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Kaepernick Files Grievance Against NFL Owners


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He's a fool! He lost 14 of 16 after all this began. People who buy into this don't have their mind on the game. IF he was successful, we wouldn't be talking about this!


Can anyone see a Mike Singletary type taking a knee, and then somehow putting his "gamer face" on, and keeping his head in the game, the way we all remember him? It couldn't happen!

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He's a fool! He lost 14 of 16 after all this began. People who buy into this don't have their mind on the game. IF he was successful, we wouldn't be talking about this!


Can anyone see a Mike Singletary type taking a knee, and then somehow putting his "gamer face" on, and keeping his head in the game, the way we all remember him? It couldn't happen!


....LOL....Mike would GIVE you a knee right where you'd feel it......."things" would be "blue" for awhile.....

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He's a fool! He lost 14 of 16 after all this began. People who buy into this don't have their mind on the game. IF he was successful, we wouldn't be talking about this!


Can anyone see a Mike Singletary type taking a knee, and then somehow putting his "gamer face" on, and keeping his head in the game, the way we all remember him? It couldn't happen!

When it comes to activism by a black football player my first thought was Jim Brown who said in August he understands what Kaepernick's protesting but disapproves of the method. Here's the quote..... https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2017/08/25/jim-brown-colin-kaepernick-i-dont-desecrate-my-flag-and-my-national-anthem/602349001/


"I want to be in his corner, and I do think, 'God bless him,' " Brown said. "I'm going to give you the real deal: I'm an American. I don't desecrate my flag and my national anthem. I'm not gonna do anything against the flag and national anthem. I'm going to work within those situations. But this is my country, and I'll work out the problems, but I'll do it in an intelligent manner."

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1) I fought in Vietnam. Don't speak for me.

I lived in Broward from 77-89, too

And 90% of what I say is purple elephant tictac juicy fruit.

And that's exactly my point. If we take as your given that there is absolutely no systemic racism in the system, explain to me how 80% of children in Broward county get free or subsidized meals in school, and here's the key, without being racist or prejudiced in your explanation.


Boyst62 is out clearly, but can anyone else please give it a shot. Remove all racism from the equation, from the system and from the explanation and see if you can convince me that when 80% of kids in one of the most affluent counties gets help to eat that a) there is no racism in the current system and more so b) that the current situation was not caused by racism. Remember, this didn't happen overnight.


If you make a valid argument I will conceed or counter, but any prejudice or generalization of the few to the many is an instant fail.

Edited by HardyBoy
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And that's exactly my point. If we take as your given that there is absolutely no systemic racism in the system, explain to me how 80% of children in Broward county get free or subsidized meals in school, and here's the key, without being racist or prejudiced in your explanation.


Boyst62 is out clearly, but can anyone else please give it a shot. Remove all racism from the equation, from the system and from the explanation and see if you can convince me that when 80% of kids in one of the most affluent counties gets help to eat that a) there is no racism in the current system and more so b) that the current situation was not caused by racism. Remember, this didn't happen overnight.


If you make a valid argument I will conceed or counter, but any prejudice or generalization of the few to the many is an instant fail.


Is this the core of Kaepernick's grievance filing?

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I try to stay out of this stuff as I won't pretend to be an expert, and there is no correct answer. But I will tell you what the general consensus was at the park after tennis yesterday (where I was the only white guy in the crowd). Being black can be a problem, but since most of the guys are middle class and up, not a huge deal for them. Being poor and black is a VERY real problem, on a big scale. This is their perspective, not mine.


Now, how do you address that? I like the guys who are focusing on education. Did you see Chris Long is donating EVERY game check thi$ year to education to help elevate those who need it. Now THERE is a positve step! Hats off to Mr Long!!! He downplayed it saying he's made a bunch of money playing in the NFL ($89 million I heard from one source), but that's still putting your money where your mouth is!

Edited by Augie
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And that's exactly my point. If we take as your given that there is absolutely no systemic racism in the system, explain to me how 80% of children in Broward county get free or subsidized meals in school, and here's the key, without being racist or prejudiced in your explanation.


Boyst62 is out clearly, but can anyone else please give it a shot. Remove all racism from the equation, from the system and from the explanation and see if you can convince me that when 80% of kids in one of the most affluent counties gets help to eat that a) there is no racism in the current system and more so b) that the current situation was not caused by racism. Remember, this didn't happen overnight.


If you make a valid argument I will conceed or counter, but any prejudice or generalization of the few to the many is an instant fail.


By the way...100%. Not 80%. Because of the hurricane, and for "the foreseeable future."


But normally, it's 60%, not 80%. And given that there are three times as many kids receiving school lunch assistance as there are living in poverty, and the median income in Broward County is two and a half times the poverty line, about 10-20% of those kids getting assistance are coming from families making $60k/year or more. So I'd say that 60% get free or subsidized meals because either they have five or more school-aged siblings, or the program's mismanaged, or the statistics are mismanaged.


I suspect the latter, given that if one student takes advantage of the program for one week, they're counted as a "consumer" of the program for the whole school year, which is frankly dishonest.

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No way.


I can agree with this. Not for the same reason you changed it; but I agree.


There is simply no denying that from the very moment Barack Obama was elected president, his surrogates turned everything -- EVERYTHING -- into an issue of race. You couldn't even make a silly joke about the size of his ears without people arguing that you called him a monkey.


Don't like Obamacare? Racist.


Don't like Recover Act? Racist.


Don't like IRS targeting conservatives? Racist.


Don't like Obama's governing? Racist.


Cops act stupidly. Trayvon could be my son. Don't agree? RACIST!!!


The primary reason you see so much divisiveness in this country right now is because everyone is sick and freaking tired of being called a racist for the most ridiculously stupid things. Like, oh, donating Dr. Seuss books or leaving a banana peel on a tree branch.


Everyone is not a racist, and everyone is exhausted from being accused of something they literally NEVER thought about until, well, his surrogates took it to the streets. Hell, even Bill Clinton admitted as much.


So save us the drama. We know where it got its adrenaline.

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The primary reason you see so much divisiveness in this country right now is because everyone is sick and freaking tired of being called a racist for the most ridiculously stupid things.


That's why I've made the decision to be racist. Because, really, which conversation is easier:


"You're racist!"

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are, because white privilege/slavery/I'm offended/I'm triggered/Kaepernick/police/Robert E. Lee/your mother's hairdresser's boyfriend's niece's dogsitter voted for Trump/free speech!"

"Uh...no, I'm not..."

"You're so racist, you can't even admit you're racist!"






"You're racist."

"Yep. !@#$ off."




At this point, I don't give a **** about equality. I just want some goddamn peace and quiet.

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I try to stay out of this stuff as I won't pretend to be an expert, and there is no correct answer. But I will tell you what the general consensus was at the park after tennis yesterday (where I was the only white guy in the crowd). Being black can be a problem, but since most of the guys are middle class and up, not a huge deal for them. Being poor and black is a VERY real problem, on a big scale. This is their perspective, not mine.


Now, how do you address that? I like the guys who are focusing on education. Did you see Chris Long is donating EVERY game check thi$ year to education to help elevate those who need it. Now THERE is a positve step! Hats off to Mr Long!!! He downplayed it saying he's made a bunch of money playing in the NFL ($89 million I heard from one source), but that's still putting your money where your mouth is!


Good post, really. Not to start an argument but America and it's tax payers have put an awful lot of money towards education also for those who need it. We've made many positive steps and continue to take more and more of them. This is what's frustrating - a lot has changed except the vitriol towards white people and America.

Edited by White Linen
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Good post, really. Not to start an argument but America and it's tax payers have put an awful lot of money towards education also for those who need it. We've made many positive steps and continue to take more and more of them. This is what's frustrating - a lot has changed except the vitriol towards white people and America.

My sister is a recently retired teacher, as is her husband. My niece near me in Atlanta is a teacher. I hear all the complaints, but I don't know the answers. Look at how we stack up against other countries, and I can tell you we are not doing it right!


I'm not touching the rest of that... :)

Edited by Augie
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There is simply no denying that from the very moment Barack Obama was elected president, his surrogates turned everything -- EVERYTHING -- into an issue of race. You couldn't even make a silly joke about the size of his ears without people arguing that you called him a monkey.


Don't like Obamacare? Racist.


Don't like Recover Act? Racist.


Don't like IRS targeting conservatives? Racist.


Don't like Obama's governing? Racist.


Cops act stupidly. Trayvon could be my son. Don't agree? RACIST!!!


The primary reason you see so much divisiveness in this country right now is because everyone is sick and freaking tired of being called a racist for the most ridiculously stupid things. Like, oh, donating Dr. Seuss books or leaving a banana peel on a tree branch.


Everyone is not a racist, and everyone is exhausted from being accused of something they literally NEVER thought about until, well, his surrogates took it to the streets. Hell, even Bill Clinton admitted as much.


So save us the drama. We know where it got its adrenaline.


"The primary reason you see so much divisiveness in this country right now is because everyone is sick and freaking tired of being called a racist for the most ridiculously stupid things"


No. The divisiveness started when we had a Black man elected (twice) to be the President of our fine nation.


Minorities, gays,immigrants.... they were all happy.


The divide came from lower to middle class white idiot bigots. And then the educated, rich white bigots gave them a voice because they could articulate better than saying, "that dumb n**ger done ruined every thang."


The good people in this country embraced the togetherness and love that the Obama FAMILY spread. Democrats and Republicans. Blacks and Whites.


The extreme haters ... those who clung on the the falsity that he wasn't born here. Or those who thought he was "one of them Mooslums," THOSE were the dividers.


So whatever bucket you fall into, enjoy wallowing in your bigotry and hatred.


You're just one of many on this board - and this fan base - and it becomes less thinly veiled by the day as it's tolerated and accepted.


Keep blaming "Obama" for the divide.


It's a shallow, stupid, ignorant, lazy narrative and the exact narrative that got your boy Don into the White House. Preying on stupidity.


The face remains ... as it has for decades, that Blacks are seen as lesser people and they are treated as such.


Racial profiling is real. Racial and social injustice is real. And for you to sit behind a keyboard and deny it is laughable. You're probably one of those who says, "one of my best friends is black."


You think you're better than everyone and you're not. You're just a pathetic little white guy pounding away on your laptop's keyboard, judging everyone and being condescending. And blaming someone like Barack Obama ... who probably accomplished more by the age of 25 than you will ever accomplish ... for the divide in this country.


Save it.


You're nothing.


But hey .. Go Bills!

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"The primary reason you see so much divisiveness in this country right now is because everyone is sick and freaking tired of being called a racist for the most ridiculously stupid things"


No. The divisiveness started when we had a Black man elected (twice) to be the President of our fine nation.


Minorities, gays,immigrants.... they were all happy.


The divide came from lower to middle class white idiot bigots. And then the educated, rich white bigots gave them a voice because they could articulate better than saying, "that dumb n**ger done ruined every thang."


The good people in this country embraced the togetherness and love that the Obama FAMILY spread. Democrats and Republicans. Blacks and Whites.


The extreme haters ... those who clung on the the falsity that he wasn't born here. Or those who thought he was "one of them Mooslums," THOSE were the dividers.


So whatever bucket you fall into, enjoy wallowing in your bigotry and hatred.


You're just one of many on this board - and this fan base - and it becomes less thinly veiled by the day as it's tolerated and accepted.


Keep blaming "Obama" for the divide.


It's a shallow, stupid, ignorant, lazy narrative and the exact narrative that got your boy Don into the White House. Preying on stupidity.


The face remains ... as it has for decades, that Blacks are seen as lesser people and they are treated as such.


Racial profiling is real. Racial and social injustice is real. And for you to sit behind a keyboard and deny it is laughable. You're probably one of those who says, "one of my best friends is black."


You think you're better than everyone and you're not. You're just a pathetic little white guy pounding away on your laptop's keyboard, judging everyone and being condescending. And blaming someone like Barack Obama ... who probably accomplished more by the age of 25 than you will ever accomplish ... for the divide in this country.


Save it.


You're nothing.


But hey .. Go Bills!

this could be the most ignorant and racist thing I've ever read here


I mean my God clean your damn Chin off those nuts there sure have to be uncomfortable. Obama divided this country, spit in the face of partisanship, and exploited race every bit he could. Not as bad as Hillary, who used a lot of fun games to play the racist stuff on Obama. But she was truly the one in 2007 that was the racist against Obama. But the truth of the matter is there's only one reason he was elected, and it's flat-out truth. Sure he could speak, sure he can make a lot of funny quips, but he really had no ability to become president and no reason to. A junior senator from Illinois who used terrible tactics to out the incumbent Senator it was nothing more than a community organizer not even through his first term became president. You can say it's a dream, because it is. There were a lot of factors that played into this. Race was the biggest one. If you didn't like him you are racist if you didn't like what he said for you are racist. He divided this country up worse than anybody else. He made statements that Trayvon Martin was his son... When he was nothing more than a thug Punk who got what he deserved. He made statements that a pen and a phone are all he needs to run this country and spit in the face of bipartisanship and then flat out lied across the aisle. He took a week Jim Boehner and others to sell his soul to get what he wanted the Affordable Care Act... Wasn't it North Dakota or South Dakota that he had to give up the farm for? And even then countless lawsuits later that have proven to show that he was not legally allowed to do all of this showed that he didn't know how to be a leader of this country. The Paris Accords just show that he was lazy. There was no way he could have ever got them past so we signed an executive order that was overturned. All you had to do was put it through Congress and he could have passed it. But he didn't because he couldn't. Just like the Affordable Care Act that he was submitted to the Senate Judiciary committee's countless times to get the numbers he wanted to show how many supposed people would be covered when we're finding those health systems are failing... And you can't even say that it's better now than it was before. Obama's love of family, sure I can understand that. But what about his love of Marlboro? Imagine if Trump smoked? Imagine if Obama had the affiliations that Trump did? Because you know what he did. Those activist in Chicago and all throughout his career coming up aligned him with people who believe in chaos and Anarchy which are not at all affiliated with a Democratic Republic. The best thing this country ever did was move on from Obama even if that was just Donald Trump, the great Oompa Loompa nacho cheese dumbass. But don't blow smoke up anyone's ass thinking that Obama was all that, he was described as a president, he was described as a person and it really was just a giant narcissistic douchebag that Rivals Trump

Edited by Boyst62
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this could be the most ignorant and racist thing I've ever read here


Ha. The protected one chimes in. The untouchable. That's fine. You degrade every form of human being, other than the white male, and never pay for it here. Keep doing your thing. No one .. and I mean no one .. has spewed more racist, sexist and disgusting rhetoric than you have. Yet everyone who calls you on it ends up getting a suspension. You practically brag about who and what you are, but no one can say a word about it.


You calling me ignorant. That is pure gold.


I'm a minority and a veteran - two factions of society who you continually degrade - and I will guarantee that you'll be here tomorrow and I won't. I hope that makes you happy.

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Ha. The protected one chimes in. The untouchable. That's fine. You degrade every form of human being, other than the white male, and never pay for it here. Keep doing your thing. No one .. and I mean no one .. has spewed more racist, sexist and disgusting rhetoric than you have. Yet everyone who calls you on it ends up getting a suspension. You practically brag about who and what you are, but no one can say a word about it.


You calling me ignorant. That is pure gold.


I'm a minority and a veteran - two factions of society who you continually degrade - and I will guarantee that you'll be here tomorrow and I won't. I hope that makes you happy.

it's hard to respond as I am a little out of it. 1p3° temp will do that.


You can simply walk away if you think it's that personal. Because all you have to do is realize you don't know me, you don't have to pretend to know me, you know nothing more than a username and response. Please see the edit above. And the truth is it doesn't matter if you're a minority a veteran or anything your voice is exactly equal to mine and that really bothers you it is clear

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it's hard to respond as I am a little out of it. 1p3° temp will do that.


You can simply walk away if you think it's that personal. Because all you have to do is realize you don't know me, you don't have to pretend to know me, you know nothing more than a username and response. Please see the edit above. And the truth is it doesn't matter if you're a minority a veteran or anything your voice is exactly equal to mine and that really bothers you it is clear


It does matter than I'm a minority and a veteran when you consistently come onto this site and degrade minorities and veterans.


It might not matter to you. But it matters to me.


Because you're not a minority and you did NOT serve this country and for you to insult those two major pieces of the makeup of our nation is disgusting.

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It does matter than I'm a minority and a veteran when you consistently come onto this site and degrade minorities and veterans.


It might not matter to you. But it matters to me.


Because you're not a minority and you did NOT serve this country and for you to insult those two major pieces of the makeup of our nation is disgusting.

Kaepernick disgusts those who support the police officers and soldiers. That's been my whole fun ironic twist with you. Getting butt hurt over what I say even though you think it's outlandish. Don't you see that everybody sees what Kaepernick is is the exact same thing? That's all I've been trying to show you... And you just don't see it
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you have an issue with me identifying as Vietnam vet? I choose to protest and express myself how I see if even if Gugny disagrees. Even if I did not serve and have never been the victim of preconceived notions of Vietnam Veterans I can choose this action to support their cause. If you have a problem with that, well, that's with you.

You can do whatever you want. As can I. I choose to view anyone who claims to be a combat veteran and is not as the lowest of the low.


But good luck with your "protest".

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You can do whatever you want. As can I. I choose to view anyone who claims to be a combat veteran and is not as the lowest of the low.


But good luck with your "protest".

got me knows that I'm not a veteran. He knows that I was even close to being alive for Vietnam. So if the joke was lost on you, you and him are together. But being offended is exactly what this whole thing is about because you have no right to be offended. Just as Kaepernick has every right to be offensive without anyone getting upset. He's allowed to look like he wants to look and there's nothing wrong with that
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