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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. The Eagles need 2 full rosters just to keep up with the injuries. Their success, however limited, post Super Bowl is impressive with how banged up they've been. They might have even made it to the 2nd round last year if not for a clearly illegal helmet to helmet.
  2. Yea it's definitely very promising. Niagara County doesn't seem to have caught on to the rebuild, but this is a great start. I never thought id see Buffalo hold on to it's college graduates and see people excited to move back.
  3. A lot of residents don't understand the change either as they're locked into their low mortgage houses. With all of the colleges you would hope that eventually the higher paying jobs follow. Either way the housing market is primed to burst. I was very lucky to get hooked up with a military contractor, but the cost of living is much closer to the Capital region I left than what I expected
  4. I don't think it's them. There is a lot of revitalization happening not attributed to the Pegulas, they are moreso capitalizing on it. I was gone for 7 years and couldn't believe all the change in the inner and outer harbor. Not to mention Hertel is still really nice.
  5. The housing market is pretty out of control right now, some houses have doubled in price in just a few years. I know for a fact that they drastically underpay for IT positions with the expectation that the "prestige" is worth it. Overall I agree with the transit observation though.
  6. Great band name either way Of the 4 years I was stationed in Norfolk, that swamp burned at least 3 of the summers. Nice smell, terrible fishing.
  7. You have to be living under a rock to not have heard this for years. This isn't recent, companies caring about their losses from it are.
  8. I haven't seen this many people come together to disagree with a single poster since that Alabama guy told us Foster was the second coming.
  9. Telling people that an employee tested positive and naming that employee aren't the same thing. People shouldn't disclose medical information about other people.
  10. People better than Favre defraud people/states all the time. That being said, I doubt he knew where the money was coming from, but that much for nothing should've at least tipped him off. Even the beloved Rudy got caught scamming people.
  11. As long as he sets the edge it works. After Shaq it was hard to find anyone in position last year.
  12. There was a scout talking about how so many WR prospects had 2nd and 3rd round grades that a bunch would fall. Can't draft all of them, just a super deep year.
  13. It's the coach for them that I don't like. They could grab the whole 49s team and lose I think. I was impressed with Flores and they have a knack for bouncing back fast.
  14. I'd take anyone vs the Jets, but i think most Bill's fans have been sleeping through the Miami off-season. They made some really good pickups.
  15. He is awful and I doubt he even pushes Barkley. Anyone NFL backup worthy would've won a championship with those Georgia teams.
  16. 8 passes wasn't going to make that happen. That's all that separated them from the average. It's a problem, but so is he.
  17. There is just nothing to back this up. The same guy who didn't have enough information to draft a QB just happened to take over for the rest of it? Poyer and Hyde are just a few FA finds in the Whaley era and White would be the 3rd very good to great DB. He might have had input, but I doubt very much that McD ran that off-season on his own.
  18. CJ Mosely when healthy almost singlehandedly beat the Bills. That dude's a beast.
  19. Our special teams and offense is terrible. He is a very good defensive coordinator, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. There are major deficiencies in his game.
  20. Everyone wants a pass rusher until the other team literally runs around your out of position DE (Murphy and Hughes). I wonder if this means DE in the 1st.
  21. You mean until the penalties cost a game. He isn't exactly the most stable or team oriented player. Hopefully he just quietly improves our DB2, but chances are they grab someone else too.
  22. This to me would be a disaster. There are still many holes on this team that can be addressed, but I agree with you that his statements are off putting. I think the lack of urgency from the Sabres is bleeding over for me though.
  23. Don't sleep on the newer, bigger, more improved Kong. He is about to drop some elbows off the top rope.
  24. I think he showed good quickness out in front on rushes, but he is horrible at the snap and when backpedaling. He was consistently slower off the snap than anyone else. That's a big reason he was projected at guard. Keeping him at RT will only put more pressure on JA, who already has ball security issues.
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