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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. There's a fictional B movie about the bills called Second String. Mularkey actually tried two of the plays from the movie in games. In one of them, Bledsoe starts walking off the field, starts to call a time out but his hands don't touch and there is a direct snap to the running back. Play worked in the movie, not so much in the game. As we're still in the midst of a pandemic, if you haven't seen the movie watch it.
  2. What's forgotten is that in the previous drive Norwood slipped on the extra point and it was blocked, or a field goal would have tied the game after the drop
  3. Harmon's drop against Cleveland would have been a difficult catch.
  4. Pretty much the same here, albeit I'm 5-8 years older. In extremely general terms, each beer adds .02% blood alcohol content (BAC) to the system. The standard for dwi is .08%. So it would seem 4 beers in an hour is a decent buzz. However the body detoxifies at .02% per hour, so if you're drinking one beer every fifteen minutes you really don't get legally drunk until the fifth beer. Even though you say you don't slow down when you're doing what I call a double shift, you really do. Maybe a beer every fifteen minutes for the first 3, every 20 for the second 2, probably a little longer after that. If you have something to eat along the way it will slow down the affects even more. If you're friends are drinking hard liquor or wine, and trying to go the distance with you, it is bound to get ugly. Also, you likely (like myself) never do a shot, which will add that .02% to the bac immediately. I'm guessing many in your circle can't say the same thing. Whenever I'm offered a shot, my response is thanks anyways, I like the journey, not the destination.
  5. Dad made it to 100 Mom still going at 101 83 is a teenager in O years
  6. https://www.si.com/nfl/patriots/gm-report/patriots-sign-lamar-miller-one-year-deal#:~:text=The New England Patriots have,could mean several different things.
  7. Don't get me started. Both my parents were golfing at 92. 3 more average years, more than the sum of their parts, Dad sharp as a tack, Mom healthy as a race horse. Overnight Dad had a moderate stroke, they became not twice the problem but the problem squared. Dad died at 100 years, 283 days. Mom turned 101 11 days ago.
  8. The reviews I read were all positive. Comes with a 30 day money back guarantee so not much risk from that end.
  9. My thoughts as well. Once again I won't be voting for anyone that finishes in the top two.
  10. Have to agree, next couple weeks will tell for sure. Personally I think anyone who thinks there will be a season is setting themselves up for disappointment. Training camps open next week. Once there is an outbreak or two it will shut down quick. Look at what the PGA tour did. At the beginning of day 1 of The Players Championship they were going to play that tournament with fans and the rest of the season without. Later that day it was decided the tournament would finish without fans for the final 3 days, then tour play would stop for 3 weeks until the week before the Masters. Before the end of the day the season was put on hold until further notice. Those that finished the round received some sort of monetary prize, those that didn't received nothing. Hope I'm wrong but I see things coming to a halt that quickly for football. We'll know soon.
  11. What the heck. Now have to order food with alcohol, can't go to a bar just for a drink. Um, note to the governor...many bars sell food as as an extra, they make their money on drinks. https://www.wktv.com/content/news/Cuomo-Customers-must-order-food-with-alcohol-at-restaurants-bars-571791091.html "If you're not eating a meal and you're just drinking, then it's just an outdoor bar and people are mingling and they're not isolated at individual tables, and that's what we're seeing," said Cuomo. "Also, no walk-up bar service - all service at bar tops must be only for seated patrons who are socially distanced by six feet."
  12. Timing was perfect, first the PSA, followed 53 days later by the first win over Miami in a decade and a 5-0 start to the season. Catchy tune fit in perfectly with the resurgence of the team to above mediocrity if not its former glory days.
  13. Couldn't find a still shot but at exactly 2:07:00 of this WE'RE BACK DEAL WITH IT AMERICA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlHUNTV13UY
  14. Hard to believe it was 6 pages until this one came up. Oh well, there goes my contribution. Guess I'll go with "whoever said it's 'not whether you win or lose that counts' probably lost." Martina Navratilova
  15. Some players have no motorcycle clauses, some no snowboarding in their contracts. Beane will have to put a "no back flips" clause in Josh's next contract.
  16. Bill O Dan O John O Billy T Dave G First 3 are my brothers, last 2 my "brothers from different mothers." Fortunately it happens often with the last two, only a few times a year with the first three.
  17. Rochester and Monroe county in State of emergency as well, 9:00 PM curfew until 6:00 AM
  18. into a dancer you have grown from a seed somebody else has thrown go on ahead and throw some seeds of your own and somewhere between the time you arrive and the time you go may lie a reason you were alive but you'll never know
  19. Ha, my nephew Josh is 36 today. According to Wiki Josh A's birthday is May 21, not the 20th. Anyways I hope they both have great days! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Allen_(quarterback)
  20. From the above about Quinton Dunbar - "Shortly before the warrant for his arrest was issued Thursday, he held a 15-minute introductory teleconference call and told Seattle reporters: "You just want to feel wanted at the end of the day. ... I just hope to repay them with the way I carry myself as a person.""
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