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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. So mandate a vaccine for a virus that is fatal to a fraction of a percentage point of those infected ? Complete lunacy. Only a liberal could see this as sensible. Currently around 30% of US is vaccinated and demand is slowing down in a big way. It can’t be only / mostly Republicans not interested in getting vaccinated. It’s simple: if you’re in a high risk group you should probably get the shot. Otherwise, strictly a personal choice. Stay in shape and get some vitamin D. Eat better.
  2. Well, this will free up more time to investigate the murders and shootings that continue to rise in our nations cities. Especially black on black crime. You know, the stuff the left never wants to have an “ uncomfortable conversation “ about. How incredibly sad. Stark example of the putrid culture created by the left in America. It will certainly be our demise. Want to take advanced math? Sorry , that’s racist. You’ll take the same classes as the dummies that don’t want to do their schoolwork.
  3. Any of us who voted for Donald Trump knew this was going to happen if Biden were to attain the Presidency. Schumer, Sanders, Pelosi, AOC radical policies would be implemented. The results are already devastating and obvious. The worst is yet to come. I had to laugh as I glanced for a moment at a Buffalo News article yesterday- I would never buy that paper again and haven’t in over a year, but a copy was in the break room at work. The “ news article” blamed all these inflationary forces on things like Covid, global warming , and Donald Trump tariffs! What a joke! No wonder so many misinformed, foolish libs walking around these parts. They’re spoon fed propaganda at every turn from school through adulthood.
  4. No, elections won’t be cancelled or postponed. That was never going to happen, but rather a response to Dems whining that voting was “ unsafe” because of Covid. Election security is huge going forward ,however. Your scenarios seem far fetched, but if Dems continue on their destructive path anything could happen. If freedom isn’t worth fighting for, what is? Sadly, many Americans have been indoctrinated in the ways of socialism, even communism. Covid revealed a lot. Not nearly enough protests against government overreach and cancelling of freedoms. Lots of anti cop , anti white protests. Disturbing times indeed.
  5. Neither of your statements is exactly true the way you worded it. We are a Democratic Republic, not a pure democracy. Your second statement is closer to the truth, but the military and medical community weren’t directly involved. The election was severely compromised by unverifiable unrequested paper ballots and unthinkable last minute court decisions unheard of in any prior election. Only around 40,000 or so votes in a couple of states made the difference. These were likely unverified paper ballots cranked out en masse by Democrat operatives. It should never have been allowed, but we’re stuck with it. The media applauded it and convinced many Americans that it was just fine. Dems / libs actively control 98% of US media and social media, now even censoring Conservative opinions as “ disinformation “ or inciting violence. Any disagreement from anyone is “ anti -science” “ racist” etc. Pure Communist stuff, and their current shaming of white people is a direct parallel to the Chinese social revolution. The medical community may lean left, but scientists/ doctors shouldn’t be deciding which American freedoms are acceptable or necessary. Democrats / libs think they should. Our people are born with freedoms; they are not granted by any legislative body or government. Certainly not by scientists or medical professionals. As Ben Franklin said “ anyone who would give up liberty in exchange for temporary safety deserves neither liberty, nor safety. America as we know it is being dragged into an abyss by Democrat politicians and left wing anarchists.
  6. She’s a RINO, never Trumper and a turd. Her “ truth” is CNN.
  7. Blah, blah, blah. Eating is much more satisfying when the entree is meat based. Besides, if we weren’t supposed to eat animals, why’d they make em out of meat ?
  8. Bravo! You’re going to need it in Biden’s America. Look at the armed BLM “ protests” in Louisville accosting outdoor diners. Coming soon to outdoor restaurant seating near you !
  9. Anyone see the actual racism seething from that woman in CA who was pulled over by a Deputy for using her cellphone while driving and caught on body cam ? THAT’S where the real racism is today. Anti white ( and anti cop) liberals.
  10. Just over 40,000 “ votes” ( probably on unverifiable paper ballots” in two states are the reason President Trump is not protecting our democracy from the liberal mob. It’s far less than instances of credit card fraud etc but it has a HUGE impact on our freedom. It’s essential to have election security so this never happens again
  11. It’s simple. If 3/4 of children of any ethnicity are in single parent households, it’s because people of that background are A having babies B not getting married or cohabitating. As for a reason for any race falling behind in income or exceeding others maybe we should all look to those of Asian descent. They’re kicking everyone’s a$$$ in the income category. We could all probably learn something from their culture. Or maybe if you’re a liberal , we should find ways to hold them back from their exceptional achievement because , you know , equity.
  12. Oh, I disagree. Your willingness to accept cheating / making it easier to cheat is a much greater threat to the republic. It’s just so obvious. As soon as Dems began flooding the system with unrequested paper ballots my faith in the sanctity of our election was shaken. Election security is essential to keeping our republic.
  13. I listen to all points of view as well. That’s how I know I hate liberals.
  14. Well, lets start with the fact your entire premise is a lie. He did nothing of the sort; not even close. As for the election, when the Dems flooded the system with unverifiable paper ballots, it was anything but fair. As for your question, that’s a really easy one to answer. I can’t think of one thing I didn’t like about Trump and his policies. .Conversely, I can’t think of one thing that I like about Democrats/ Liberals.
  15. Again, polls are mostly bunk. They’re heavily skewed to libs, and announced as “ news “ to influence people on the fence. Propaganda. I wouldn’t be surprised if policies such as “ free stuff” are popular but it doesn’t make it good policy. A huge swath of America is pretty stupid. That’s part of why we have JoeBama in office.
  16. So dumb. Government shouldn’t mandate a flu shot. Wtf cares what political party they prefer ? Never should have shut anything down in the first place. Figures you’d support a totalitarian government. Look at your silly reasoning for coming here. It’s always had a conservative best because almost ALL MEDIA sources are owned and staffed by left wing activists ! We know those sources exist, but this is supposed to be an oasis of sensibility. Not an echo chamber necessarily , but free from the far left activism that is now ubiquitous in American life. If that weren’t true, there wouldn’t be a need for so many to come to this board. We could just watch the state -media controlled by the DNC. Folks like yourself are good to have around for an occasional laugh, but bring little to the table. What if Trump had mandated a vaccine for all ? Would you support that ? This should be personal choice. If you’re worried about Covid or have an unhealthy lifestyle, go get a shot. Otherwise, you may want to wait. Un -American to think otherwise.
  17. Ridiculous take. So you know that everyone complaining about the shutdowns are refusing to get vaccinated , and love Trump ? Well, I love Trump, have been vaccinated and am completely against shutdowns. Everything should be open now, with no government mandated mask requirements , period. While I recommend for people to get vaccinated, I totally understand if they don’t want to. Especially if it turns out to be a glorified flu shot, which it appears it may be. We don’t mandate flu shots to live normal, everyday life and we shouldn’t. We shouldn’t be wearing masks if we’re vaccinated either. Most will probably get the shot, but I don’t know if it will hit 60-75% range. Once everyone has had th chance to make their choice, that’s enough already. Choice should win out. A complaint from someone who doesn’t want to get this shot just yet is a legitimate complaint. This is still America after all. For now....
  18. Total BS. Another bunk “ poll” to influence opinion rather than reflect it. This one was of a whopping 500 people ( probably liberals or Covid terrified Biden voters) and we’re supposed to believe it’s reflective of a Nation of 330 million? Lol....funny how now pessimism is due to “ partisanship “. Couldn’t possibly be due to horrible policy ideas and the promotion of white hate and anti police sentiment by the Dems, could it ? What a total joke.
  19. Perhaps they should stop voting for that party. It hasn’t worked so well for them, according to your thoughts on their “plight”.
  20. So what ? I’d bet more of them have racist advantages such as a two parent home, or a family that stresses education as the ticket to the middle class. Every other ethnic group has figured this out, but Marxist organizations are opposed to the nuclear family. You reap what you sow.
  21. So showing ID is difficult? Most folks are used to showing ID for all sorts of things today; air travel, surgeries, hotel stays, even tobacco and alcohol purchases. It would be extremely racist to think most black folks don’t already do these things or are somehow less able to do so than others. If everyday security measures are appropriate for common activities, it’s certainly acceptable for National election security. Would you want remote unmonitored drop boxes used for say, a Union election? Unrequested mail- in ballots? Bezos and Amazon objected to those when their employees were voting on unionization. I wonder why ?
  22. He’s obviously not a moron, regardless of what you think about Trumps policies etc. He received more votes ( largely actual in person votes to boot) than any sitting President in history. When you are a political outsider , sent to DC by the “ little people” , the ruling class becomes enraged. The establishment elite; career politicians all with their hangers -on ( such as Fauci - he’s been around for 6 administrations or so ) look down on the middle class. As do the liberal elites in the media. They all colluded to ensure Donald Trump did not get a second term. They made unprecedented changes to the election rules allowing massive amounts of unverifiable paper ballots. Even though most Americans knew Trump brought us a booming economy, record low unemployment, energy independence etc etc, some fell for the Trojan horse “ moderate “ Biden and his radical agenda pushed by those who actually rule the Democrat party. Surprise! Socialism and radical lefty policies are on their way! In short , Trump isn’t the loser. It’s the American people. Get ready for energy shortages, huge inflation and unemployment to go with it. Hopefully, we’ll still have a country left when Trump runs again in 2024.
  23. No, I’m a realist. You really should try it. Sift through all the politically correct bs and see things for what they really are.
  24. Well deserved...Hollywood is just as bad as the activists masquerading as “ the media” these days.
  25. Then he wasn’t talking to you, get it? A President can’t get up there and panic the less intelligent among us. Idiots still bought up toilet paper at an amazing pace. People today are driving alone in cars all masked up. Our Moron in Chief was on a zoom meeting with world leaders while masked. Probably double masked! Pay attention to Joe if you want to see stupid in action.
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