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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Monday night vs KC in 1991 comes to mind. Bills were undefeated at the time. 33-7 final. Okoye and Williams both ran for over 100 yards. Time of possession was 44 minutes for KC vs 16 for the Bills. How did that season end for KC? Divisional playoff loss to the Bills, 37-14. Hope to see the same reversal of outcome in the playoffs this year vs the Titans.
  2. No, but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night (someone had to say it)
  3. Just skip to the 30 seconds from 2:15 to 2:45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMaEC-C4Y20
  4. This is the play that came to mind when I saw this thread. It had me flashing back to the end of the Carolina game his rookie season. Both would have been difficult catches but making them is why we moved up in the second round to draft him. He's still not making the plays someone who can't get separation has to make. Credit to McBeane for recognizing he wasn't the guy they thought he was and moving on from him.
  5. Not a still but you can see the play at 4:55 of this youtube game recap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px6DGYx7DK0
  6. One difference...first play the handoff was inside, this play the handoff was outside. Think it's what called an adjustment.
  7. Second pick 6 in Bills history. A week earlier, his 24 yard sack of Jack Kemp (then a Charger) led to the first pick 6 in Bills history on the next play. Had to do a lot of digging to find this. Will edit this tonight listing the name of the player with the first pick 6 if no one finds it. Go ahead and surf the world wide web, I couldn't find it there, maybe you can. As an aside, it was amazing how many PAT's we missed that first season.
  8. Prefer to think that it wasn't all luck, that state of the art rehab facility and the current staff training regiment has at least something to do with it. Similarly, prior to the McBeane era, all the bad injury luck wasn't all due to bad luck.
  9. This was one of Shaw's points. Baltimore has built their offense around Jackson's strengths rather than his weaknesses. It has worked out pretty well for them but it has limitations. If they tried to build an offense by giving him the weapons we have it wouldn't have the same results. Look at how we tried to give EJ weapons...Woods, Watkins, Goodwin. They didn't look so good with us but they're all having pretty good success now.
  10. My thoughts exactly. He always gave great interviews, has a million dollar smile, and should just get on with the next phase of his life. Preferably as an announcer.
  11. RIP. Brian Piccolo has been waiting a long time to once again be in the same backfield with him.
  12. Okay guess I need to chime in and confuse the issue with the facts. A perfect passer rating is 158.3. One Bills quarterback has achieved that rating, December 24, 2000. His initials are Doug Flutie. He threw for 366 yards that day, 20 of 25 with 3 touchdowns, no int's. Sure was fun watching Josh today though!
  13. That's unfortunate. Most cops are decent and will treat you respectfully so long as they are treated that way. I've gotten out of two tickets where I was clearly in the wrong by rolling down my window and putting my arms out, then being nice (very nice) to the cop when he got to the car (male cop both times.) As in any position that affords one with power, there are a few folks that let that power go to their heads. If this has been your only interaction with the police I can understand how it would shape your opinion on them in general.
  14. Pretty sure analytics says a 17 point lead with just over 6 minutes to play is almost insurmountable. 14 points, well, as Bills fans, we all know we can find a way.
  15. So now we could have two "would ya" threads, this one and the OP's.
  16. Was there for my niece's wedding last summer. The town definitely can't handle the summer time traffic...parking was an issue all weekend.
  17. Several years ago...probably 15-20, I heard that the happiest women in the country were from Asheville. Plus two other cities that I've forgotten. My brother has lived there the past 35 years. Probably 10 degrees cooler in the summer than the middle of the state. Lots of microbreweries. Sorry to hear it has lost its charm.
  18. Guessing you didn't read the entire article. He was aware of how many pro athletes ended up broke and did realize he should be smart with his money, just trusted the wrong guy. My defense is that he hasn't been laughing all the way to Chick Fil A or the bank (your words, his were hanging on a beach in the bahamas.) And that had he been handled differently in Washington he could have continued to dominate. Also, at the time of the article he didn't have regrets, he was happy hanging drywall.
  19. So I need to stand up for Haynesworth here. The excerpt below was taken from his "Letter to My Younger Self" located here: https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us/articles/albert-haynesworth-letter-to-my-younger-self The whole article is worth reading but the most pertinent part below "You’re going to look at this famous NFL head coach in total disbelief and say, “You want to pay me $100 million to grab the center?” And he’s going to say, with a straight face, “Albert, if you have more than one sack this season, I’m going to be pissed.” The last thing you’ll say before walking out of the office is, “Can’t you just pay someone $300,000 a year to do that?” You will lose your passion for football in Washington, and it will be impossible to get back. In retirement, you will discover that your financial advisor has squandered most of the money you made with the Redskins, and he will be under investigation for financial fraud. Thankfully, you will have discovered a passion for restoring houses and buying property during your offseasons. You’ll even open up a BurgerFi restaurant in Knoxville (I know you love burgers). Instead of being on the beach in the Bahamas, like most people probably think you are, you will be hanging drywall in a condo in South Carolina. And you know what? That will make you extremely happy." More recently he has been waiting for a kidney transplant. As of January he had a friend who had passed 3 rounds of donor matching criteria. Haven't been able to find anything more recent, and don't know what Covid has done to the timeline for the transplant. But he certainly hasn't been laughing all the way to the bank.
  20. There's a fictional B movie about the bills called Second String. Mularkey actually tried two of the plays from the movie in games. In one of them, Bledsoe starts walking off the field, starts to call a time out but his hands don't touch and there is a direct snap to the running back. Play worked in the movie, not so much in the game. As we're still in the midst of a pandemic, if you haven't seen the movie watch it.
  21. What's forgotten is that in the previous drive Norwood slipped on the extra point and it was blocked, or a field goal would have tied the game after the drop
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