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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. All he had to do was say "I was excited and got caught up in my emotions. Crabtree talked smack all game and I wanted to have the last word." Everyone would understand and forgive him. But instead he doesn't really apologize and calls everyone racist for finding his unsportsmanlike rant unbecoming.
  2. Marrone had no choice but to say he was fine with Byrd. Publicly criticizing Byrd doesn't help the team's future negotiating stance in any way. This doesn't mean Marrone condones Byrd's actions. And also This article says he held out so I don't fault anyone for thinking he did.
  3. The worst case scenario: we draft two franchise QBs. Best case scenario: we realize we only have 1.
  4. Draft another QB? Why? We have some on our roster already! And they already have helmets and jerseys. It would be a HUGE hassle to invest time looking for ANOTHER quarterback. I mean, where would they sit? The benches aren't long enough. EJ's shown us that he can come back from injuries. Three times! How many more times does he have to prove it to you?
  5. Like how our last win against NE proved...um...uh...it proved something. And that was that on any given Sunday, we can't lose every game.
  6. I wanted to draft EJ. I want him to succeed. However his propensity for injury makes me worry. I would not blame the organization for drafting QB this draft. Especially if there is a Manziel or Bridgewater available.
  7. Yeah, EJ's only been injured 3 times in his rookie year. It shows he's durable and we don't need any backup plan. I mean, this whole season has been a lesson in "we're totally fine at the QB position this year."
  8. We should probably proclaim him the starter for next season and not even look at any other QB in the draft because he can't possibly get hurt next season
  9. I am a you-are-what-your-record-is type of person and it was funny to see the posts saying what teams we were better than. At this point, I wouldn't blame them to lose out for a shutdown DB or Johnny football.
  10. The only thing that would make this long, painful season worth enduring would be a high draft pick for next season.
  11. I believe the plan was take a chance on EJ in the last draft and if, worst case scenario, we sucked and ended up with a high 1st round pick in 2014, to draft another QB to ensure we had at least one worth keeping. As long as we are wiser than the Redskins, and trade the lesser of the two while his stock is high, we won't lose much and hopefully have a franchise QB moving forward.
  12. I don't see the point of boycotting a multi-millionaire. He has so much money, he doesn't need yours.
  13. Probably the same reason why so many people watch what I call "job interview shows:" American Idol, X factor, the Bachelor, etc.
  14. I think its a case of preemptive sour grapes. We all know that a player that wants to cash in will not choose Buffalo. Making Byrd a villian makes his eventually leaving easier. I hope we will make a better attempt at signing him this go around.
  15. I was drafted! Wow! I must have missed that call on draft day. No but seriously, I'm just tired of people calling him an awesome guy and community guy when given a choice, he ditched both.
  16. Yep. Flutie was all about witchcraft. He often scrambled out of the pocket in a pentagram
  17. For real. The down to earth community guy won't rework his deal for the benefit of the team. Then goes to another team to be their backup. It's not like he was going elsewhere to start. How do I know he wasn't going to start anywhere else? We couldn't get a trade for him. He knew he was going to be a backup wherever he went. But he ditched us to be another team's backup despite obvious physical shortcomings. I hold his selfish actions against him.
  18. Ha ha. We already know what Easley can do at WR. That's why he's on ST
  19. I don't think its as much I-told-you-so as it is wanting to prevent another 3 years of believing in subpar QB like Fitz. Fitz didn't have the goods early on, yet we kept making excuses for him. I think most fans are over giving a QB time. Its not fair. But we're jaded fans. Manuel has the rest of the season to show us he's the answer, or we draft QB.
  20. Yeah! We don't need another QB. Jeff Tuel is so awesome we don't need competent backups! Our basket is full of EJ Manuel eggs! No room for any more QBs! Lets pass on the richest QB draft in years because slot machines...something or other!
  21. If there is one thing this team has proven it can do consistently, is not lose out when it should for better pick in the draft
  22. Reading this thread of hope is depressing. Like finding a soldiers diary hoping the war will end soon.
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