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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. I loved Trump, but I could be okay with a moderate. The Dems could have nominated a moderate and chose not to. I’d likely still have voted for Trump but I’m sure some wouldn’t have. The Democrat party can’t be any further from moderate than they are today. I love Tucker’s show, but somehow I doubt if he’s a moderate. Maybe he was moderate back then, but came to his senses.
  2. But entertainment shows ( such as football games) are supposed to be. I’ll agree they have a right to protest....on their own time. When they’re working, I.e. in uniform, in the workplace ( the stadium) and on TV they don’t have such an unfettered right. Neither do you nor I. Anyway, this thread is about the Chauvin trial, not anthem protests.
  3. Why would they kneel ? Your whole premise is silly, but yes I ( and many others) would have a problem with any player of any background kneeling during the anthem.
  4. One of the most idiotic posts I’ve seen in some time....even from you. Extra judicial whateverthellyourecallingit is a bunch of nonsense. It’s not normalized by any means, in fact it happens a very small percentage of the time. Around a thousand Police involved shootings in a given year.. out of millions of police calls, in a country of 300million plus. It’s not all that common, and when it happens it’s almost always a justified use of force. Moore subjects are white than black or other minority. Police are indemnified in the use of (deadly) physical force because of the violent criminals they face every day, manny of which will try to kill Police officers. It’s not perfect, but nothing is 100%. Comparing looting and burning of cities and business in response to a crime by an individual is never acceptable. Comparing it to a protest due to unheard of , unscrupulous changes to election policy in order to facilitate cheating through unverifiable unrequested paper ballots :a crime against America and the integrity of our election system is patently absurd. If we don’t protest that, we are no better than despotic Communist outposts
  5. It was included in an entertainment program, but it didn’t entertain me. Many fans didn’t like it. Sports needs fans to exist. Not too hard to figure out.
  6. We do like free speech for everyone but it doesn’t mean we cannot disagree with the opinion. We might not agree with LeBrons idiotic tweets, but we don’t think he should be banned from twitter. As consumers of an entertainment product, why should we watch a protest we disagree with mixed in with it ? Do it with your own time, not on company time. Most of us would be fine with just not playing the anthem, but that’s not what was done. It’s always dicey when you try to put politics into people’s entertainment. This wasn’t a free speech issue as much as a “ do you have free speech when on the job issue . When lies are perpetrated by the media such as the GA election bill, or when a Marxist organization uses a phony moniker ( they only matter some of the time) we call it out. Free speech is great, but it’s not free from reaction by others. Minorities have the same free speech rights as anyone else. Probably more than anyone else right now. You’re confusing freedom of speech with everyone else having to agree with your opinion.
  7. I predict rioting, regardless of the verdict. The liberal msm media will applaud it , saying it’s justified. Just saw that Minnesota was the only state that went for Mondale vs Reagan. Man, they’ve been incredibly dumb there for a very long time. That won’t change today. Minny will burn.
  8. Understood. I didn’t mean to imply you agreed with my take on Trump. Just the part that it’s very early. Too early to assume everything will be great under Biden’s policies.
  9. BilStime is a special breed of foolish. Republicans are not making it easier to get guns. It’s fine the way it is. As for voting, what’s so hard about showing an ID? Everyone does it for lots of things already. We know voter fraud occurred and does so often when all means of verification are stripped away and mass mailed unrequested ballots are stuffed into unwatched “ drop boxes”. It so easy to dismiss the possibility of large scale cheating as unproven while not allowing verification. It’s dumb to assume otherwise. Libs are so concerned about cheating in every other area , but can’t imagine a political party or voter would consider cheating. No way !
  10. Exactly. Trump is right, just give it time. Biden is well on his way to sowing the seeds of failure. It’s a big job, but I’m confident he’ll succeed in his quest to destroy the greatest country in history.
  11. He doesn’t see many things for what they actually are; that’s clear by now to anyone paying attention. He doesn’t see illegals flooding in through the southern border as a crisis, lots of things that aren’t infrastructure are now really infrastructure , ID is equivalent to Jim Crow, etc etc. The man is a bumbling fool.
  12. I’m sure he’d prefer that 98% of the media simply told the truth, rather than pushing a false (lib ) narrative.
  13. Spot on. Carlson shows the stories that the msm doesn’t touch, and exposes the lies in the ones they do. He’s the opposite of Donny L. I’m always baffled when people say they are one and the same.
  14. Wow, the moron weighs in , hoping for the “ right” verdict ? There’s a ight and wrong verdict now, regardless of what the jury decides was proven in a court of law ? What a complete joke of a President.
  15. No, they would not. This sums up where the American way of life is being lost. Great example , B Man.
  16. The threat of “ trespassing “ by America citizens ! Whoa how awful ! No one claimed OUR Democracy IS a fraud, but rather that unscrupulous operative operatives ( Democrat’s ) lifted many rules and sent out mass amounts of unverifiable paper ballots to defraud our election. Fascists would make you wear a mask. Republicans would leave it up to the individual. Amazing so so many people would want to come to such a “ racist “ country. Must not be for the freedom, but the “ free stuff” .
  17. This is the problem. The currently popular “ dim view” of America being pushed by the toxic liberal media ( only 3 outlets remain today that aren’t owned by liberal activists and staffed accordingly with activists , not journalists. In their eyes, you have too much , are too racist, and not accepting enough of “ special rights” for protected classes such as LBGTQ, minorities other than Asians( they are too successful and must be kept out of schools) and don’t give enough of your money to the government. You must yield your individual freedom to the “ greater good” and wear a face diaper everywhere you go. You must be punished, cancelled, doxed, and be subjected to offensive “ training” to be “ reprogrammed” because of your unworthiness. It’s literally the Chinese revolution happening right here, in front of our eyes. The American way of life is individualism, with low taxes and little government interference. The belief that most people are inherently good. That Americans are generous , but rules should be followed. Today, a more sinister narrative is being pushed. That we are inherently bad as a people and a Nation. Pushed to reshape America into the land of equal outcomes, not of opportunity. That is for all , except the privileged elite ruling class who will have far more than everyone else. Scary times indeed. What’s that old saying about being a Republic .... IF we can keep it ?
  18. Wow, this Minnesota Governor is a real POS
  19. He’s a national embarrassment, to use his own phrase.
  20. It’s from the left. Entire cities are burned and lawlessness runs amok to the delight of liberal Dems drunk on their power.
  21. The power of the liberal media is huge. They’ve effectively reduced the National IQ in a huge way. Venue should probably have been changed in this case.
  22. You mean the Democrat plantation that has been detrimental to them over the years? You really don’t believe in freewill or the power of the individual, do you? BLM does a lot of things, but fighting actual racism isn’t one of them. Out of great respect for MLK, he really shouldn’t be mentioned in any discussion of BLM.
  23. One cannot be tainted by the evidence: it ALL must be considered. Rather , the jurors are tainted through the lack of sequestration and the city of Minneapolis paying money out in a settlement before the trial. Strong action should have been taken to lessen or eliminate or greatly reduce effect from that. It wasn’t.
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