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My dog died tonight

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Sorry to hear that man. I think I'm gonna be in the same boat soon. My golden is going to be 11 in a few weeks and he cant get up on his own anymore. I have to lift his back end up so he can get up and hobble outside to go to the bathroom. I've had him longer than I had both my kids. Its rough indeed. Hang in there. 

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That's NEVER easy!  I'm on Golden Retriever #6.  He's about 10, and doing OK but you just never know.  This one is the best of them all!  He was a rescue, from the SPCA, probable run away.  I know it's too soon, but do think about getting another one.

Just now, RaoulDuke79 said:

Sorry to hear that man. I think I'm gonna be in the same boat soon. My golden is going to be 11 in a few weeks and he cant get up on his own anymore. I have to lift his back end up so he can get up and hobble outside to go to the bathroom. I've had him longer than I had both my kids. Its rough indeed. Hang in there. 

I give mine NZYMES.  Buy it on line.  1 level teaspoon over his food 1x a day.  He tolerates it well, and It seems to help with the mobility. 

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Never easy putting losing a pet. I put my cat down after a 10 month battle with cancer. It's the worst part about having pets. He was 13, which is average for a cat so I was ok with that. Parents have two cats that are 25 and 23 years old respectively. Mom and son.

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5 minutes ago, Marv's Neighbor said:

That's NEVER easy!  I'm on Golden Retriever #6.  He's about 10, and doing OK but you just never know.  This one is the best of them all!  He was a rescue, from the SPCA, probable run away.  I know it's too soon, but do think about getting another one.

I give mine NZYMES.  Buy it on line.  1 level teaspoon over his food 1x a day.  He tolerates it well, and It seems to help with the mobility. 

Thanks for the tip.  We got some dog "advil" from the vet a few weeks ago and Dahsoquin (sp)?, but it doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot of good.

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It was just so weird that it happened so fast.  She was happy, a lot of energy.  I let her out in the front yard, went back inside to get her ball to play with her.  My son runs in the house and said "somethings wrong with Dakota".  I go outside, she collapsed and moaned.  My wife picked her up to rush her to the pet hospital and about 2 miles down the road, no more breathing.  I was feeling for a pulse and nothing...we turned around.


I just got done burying her in the back.  She was 10, I thought we would get a few more years out of her.

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My last Golden was about 10 and was doing great. One night we were down on the floor wrestling around and having fun, the next morning, right after breakfast, something changed. She went off to a strange, obscure spot she had never gone and layed down. She went there to die. I took her to the vet and the ultra sound showed a tumor in her chest had broken loose and was pressing on her heart. It was the first time I was with my dog while they put her down. I’m so glad I stayed, despite the pain for both of us. 


My current Golden just turned 9, and I treat her and every day with her as special. Enjoy it now, nothing in our lives is guaranteed for tomorrow. Hug them, tell them you love them, do the little extra things. Just one old guy’s advice...

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37 minutes ago, Royale with Cheese said:

This just doesn’t get any easier.  Tough night...


Damn, dude.  I am so sorry.  They are family and it definitely hurts.  I'm really sorry.

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1 hour ago, Royale with Cheese said:

This just doesn’t get any easier.  Tough night...


Sorry bud...


never gets easy... My beagle died a few years ago and she was my best friend... it’s always super tough but he/she is in a better place


prayers bud 

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Condolences, man.  Losing a pet is like losing a family member.  I remember when we had to put our dog down after 14 years of life.  Sad day, but he was really struggling and suffering at the end.

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So sorry to hear this man. Absolutely sucks. We lost our shihzu-poodle back in November. She was 16. She was definitely feeling her age at the end. But was still happy and playful with us. More than anything, she loved sleeping on our laps. 


One night, I just sat down to play some video games. She was in my lap, when all the sudden her paws jetted out like she was stretching but something was clearly wrong. The look on her face was just terror. I held her in my arms as I got changed and rushed her to the vet. They said she was having violent seizures. Caused by what they believed was a brain tumor. They sedated her enough for her not to be in pain and we were able to say our last goodbyes. 


Nothing in in my life has ever been as hard as holding her in my arms as she was euthanized. But I’m just glad I/we were there for her in her final moments. 


We were a mess for days. Nothing cheered us up. And one day my wife said she wanted to play with puppies. So we went to multiple places just to be able to play with some. Ended up falling in love with our new baby (unexpectedly) and got her just a few weeks later. 

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