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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Averaging more than 21 would be great. I'm not sure the offense is going to shut down all of those teams like this year. There are some real powerhouses.
  2. I wish the Bills could get on the receiving end of a Cowboys Vikings type trade. That really set them up for years.
  3. Mayfield definitely had an off year, but he looked pretty good against the Bills. I'm not sure how much of his struggles were him and how much was Kitchens.
  4. I hope he saw a way to not slip back into mediocrity. That team had a very good run, but it has largely underperformed in a division that sometimes allows a winner at .500. I don't think you have to be an aged out vet to be a leader, so hopefully they don't go that way.
  5. I don't understand your logic because the Pegula run team isn't exactly maxed out and yet you don't fault him. Now I'm not saying Ralph was out there making it rain, but to use that logic and somehow make Pegula seem like he isn't cheap doesn't make sense.
  6. Clearly you don't have to spend that money. There is more than enough cap space left to prove your point is incorrect. All of the teams make money, but I don't see any reason to believe the Bills are spending more especially when they are under the cap and neither the coach or GM are near the top salary wise. This shouldn't even be a hard decision for folks on this board. The Sabres are the worst they have ever been in franchise history since Pegula took over. There isn't even light at the end of the tunnel and need another rebuild just to look decent. The Bills with Ralph had long periods of success and even during the no playoff stretch there were still periods where they we close to being a playoff team.
  7. Terry has been great for adding to his holdings, but what in particular with the teams has been big investments? They haven't exactly broken the bank on GMs or coaches. The jersey debacle for the Sabres is just embarrassing and points to an out of touch owner.
  8. Sammy was solid the whole playoffs. Murphy wasn't great, Star is pushed sideways more often than not. He isn't plugging any gaps and he hasn't been anything other than average since his second season. I really haven't seen anything showing Barkley having a big influence and the same for Gore. Gore was terrible. Lee Smith is a penalty machine. Beasley, Smoke, Spain, and Feliciano to me were good to great pick-ups, but he makes just as many missteps.
  9. That might be play calls more than anything. They just went away from him and it really hurt their offense this year.
  10. The problem with Allen is that he doesn't see them when this happens. His awareness needs to improve and the deep balls to the FB need to stop. Makes you wonder about how important hand size is. I think some of it is flexibility with the index and thumb. HoF receivers are always showing off how far past the L shape they go and I've seen similar traits in Rugby.
  11. Papa Smurf has that HoF hand size. Beasley looks like he needs help holding his burger in comparison.
  12. Isn't Rivers officially out? I think the Chargers would only be a significant draw with playoff implications even with Rivers. They just haven't been very good.
  13. Those guys are generally workhorses though and I think in Buffalo it's going to be a committee. I'm not saying go out and get 30+yr old RBs like they have been, but I just don't think they need a 1st rounder. I'd kill for a big guy that could replace the FB for blocking and pass catching, but also run when needed.
  14. Every year we see nobodies shine behind great lines. Upgrade the line and sign whoever. If he isn't Christian McCaffrey, don't waste the pick.
  15. Lee Smith, Murphy, Star, Gore, Boldin, the Darby trade...I just don't see what you're seeing. I think that he has been pretty good in the draft, but even that is a ways off from being a sure thing.
  16. And there is still a good chance that they lose Shaq, so what does that accomplish?
  17. That 49s defensive line would've set a sack record against the Bills. Neither our LT or RT are any good against speed rushers, and they have speed+power. Also, after White we have nobody to stick with KCs WRs. We couldn't even beat Houston, so I'm not sure where these posts are coming from.
  18. They need someone who can rush and contain, aka not Murphy. I don't think it can be understated how important that is if they want to make the playoffs with next year's schedule. Getting rid of Star would be a big help as that guy is sideways on most of the interior run plays. Clowney seems an ideal for with Shaq to set the edge and collapse the pocket.
  19. I like your enthusiasm, but I don't think anyone outside of Buffalo would agree. Sammy is much better than Brown who is limited in ability. You are being extra salty when you call him a #3.
  20. The Cardinals gave up something like 15 sacks in under 2.5 seconds. There was no worse offensive line. Throw in the fact that David Johnson basically forgot how to run and the WRs were hurt, and it ends up being one of the worst teams I've ever seen. They were the only thing keeping me optimistic about the Bills.
  21. The homerist of homer takes lol. Lots of teams have shut him down with just a blitz, and week in and week out we see the replay where he missed an open receiver after locking on to someone pre snap. He might become this mythical QB you speak of, but he isn't there yet.
  22. How is it that even with picture and video evidence there can be people denying that it was clear DPI and not a drop. NFL caliber Wrs drop much easier balls than that routinely.
  23. Delusional. On the replay it's clearly hooked and adds to what was already a difficult catch. I'm not sure why some fans are out to villify Duke. This loss wasn't his fault.
  24. This is true, but is he ever going to learn to get rid of the ball? He held the ball so long in this game that he opened himself up to bad plays. Cody Ford might be the slowest NFL player I've ever seen. He routinely is 1/2 second slower off the snap than everyone else. I think replacing him has to be a priority or my dream of kicking Dawkins over and getting an improvement at LT.
  25. The only team in that grouping with a bottom half defense is Houston. We had the easiest game for the offense and they did what they did all season. Even Tyrod's offense averaged 21 points per game.
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