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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. Ahhhh yes, the resident moron at Fox. Everything that comes out of his mouth is pure liberal nonsense. I wonder how he says those things with a straight face. I cringe when he’s on.
  2. New York continues with its Covid insanity. Lord Cuomo ( how is this clown still in office? ) announced yesterday that there will be two sections at Sahlens field: one for the good vaccinated people ( I’m fully vaccinated btw) and one for the bad unwashed folk. Separate, but equal as they both still have the “ privilege “ of being required to wear a Fauci face diaper! What is wrong with NYers that they continue this moronic mask compliance? What does this mean for Bills games? No one should be masking at this point if vaccinated, and probably even if you’re not. Dems just can’t let go of their outrageous power grabs.
  3. Yep. We all know Buffalo gas prices are never at or below national average.
  4. It’s just the beginning.....Get ready for lots of Biden induced pain.... it gonna be a “ dark summer”
  5. Love it!!! We need more of these. One for every 25 miles of highway. Call it “ infrastructure”.
  6. TH3 is another dummy. The Dems are now governing as if they have a far left mandate from the American people because of 40k or so ( probably fake) paper ballots in a couple swing states. They are ramming bad policy after bad policy through with no Republican input or support. There is no compromise or moderation. They’ve said they want to “ go big”. So this misguided and doomed to fail policy choice is somehow the Republicans fault ? What a joke. The Republicans may as well not even be there for all the attention paid to them by Dems. Dems only care about absolute power in perpetuity, and are trying to create government dependency to get it.
  7. Buybacks don’t work. Theyllget some guns sitting around in basements and buried in closets. Thugs don’t turn their guns in. Another failed lefty idea. They just don’t understand how things work in the real world.
  8. Not surprising that “ squad” members are supporting the terrorist organization here. It’s in their DNA.
  9. Yep, standard lib response. Ignore reality, just make up your own ! Remember, the Dems goal is to prolong Covid, destroy the economy, get lots of middle class folks dependent on government dollars, rewrite election law and ultimately control the “ little people”. If they dare to speak out, cancel them, put them in jail etc etc.
  10. We predicted all of this because Democrat policies are awful. Now the Biden (Pelosi, AOC, Schumer) admin’s answer to the brewing gas crisis is “ well if you had an electric car....” what a joke having these morons in charge. A lot of dumb people voting for them plus the cheating and this is what we get.
  11. Sad. I’m sure their won’t be any public outcry, protests, and certainly not looting over this. What a screwed up value system the left has created in this country.
  12. Now, that Governor character is a real dummy. Some start out poor but no one has to remain poor, that’s the beauty of America. No one needs to be a mom with kids who doesn’t want to be.
  13. I DVR Tucker’s show 5 days a week. In today’s toxic propaganda lamestream media environment, it’s an oasis of sensibility. It’s a top rated show for a reason. Anti American activists posing as journalists on the LSM are an embarrassment and a huge threat to our country. Feeble minded sheep believe what they say on CNN, MSDNC, and the big 3 et al, not to mention the lib controlled social media. Thank goodness for Fox News and Tucker Carlson.
  14. The poll is pretty silly on its face. Supporting America and supporting Trump are not mutually exclusive, rather they are intertwined for many. Trumps policies were pro America, so in turn we supported Trump. I’d venture most still do. This is the definition of a lib “ troll poll”.
  15. I fuggin’ love watching Tucker Carlson.
  16. Heard the ABC news brief story about incident this AM. Of course, no mention of the race of the shooter ( or the victim) which means one thing. The shooter was not white. We can probably also assume the racial background of the victim. They were sure to include that the shooter “ intended t to shoot his brother “. Guess that makes it okay then. Having our media controlled by libs and staffed by lib “ journalists” is downright awful. Works for me. I’m pretty sure these girls won’t be shooting children in the streets of NY city.
  17. No vaccine is 100% effective. There will always be a small percentage of outliers for whom it is not. However, that fact should not override personal freedom. Still not affecting vaccinated people, as I cannot be considered vaccinated if the vaccine doesn’t work for me, for example.
  18. To be fair , most everything he says publicly could be in that thread. I can’t recall any truthful statement he’s made. Amazing how unquestioning the media is of his lies. They don’t even consider questioning policy.
  19. They’re upset because he’s part of the one one thousandth of 1% or something like that. . It’s outrageous! The man is too successful!
  20. Dem states just now getting around to a kind of sort of reopening , while FLA , et al have been chugging along for months already. Libs too worried about how much freedom they’ll “ allow” to worry about the economy. Paid 0.80 more per gallon of gas today than I did in October. Only going to go higher.
  21. So Russians changed US votes electronically or stuffed the ballot box with solicited absentee ballots or something? If not, zero to do with anything in 2016.
  22. It would be put into effect by fiat, enforced strictly through punitive government measures to ensure no “ cheating”. Meanwhile, making it easier to cheat in elections will be encouraged. Democrats know what is best for the little people.
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