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Domestic terrorist attack in Wisconsin

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19 hours ago, Jauronimo said:



He ran around like a f@@#$ing idiot until he mixed it up with someone who was mentally ill and then he pissed himself and started shooting people when ***** started getting real.   Its pretty much the reason why we pay people to patrol the streets with guns and instead of encouraging every bed wetting child with a soldier of fortune fantasy to run around with a rifle.  


Its the Zimmerman case on repeat.  The right ruling was made, its 100% what I expected, and there is nothing to feel good about.

Our country’s political agents have lost their collective souls.


Kyle Rittenhouse did not deserve to be slandered by the left. He doesn’t need to be a hero for the right. I pray for him as a teenager who will now have to live with this tragedy for the rest of his life.


I am glad that justice was served. I am not glad that 3 people are dead. I am not glad that a teenager went to a riot and killed 3 people.


Making memes about Kyle Rittenhouse as a hero or champion of the right is overboard. Selling that Rittenhouse is white supremacy personified is overboard to rile up POC is overboard.


I don’t remember discourse being this disgusting 15 years ago. Maybe I’m naive. Maybe I’m too online. But it’s really sad to see.

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I am fine with the verdict, just like I was fine with the OJ verdict...I may or may not agree with the verdicts of our judicial system, but that’s why it’s up to the 12 people from those communities to decide if they want the accused to be free in their streets or not...While no justice system can ever be perfect, the beauty of our system is that the average person decides the fate of the accused...👍

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As someone who agrees with the verdict and hopes KR becomes a rich man off some of these potential lawsuits, I will say that Hannah Gittings (Huber’s gf) Twitter posts give a strong look into the fact there are other victims in this.  

KR had to a right to defend himself, but the city of Kenosha, and the state of Wisconsin let down - not only KR, but also someone like Andrew Huber.   Regardless of how anyone feels, he and Rosenbaum should be alive today if the leadership of that city acted like actual leaders. 

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7 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

Somebody more demented in search of fame who is envious of Rittenhouse being regarded as a hero by people in their social circle.  A hero in their minds that killed the type of people they despise.  Not some scared kid who shouldn't have been there in the first place but acted rationally in a frightening situation.  If he can claim self defense then so can I.


Did I say that? 

Uhhh….Yeah, asking if self defense would encourage vigilantism is a round about way of saying that. 
Vigilantism and self defense are two totally different things. If anyone would use this as an excuse to become a hero should be punished to the full extent of the law.


Myself personally would be more worried about rioters burning down cities and assaulting people than any vigilante, since no one has been arrested for those crimes. Seems that kind of violence is acceptable to the radical left.

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To leftists and the prosecutors who did their bidding, Kyle Rittenhouse’s offense wasn’t any of the things he was charged with. He clearly had an unassailable defense to all of the charges against him. But that didn’t matter because Rittenhouse was guilty of something else — showing up armed at a leftist riot or, as the left called it, “vigilantism.”


As the left and the prosecution see it, Rittenhouse never should have gone to Kenosha. Once there, he shouldn’t have defended property from the rioters. And having done that, he certainly shouldn’t have left the property and entered the street. Indeed, the prosecution saw fit to show the jury that the group defending the property was warned by the mob not to enter the street.


Finally, Rittenhouse shouldn’t have been armed, of course.


But America is still a free country. Rittenhouse had every right to come to Kenosha. He had the right to help protect property there from the mob, as well as to leave the property and enter street. The mob had no right to restrict his access.


And finally Rittenhouse had the right to be armed. Indeed, the gun charge against him was so weak it never got to the jury.





Do Americans accept the “stand aside and give space to destroy” theory? There might have been a brief period during the temporary insanity that prevailed after the death of George Floyd when most Americans did. Or maybe not.


Regardless, that was then. Now, I’m confident that Americans roundly reject the notion.


Kyle Rittenhouse certainly rejected it. He paid a big price for doing so, but thankfully that price will not include a criminal conviction.








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17 hours ago, aristocrat said:

two things…nobody here considers him a hero. Also, wouldn’t you say all your heroes are not murderers as I assume you aren’t a serial killer fan boy?

1. People here have literally called him a hero. 


2. WTF does that even mean? Are you even trying to make sense?

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13 hours ago, SCBills said:

GoFundMe took down the donation page and people were literally fired for donating to his legal defense. 

Why do all you left leaning people always seem so miserable?  

As opposed to all those bright sunny people who foam at the mouth 24 hours a day about CRT, the latest Starbucks cup, the ANTIFA bogey man, Kaepernick, and spilled milk?


The whole "I'm smart because I vote D/R every time! Those other guys are idiots" is just laughable.  How can anyone look at the makeup of this country and think their political party is objectively intelligent?  An alarmingly large contingent of people just showed up in Dealey Plaza because they were convinced JFK Jr. was going to reveal himself to be alive and announce Trump is returning to office in a month.  

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25 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

As opposed to all those bright sunny people who foam at the mouth 24 hours a day about CRT, the latest Starbucks cup, the ANTIFA bogey man, Kaepernick, and spilled milk?


The whole "I'm smart because I vote D/R every time! Those other guys are idiots" is just laughable.  How can anyone look at the makeup of this country and think their political party is objectively intelligent?  An alarmingly large contingent of people just showed up in Dealey Plaza because they were convinced JFK Jr. was going to reveal himself to be alive and announce Trump is returning to office in a month.  

“Alarmingly large contingent”




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13 minutes ago, SCBills said:

“Alarmingly large contingent”




Unfortunately, there were a few hundred people there waiting to see a miracle.  Which is orders of magnitude greater than the number of Never Nudes worldwide. And don't even start on the two members of German Parliament.  That claim was never substantiated.  

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3 hours ago, Westside said:

Ever since the verdict was announced it’s been crickets chirping from our Marxist friends on PPP.


Where did they go?




Same place they went they realized everything they were defending about covid from its origins to the protocols to the mandates was complete bull ***t and that the right was correct this would never end.   


These people have zero credibility left.  


And should be sent to re education camps the second DeSantis takes office with over 2/3 majorities in Congress.  




Of course I'm kidding about that last part.  Or am I.  


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1 hour ago, JaCrispy said:

Maybe I’m a little slow, but I’m not sure what that has to do with anything...


In Billstime's tiny mind, and many others actually, everyone only thinks one way of the other.


They cannot comprehend when people think on their own instead of the liberal narrative's idea of what they should think.



Like when we point out a mistake by the Biden/Harris administration and his auto-response is to call us "Trump Cult"


He just can't make sense of a competing argument.



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