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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Progress for me is stringing performances like these together. He had a few good games last year too, but it's not consistent. Basically stuck back in the Fitz mode of just waiting for this to be the norm. Hopefully it does, but we will see next week.
  2. It was a good throw, but this is a bit much. He was shifted to that side and stepping up towards the LoS. I have no idea what the corner was doing.
  3. Did Miami pick up a whole new line to stop the winning? They look so much worse this time.
  4. I think the fact that they are much better than the Bills was more of a factor than must win. Must win teams lose all the time, but even banged up they are just as, if not more, talented and better coached. Miami's limited rushing attack plays to the defense's strengths, so fingers crossed.
  5. Lamar Jackson ran for his life most of the time, but manages to deliver from the pocket. Baker was in multiple offenses, Big Ben came out of the MAC, Gardner Minshew was in an air raid offense, Etc. He hasn't had less, he is just doing worse with adapting. Allen played with and against NFL talent in college, this isn't the Fred Jackson story.
  6. A lot of Allen's throws lack the timing that makes YAC possible. Beasley seems to do ok, but it's very Tyrod like in how it's a completion, but without the possibility of more.
  7. To be fair, he was merely a shell of his current self when he played on a team that gets called for PI. He played super soft and gave up a lot, plus Darby looked very good. Darby and White would be much better than what we have.
  8. Why do so many people think a DE, WR, and RB will just fall into our laps in the off-season? They couldn't, or won't, pay the price to bring big names in here and the draft is a crapshoot. I feel like this comes straight from the people still thinking they hit on all their draft picks for the last 2 years. This team is old in many spots, and holes are going to open up faster than they are filled. They already need a new O-line with problems at LT (gets beat by every decent rusher), at least one guard, and RT. They don't though. Most colleges don't run a pro-style anymore, and in fact the NFL is moving more towards the NCAA styles. Allen was no worse off in college than any other QB. Wyoming isn't some DIII nobody and have/do produce NFL talent. It's like a hard luck story we've created here to give him an out, but there are 3-4 guys on offense from his teams that have played professionally.
  9. Clear difference here is that Gailey ran the offense and Rex ran the defense. However, yes we have an issue with hiring coordinators that seem to absolve themselves of at least one facet of the team.
  10. Shaq does everything he was projected to do. He sets the edge well and is good against the run. They just thought they could create a pass rusher out of him for some reason. He actually had a good pressure early in the game and then they rotated him out and got gashed by a run to the right. The rotation isn't working. We don't have the quality depth to keep up with other teams right now. They over payed for a guy with one year of decent production. I think that's what they call the process? Honestly though, I have no idea why they don't dress Sweeney. He showed good blocking and good hands when he got time.
  11. It's always more depressing when it's spelling out like this. I'm not sure anything is as bad as 2 1sts and a chance at Rodgers for Losman. We need a Dallas-Minnesota trade where someone way over pays for one of our guys.
  12. 2014, just before the Pegulas ruined it chasing a sound bite. That team had a better defense and offense than the current one and didn't make the playoffs. Can't wait to switch back to the 3-4 and watch the roster turnover.
  13. How is Lee dressing over Sweeney? The kid had great hands the fist few weeks and didn't commit 2+ penalties a game.
  14. Dawkins isn't very good. He gets beat by speed rushers pretty regularly. I think how bad the right side is kind of gives him a break.
  15. Look at the record for the last two years, we are undefeated when he scores at least 1 td with no turnovers. It's not like he is lighting it up otherwise. 78yds a TD and no turnovers might win a game this year. 200yds and 3 turnovers is probably just as productive in the grand scheme. He currently ranks 25th in yards per game and the Bills rank 17th in pass attempts.
  16. I'm pretty skeptical of the Olines ability to handle Garrett. The last thing they need is a freak hassling Josh all day with his fumble problems. It's going to be another closer than you think type game IMHO.
  17. We are undefeated when he doesn't have a turnover and at least 1 td. We only need Tyrod level with this schedule.
  18. The throw that Darby broke up was late and behind him. Had Josh led him it was a TD. The timing was the only reason Darby had a play at all.
  19. Don't hold the ball so long when passing, and hold the ball longer when running.
  20. I don't think this is true. He and Phillips could be great as a duo. Ed is so fast off the line and creates havoc that other players can exploit. A space eater probably won't benefit from that as much. This is kind of the same story with Shaq who can set the edge and collapse, but probably won't get the sack himself. The rotation isn't working that well imo. Teams exploit it when we get our 2nd or worse string guys out there. I'm a sucker for the 2014 pin their ears back best 4 though.
  21. It's easy to think about that game as a coming out, but he didn't even reach 200yds passing and had 235 total. He also fumbled 3 times, but luckily none were lost or it might have been a different story. We really hit them at the right time when they were getting blown out. I think the shock of beating the Vikings has really made most of us look at that game differently.
  22. Buffalo currently ranks 17th in pass attempts per game. 13 Carolina 35.6 14 Miami 35.4 15 Green Bay 35.4 16 Houston 34.4 17 Buffalo 34.1 18 Dallas 34.0 19 Philadelphia 33.8 20 Jacksonville 33.5 Out of the other teams around us, only Kyle Allen and Fitz have failed to hit 300 so far. Allen only broke 300 twice in college, including only once his Junior year when he had 3 current NFL players and Gentry who had time on the active roster for the Bears. That's pretty stacked for that conference. Honestly, I'm more interested in the games where Allen throws for under 200. He seems to really suck against middle of the road to good defenses. Fingers crossed that he turns it around and at least hits a better level of turnover/td ratio.
  23. They are going to be a powerhouse if guys keep returning. I'm just pointing out that we saw them maybe not at the weakest, but pretty close.
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