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Kaepernick Files Grievance Against NFL Owners


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Kaepernick disgusts those who support the police officers and soldiers. That's been my whole fun ironic twist with you. Getting butt hurt over what I say even though you think it's outlandish. Don't you see that everybody sees what Kaepernick is is the exact same thing? That's all I've been trying to show you... And you just don't see it


Kaep is against dirty police officers, not all of them. I am VERY pro police. But there are bad cops, just like any other walk of life.


Soldiers? He's not anti soldiers. I have YET to speak with one fellow veteran who gives a schit about people kneeling.


We didn't sign up to protect the flag. We signed up to protect our rights.


You can't show me anything. You've done nothing for this country. I have.

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Kaep is against dirty police officers, not all of them. I am VERY pro police. But there are bad cops, just like any other walk of life.


Soldiers? He's not anti soldiers. I have YET to speak with one fellow veteran who gives a schit about people kneeling.


We didn't sign up to protect the flag. We signed up to protect our rights.


You can't show me anything. You've done nothing for this country. I have.


Non veterans that get all sanctimonious about the flag and the troops suffer from non hacker guilt IMHO.


Most veterans I know say they served to protect freedom. Support a veteran by using your freedom.

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Non veterans that get all sanctimonious about the flag and the troops suffer from non hacker guilt IMHO.


Most veterans I know say they served to protect freedom. Support a veteran by using your freedom.


Amen, brother.

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Kaep is against dirty police officers, not all of them. I am VERY pro police. But there are bad cops, just like any other walk of life.


Soldiers? He's not anti soldiers. I have YET to speak with one fellow veteran who gives a schit about people kneeling.


We didn't sign up to protect the flag. We signed up to protect our rights.


You can't show me anything. You've done nothing for this country. I have.

this is your Viewpoint. You cant substantiate these claims with fact

Non veterans that get all sanctimonious about the flag and the troops suffer from non hacker guilt IMHO.


Most veterans I know say they served to protect freedom. Support a veteran by using your freedom.

well I know several, including members here, that disagree. Whether their family friends or others. Being a veteran gives you no more right or no less right to voice your opinions on freedoms, patriotism or what this country stands. this country as it is, though not as founded necessarily, allows all those to be equal with no special perks because of rank or class or other such social constructs. Edited by Boyst62
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And that's exactly my point. If we take as your given that there is absolutely no systemic racism in the system, explain to me how 80% of children in Broward county get free or subsidized meals in school, and here's the key, without being racist or prejudiced in your explanation.

Boyst62 is out clearly, but can anyone else please give it a shot. Remove all racism from the equation, from the system and from the explanation and see if you can convince me that when 80% of kids in one of the most affluent counties gets help to eat that a) there is no racism in the current system and more so b) that the current situation was not caused by racism. Remember, this didn't happen overnight.

If you make a valid argument I will conceed or counter, but any prejudice or generalization of the few to the many is an instant fail.

Check out floridawatchdog.org and read up on the lunch program. Seems all children may be eligible if 40% qualify in a district . To boot, only about 3% of applications are actually verified for eligibility by income . Seems the rules are lax and enforcement practically nonexistent. That aside, your numbers do nothing to conclude racism is at hand here. It only suggests that lots of children are being had by those who cannot afford them. That they may be concentrated in some areas or counties more than others isn't racist either. It's a socio- economic offshoot of higher priced homes pricing folks with less income out of some areas. This is all about wealth and the lack of wealth, not racism. No one says breaking the cycle of poverty is easy. Many behaviors are learned. You can see racism wherever you want to if you ignore what is actually happening. You are confusing status and social advantages with race. They are not the same.

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Kaepernick disgusts those who support the police officers and soldiers. That's been my whole fun ironic twist with you. Getting butt hurt over what I say even though you think it's outlandish. Don't you see that everybody sees what Kaepernick is is the exact same thing? That's all I've been trying to show you... And you just don't see it

When one sees everything through the prism of racism, especially when one is actually racist themselves ( minorities can be racists, yes) it's not surprising he doesn't see it. His Obama drivel was actually one of the most racist things I've ever seen posted on this board. Obama was actually the divider in chief. Trump is the natural correction to eight years of that craptastic nothing of a racist President.

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When one sees everything through the prism of racism, especially when one is actually racist themselves ( minorities can be racists, yes) it's not surprising he doesn't see it. His Obama drivel was actually one of the most racist things I've ever seen posted on this board. Obama was actually the divider in chief. Trump is the natural correction to eight years of that craptastic nothing of a racist President.

Obama is the worst President this country has ever seen based on his racial division alone.


Also, inviting BLM to the WH. Biggest joke ever.

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Kaep is against dirty police officers, not all of them. I am VERY pro police. But there are bad cops, just like any other walk of life.


Soldiers? He's not anti soldiers. I have YET to speak with one fellow veteran who gives a schit about people kneeling.


We didn't sign up to protect the flag. We signed up to protect our rights.


You can't show me anything. You've done nothing for this country. I have.

Kaepernick is against what he PERCEIVES to be dirty police officers. The public's perception and opinions about the tactics that law enforcement uses are often rooted in absolute ignorance. Kaepernick fuels these fires with his demonstrations based in his own particular ignorance on the topic. He would get some serious cred with me if he chose to walk a mile in a cops shoes.


The entire sane population of this country is against a cop that is objectively found to be "dirty".

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When one sees everything through the prism of racism, especially when one is actually racist themselves ( minorities can be racists, yes) it's not surprising he doesn't see it. His Obama drivel was actually one of the most racist things I've ever seen posted on this board. Obama was actually the divider in chief. Trump is the natural correction to eight years of that craptastic nothing of a racist President.

and yet, because he has met me in person and knows of my personal history and some issues I had almost 15 years ago or more when I was practically a kid he thinks he can judge me. He hints at this all the time, he makes it personal. He has yet to see the hypocrisy.


I still respect him. He is one of the nicest men I've ever met. I have told him several times in PM sentiments about him personally and not one of them a negative thing because I do not have a single shred of dislike for the guy (or anyone else here...well save for 1 or 2). But, he has such vitriol for me that it controls him and I laugh. He is essentially a puppet for his whims of personal hatred and blind to it, too.


"The primary reason you see so much divisiveness in this country right now is because everyone is sick and freaking tired of being called a racist for the most ridiculously stupid things"


No. The divisiveness started when we had a Black man elected (twice) to be the President of our fine nation.


Minorities, gays,immigrants.... they were all happy.


The divide came from lower to middle class white idiot bigots. And then the educated, rich white bigots gave them a voice because they could articulate better than saying, "that dumb n**ger done ruined every thang."


The good people in this country embraced the togetherness and love that the Obama FAMILY spread. Democrats and Republicans. Blacks and Whites.


The extreme haters ... those who clung on the the falsity that he wasn't born here. Or those who thought he was "one of them Mooslums," THOSE were the dividers.


So whatever bucket you fall into, enjoy wallowing in your bigotry and hatred.


You're just one of many on this board - and this fan base - and it becomes less thinly veiled by the day as it's tolerated and accepted.


Keep blaming "Obama" for the divide.


It's a shallow, stupid, ignorant, lazy narrative and the exact narrative that got your boy Don into the White House. Preying on stupidity.


The face remains ... as it has for decades, that Blacks are seen as lesser people and they are treated as such.


Racial profiling is real. Racial and social injustice is real. And for you to sit behind a keyboard and deny it is laughable. You're probably one of those who says, "one of my best friends is black."


You think you're better than everyone and you're not. You're just a pathetic little white guy pounding away on your laptop's keyboard, judging everyone and being condescending. And blaming someone like Barack Obama ... who probably accomplished more by the age of 25 than you will ever accomplish ... for the divide in this country.


Save it.


You're nothing.


But hey .. Go Bills!

oh and by the way, it was your girl Hillary that got it started that he wasn't born here... But don't let facts get in your way
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"The primary reason you see so much divisiveness in this country right now is because everyone is sick and freaking tired of being called a racist for the most ridiculously stupid things"


No. The divisiveness started when we had a Black man elected (twice) to be the President of our fine nation.


Minorities, gays,immigrants.... they were all happy.


The divide came from lower to middle class white idiot bigots. And then the educated, rich white bigots gave them a voice because they could articulate better than saying, "that dumb n**ger done ruined every thang."


The good people in this country embraced the togetherness and love that the Obama FAMILY spread. Democrats and Republicans. Blacks and Whites.


The extreme haters ... those who clung on the the falsity that he wasn't born here. Or those who thought he was "one of them Mooslums," THOSE were the dividers.


So whatever bucket you fall into, enjoy wallowing in your bigotry and hatred.


You're just one of many on this board - and this fan base - and it becomes less thinly veiled by the day as it's tolerated and accepted.


Keep blaming "Obama" for the divide.


It's a shallow, stupid, ignorant, lazy narrative and the exact narrative that got your boy Don into the White House. Preying on stupidity.


The face remains ... as it has for decades, that Blacks are seen as lesser people and they are treated as such.


Racial profiling is real. Racial and social injustice is real. And for you to sit behind a keyboard and deny it is laughable. You're probably one of those who says, "one of my best friends is black."


You think you're better than everyone and you're not. You're just a pathetic little white guy pounding away on your laptop's keyboard, judging everyone and being condescending. And blaming someone like Barack Obama ... who probably accomplished more by the age of 25 than you will ever accomplish ... for the divide in this country.


Save it.


You're nothing.


But hey .. Go Bills!


I rest my case.


Look how divisive you are with mischaracterizations of me based on skin color and assumed intelligence. You attacked me, a person you've literally never met, almost exclusively using far-left race-baiting talking points the left always uses when your argument fails and your ideology is broken.


You're part of the problem, Gug. A big part of the problem.


You'll only stop being part of the problem when you stop making everything about skin color and intelligence.


Good luck.

Edited by LABillzFan
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I rest my case.


Look how divisive you are with mischaracterizations of me based on skin color and assumed intelligence. You attacked me, a person you've literally never met, almost exclusively using far-left race-baiting talking points the left always uses when your argument fails and your ideology is broken.


You're part of the problem, Gug. A big part of the problem.


You'll only stop being part of the problem when you stop making everything about skin color and intelligence.


Good luck.


One can also stop being a part of the problem by getting their first real job, then they'll have enough on their plate to worry about.

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Kaep is against dirty police officers, not all of them. I am VERY pro police. But there are bad cops, just like any other walk of life.


Soldiers? He's not anti soldiers. I have YET to speak with one fellow veteran who gives a schit about people kneeling.


We didn't sign up to protect the flag. We signed up to protect our rights.


You can't show me anything. You've done nothing for this country. I have.


Hes not against all police officers but wore pig police socks on the field.


Good one by you.


I guess him donating 25 grand recently to a cop killer shows that as well.

Non veterans that get all sanctimonious about the flag and the troops suffer from non hacker guilt IMHO.

Most veterans I know say they served to protect freedom. Support a veteran by using your freedom.

I served to protect freedom. People have the right to kneel if they wish. What that means is they wont be jailed.


Most that served will also say, though people have the right to neal, it is very disrespectful.

Edited by Binghamton Beast
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Hes not against all police officers but wore pig police socks on the field.


Good one by you.


I guess him donating 25 grand recently to a cop killer shows that as well.

I served to protect freedom. People have the right to kneel if they wish. What that means is they wont be jailed.


Most that served will also say, though people have the right to neal, it is very disrespectful.

Exactly. I served to allow these people to be !@#$ idiots. I also served to protect my right to call them !@#$tards.

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Hes not against all police officers but wore pig police socks on the field.


Good one by you.


I guess him donating 25 grand recently to a cop killer shows that as well.

I served to protect freedom. People have the right to kneel if they wish. What that means is they wont be jailed.


Most that served will also say, though people have the right to neal, it is very disrespectful.

NEAL? Is your name Neil and Bob or is that just what you do
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Ha. The protected one chimes in. The untouchable. That's fine. You degrade every form of human being, other than the white male, and never pay for it here. Keep doing your thing. No one .. and I mean no one .. has spewed more racist, sexist and disgusting rhetoric than you have. Yet everyone who calls you on it ends up getting a suspension. You practically brag about who and what you are, but no one can say a word about it.


You calling me ignorant. That is pure gold.


I'm a minority and a veteran - two factions of society who you continually degrade - and I will guarantee that you'll be here tomorrow and I won't. I hope that makes you happy.

What's your minority status?

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What's your minority status?

one, he will never come down to PPP

Two, now that I've said this he will come to show me that he does have the balls to come here

3, as minority status is that he is a little person

4, his minority status is that he is Asian, or something like that... I'm pretty sure Gugny is Thai.


In reality yes he is half minority iirc

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one, he will never come down to PPP

Two, now that I've said this he will come to show me that he does have the balls to come here

3, as minority status is that he is a little person

4, his minority status is that he is Asian, or something like that... I'm pretty sure Gugny is Thai.


In reality yes he is half minority iirc

I suddenly feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. All this time I thought he was just a typical notheastern guilty white virtue-signaling kitty boy. I never knew he had to deal with a lifetime of systemic anti-Asian discrimination and oppression. I can only imagine his struggle. It must be tough.

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I suddenly feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. All this time I thought he was just a typical notheastern guilty white virtue-signaling kitty boy. I never knew he had to deal with a lifetime of systemic anti-Asian discrimination and oppression. I can only imagine his struggle. It must be tough.

he's not Asian. I honestly would probably piss him off good by revealing he is Puerto Rican because he doesn't like personal details known. But, he's said as much in the shoutbox soooo
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You can't show me anything. You've done nothing for this country. I have.


Many of us have never served, but we do plenty for our country by paying taxes and voting. While you have my respect and gratitude for serving in the military, %$#$ off for having such an elitist, holier-than-thou attitude about it. Your vote, your opinion, are worth nothing more than the rest of ours.

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