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  1. Past hour
  2. If they didn’t want green, the only pairing worse would be the Jets and Eagles. Great job, NFL. None of them want to be playing a game all the way in São Paulo Brazil anyway.
  3. Bring in Bates & Butler...rattle Bass's cage a little. Since 80% of the fans want to run Claypool out with torches & pitchforks, you can never have too many wrs.
  4. No doubt. I expected to be trading headbutts with neanderthals all night and ended up laughing my ass off with clever, fun-loving pranksters. The Clayton kid looks like a hell of an athlete but that is going to be a tough road for him with no background in the nuances of the game. If he has the patience to stick with it, even when he's getting beat like a drum occasionally, he might have a future in it.
  5. Why does the Government have to do the actual fascism/communism/totalitarianism when its corporate friends do it for them? But yep. Trump is going to trample over your rights (just to kill babies but you’ll be hard pressed to find anything else).
  6. Yeah, they really are and they are just good people too. It would be fun and amazing if Travis Clayton can eventually make the roster here. He’s an unreal athlete too. I’ll be pulling for him.
  7. Today
  8. Russian warships off the coast of Florida.. This entire war keeps escalating little by little. Enough that nobody really notices aside from those who do so for a living. We’re absolutely on our way to US troops on the front lines if this doesn’t ratchet down at some point.
  9. I've actually partied with ruggers before. They were a boatload of fun, which was expected. What I didn't expect was how smart most of them were. Much smarter than athletes in most other sports I've run with.
  10. Apparently Arizona Dems want to be a dumpster fire as well.
  11. Not sure. I have been downtown @ Chicago Harbor and worked it only a few times. I am at the other lock Chicago... On Calumet we do 10s 1,000 of pleasure craft... But it's not as crazy as the crazy days downtown. It is a bit congested on Chicago River and lock there is 60% smaller... I can imagine the tour boat guide was right! Get one boat deviating from norm, kinda jazzes up the flow of traffic.
  12. Is he? We don't know what he wants or is looking for. He was on the short list for people we could logically extend to save cap space this offseason. But we opted to restructure his contract instead. Which said to me either a.) He wasn't interested in what we were offering without testing the market in a year or b.) We would rather see how this year goes and evaluate the position next season. Either way, him not showing up to OTA's is nothing to fret over. He did the same in Green Bay. It's voluntary. Some players just don't want to do it. He's under contract. He'll be here. We'll see how the year goes and what he wants at the end of it and go from there. No need to manufacture an issue that as far as we know, doesn't exist.
  13. I'll never understand why spring football is such an affront to some folks. Don't watch it. It's okay Wade is getting up in years. The UFL isn't year round work like the NFL. Maybe he likes his falls free.
  14. this doesnt surprise me one bit. USWNT played in Mexico some time ago, and the stadium had fully kitted armed security ringing the pitch. body armor, tac helmets, pistols, the whole shebang, for what was a tiny crowd compared to the capacity of the stadium they played in. Central and South America is no joke. the security situation down there is a mess. so you want to send celebrity millionaires to some the highest per capita cities for kidnapping, riding around in armored vehicles? the insurance companies must be having a fit. next WWC is in Brazil, and you have to wonder how safe its going to be for all the teams/players. no hate to these countries, but you cant ignore just how unsafe it is for foreigners, even in the tourist zones. you couldnt pay me to go to Mexico, the cartels run a 1/4 of that country outright, and have their fingers in nearly everything else in the other parts. Brazil isnt much better. just another example of how your boss really doesnt care about you. its all about the money.
  15. Next up, a game in Islamabad but all the female spectators have to wear burqas!!!
  16. I first thought that this was a joke. This is Darwin award like.
  17. Van Halen banned brown M&M’s backstage.
  18. Claypool's problems started 3 seasons ago not mid-way thru 2022. Thru 11 games in 2021 Claypool was averaging almost 70 yards receiving per game. He seemed like a lock to get 1,000+ yards despite missing 2 games to injury. Then he pulled that idiotic stunt in Minnesota..........made a fool of himself blaming a teammate for it afterward........and has been hot garbage ever since. Over his last 4 games of 2021 he averaged an anemic 27 yards per game and crashed way short of 1,000.........and then he was terrible in their the playoff loss where he caught 3 passes on 7 targets for 25 yards. The next season he was lousy in Pittsburgh before being traded.
  19. Explain how that was used incorrectly.
  20. Got my kid (38) an autographed McAdoo jersey to add to his Buffalo themed bar/man cave. He said upon seeing it “he was pretty good, wasn’t he”. I laughed. Nice to see in here the Braves aren’t forgotten.
  21. It's not wishful thinking Mckelvin took years to get it together as a raw but physically impressive corner Later in his career he actually became a solid man corner who you could not throw at to just attack and he was better in zone than giving credit for.. it literally just took years... Which isn't what you want from a top 10 pick I think Elam is on the same trajectory which sucks for the first couple years but I think the light is going to turn on
  22. So, there's a thing about gang warfare and wearing green is dangerous? And the NFL said, let's get the Packers and the Eagles to play there? If green cleats were a problem for a soccer player, what exactly are these teams supposed to do about their uniforms?
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