County cronies have overlooked this? I expect to hear calls for boycotts any minute now.
  19. There’s video of Floyd being arrested last year where he said the same thing about can’t breath or whatever. As for the Cops, you think I’m lying? They’ve told me these examples personally and were very concerned for the women involved. Most Cops are good and want to help.
  20. Lots of “ free “ government money being pumped into the system of certain “ chosen winners” . Market will follow the money but very bad for taxpaying Americans
  21. That will never happen due to liberal Dems. Heck I know Cops that had to leave the scene of a domestic doing absolutely nothing because of bail reform even though they were concerned the individual was going to beat or even kill their spouse/ girlfriend etc.
  22. We have laws restricting guns already. There is a procedure to follow. Law abiding citizens follow them. I’m fine with certain offenders not being allowed to possess weapons. These laws already exist. The NRA doesn’t make law.
  23. Laws to get rid of illegal guns? Hmmmm is that like laws to stop illegal murders? Seems redundant at best.
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