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Everything posted by coloradobillsfan

  1. since tarring and feathering is no longer PC, firing seems the next most sensible option.
  2. cue the 'simply the best' music congrats friend, an awesome achievement
  3. the bills fan is a douche but thanks for pointing that out, awesome
  4. lol, Denzer not Denver (im sure they have their own M.O. out here tho)
  5. I'm not flying across the country to attend my first home opener so I can boo my team!!!
  6. cant imagine being anywhere else but with you guys at hammers see you there
  7. playing around with MOG this morning. the sound quality is definitely nice, but one thing right off i don't like is this 'free music gas tank' that seems to go down after every song i listen to. i think grooveshark free is still my favorite because it includes live (audience) recordings, and i can very quickly make randomized playlists of artists based on what i feel like listening to at the moment. thanks to TSW/OTW for introducing me to all these online players.
  8. funny, i laughed at some of the elevator scenes pretty clever, like The Buried Life, which i guess wasnt renewed for a 2nd season - too bad
  9. wow, 64. guess ill be lucky to make it to the title of the beatles song
  10. i could be on my way to a funeral and that 'global warming' call would still make me laugh
  11. this is on his wiki page, have not seen another source yet edit: now it says '4 year $112.5 million contract' - so, looks to be bo-gus
  12. > So...why not have Buffalo sign the guy as a backup to Fitz. because he's a huge distraction and not a very good quarterback
  13. i think this would have been funnier (in hindsight) if we would have won the %&$#ing game
  14. did anyone see him at the niagara casino? heard about 1000 commercials for that on gr
  15. I'm having a little trouble getting this past the credibility-o-meter
  16. I think the fact we havent won back to back since around the time of the Lucic hit cant be ignored. Miller got run and no one came to his defense. I don't think he has the respect of his teammates and this made it painfully evident. The team has no enthusiasm to support him, and indeed they seem to play more inspired in front of Enroth. I believe the team may be tired of Miller's pouty act, and I can't really blame them. He /never/ looks like he's having any fun - ever.
  17. i came in for the game this weekend and had a great time. the lots weren't full but the fans that were there you could tell were some of our best. the red pinto tailgate was as fun as ever. the sun felt great on a crisp winter day. our section stood for a good part of the game, and the empty seat in front of me served as a great noisemaker when we were on defense. i thought the tebow sucks chants were kinda funny, although i did not join in. coming in from colorado to see the game made it that much sweeter to see the win. i was most upset when cj was running so well, but we insisted on trotting out tashard choice when we got near the end zone.. there is a reason he was unemployed weeks ago and he showed us why. i'll enjoy my xmas present of bringing a bills win/broncos loss with me back to colorado for bragging rights!
  18. The Bills Backers section of the web site needs an overhaul. The locator map is a smear of tiny Bills logos on a world map - it is very difficult to find individual chapters. There is very little interaction between us and the organization. We have been trying to get a Bills personality out here for a charity fundraiser for years now. We raised hundreds last week for a local Denver childrens hospital with just a dunk tank and Sahlens hot dogs. Give us anyone from the team - heck the backup punter - and we will come out in droves with our wallets open. Good luck on the new job sniper, wish you all the best
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