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Should the NFL do away with the national anthem?


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The National anthem is played as a patriotic symbol of freedom.


Source: your ass.


I mean, really...only after reading your post did I realize that's a hell of an assumptive statement. Has anyone asked why the National Anthem is played before professional sporting events? Does the CFL play "Oh, Canada" before games? Do the Limeys play "God Save The Queen" before Man U games? Did we inherit it from the Commonwealth, or did we come up with it ourselves for some kooky Cold War reason, or did it somehow develop out of the first radio broadcast of the first baseball game with federal control of the airwaves or something? Where does this tradition come from?

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Bit of a difference. He's an employee expressing his constitutionally protected view, not claiming the to represent the views of the NFL. If you did the same as an employee, you'd have recourse if it resulted in your termination.

Corporations are not democracies. He is engaging in these activities on company time. I'm a Federal employee. If I engage in political discussion at work (a 1st Amendment Right), I can be terminated based on the Hatch Act of 1939.

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I have no problem with players being vocal politically, or using their fame to speak out about perceived injustice. And truthfully, I couldn't care less if they sit, stand, pump their fist or stay in the locker room. It's a free country, and I'm not offended by people with different thoughts and opinions than me.


But truthfully, these players aren't hurting anybody but themselves (see Colin Kaepernick's career). A good chunk of the people that DO care think it's disrespectful. And instead of changing anyone's minds about political issues or really making a difference in society, it's turning them away from the NFL completely.


If the National Anthem is removed from the NFL or other sporting events, it's only going to make those particular fans angrier. It's not going to make the issue disappear. It's isn't going to erase the controversy. It's going to create a mass exodus of fans, and may be the final nail in the coffin for the NFL.

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I don't watch the NFL or go to games to escape from reality. The NFL is reality, it's an athletic competition set up by a business that just so happens to make a lot of money and thusly it's employees are highly compensated. That doesn't make it any less real. The anthem should be played before games, I always feel a great rush from it, as it truly is an honor to get to live in this country. I am, however now of the opinion that the networks should no longer show the anthem before games. I actually don't recall them doing this except for playoffs and Super Bowl before these idiotic protests began. Perhaps I wasn't noticing if I wasn't at the game, I don't know. It seems that the media is creating this " story" and making it larger than life by pushing this narrative. If they just didn't talk about it, and didn't show it I don't think we would constantly be bomabarded by it and would care much less.

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Hey, let's add this wrinkle to the mix:


It's honest-to-god illegal to not stand for the Anthem. 36 USC section 301.

Eh. Wording is "should" stand, not "shall" stand.

I don't watch the NFL or go to games to escape from reality. The NFL is reality, it's an athletic competition set up by a business that just so happens to make a lot of money and thusly it's employees are highly compensated. That doesn't make it any less real. The anthem should be played before games, I always feel a great rush from it, as it truly is an honor to get to live in this country. I am, however now of the opinion that the networks should no longer show the anthem before games. I actually don't recall them doing this except for playoffs and Super Bowl before these idiotic protests began. Perhaps I wasn't noticing if I wasn't at the game, I don't know. It seems that the media is creating this " story" and making it larger than life by pushing this narrative. If they just didn't talk about it, and didn't show it I don't think we would constantly be bomabarded by it and would care much less.

The media has the American populace by its heartstrings, it would seem. They know the issues that generate heat, and manipulate it for their bottom lines.

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Absolutely NO ONE would give a rat's ass about how a football player reacts to the National Anthem if the sports writers didn't ensure it was a story, and talk about it over and over and over.


Don't believe me? Try this simple test: force all sportswriters to stop writing about, reporting on or discussing the NFL. Just gives us game highlights, replay, score and stats.


Let's see who is still angry at the end of the season.

Exactly. If I see Kaperdouche or whomever not standing for the anthem, I will simply deduce that they are an idiot and not really give it another thought. When the hypersensitive leftist media won't stop pummeling me with the " story" by talking about it incessantly , then I get mad. I really just want to hear them talking about football and sports, not their (incorrect) opinion on race, police, free speech or whatever.

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Hey, let's add this wrinkle to the mix:


It's honest-to-god illegal to not stand for the Anthem. 36 USC section 301.

No it's not.


Somebody doesn't know the difference between the words: Should & Will. Will is an order, should is a polite expected outcome, suggestion, advice.


You WILL stand and remove your hat is different than you SHOULD stand and remove your hat.


"© all other persons present SHOULD face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, SHOULD remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and..."


Just saying... But you are still on a roll, I respect that. Don't stop now!

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And what is political about the National Anthem anyhow? I'm pretty sure people on both sides of the aisle consider themselves American citizens.


And, African Americans being butchered by cops, they are Americans too.


I guess I don't see the connection between the Black Lives Matter movement and honoring our country.


Should we also remove flags from schools too?



who knows, they might. seems the pledge to alliance has been removed, prayer.


so flags are likely not going to be too surprising if they did?


my initial point was it's a game, not a military/political/national anthem kind of a setting.


they play football.


I have respect for the military and what the anthem represents but I see no purpose for it at a football game.


as for the blm/cops deal. they have a real war on their hands and it hasn't been pretty.


society is in a world of hurt.

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Not a deflection. I didn't know what you were talking about.


So, no players have expressed hatred of the military and especially veterans, as was claimed earlier?


I'm not black, but I can understand how a black man in America might have an issue with cops, considering that cell phone videos have proven that some of their allegations, which I used to dismiss, have turned out to be true.


How many cases of planted evidence and black men being shot for no reason does it take to think they might have a reason to not like cops?


There have been two planted evidence videos in just the last two weeks. If a cop did that to you or a member of your family, you might have a problem with them, too.


Anyway, none of this has anything to do with dishonoring veterans. That IS a strawman argument.


Money is the real issue.


Kapaernick is of little value to a football team. If Brady did it, I don't think New England would have released him.

He wasn't released.

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I have always said it has no place at sporting events. Never understood why it was played anyway except for things like the Olympics where it is people representing countries competing.

I think it's promotional. If you associate sports with your country, then as part of your country you need to participate watch/play/be aware of the sports.

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What is defined as "unarmed"?

I think not being armed with a weapon?

Easy fix to this is to fine any player that doesn't stand. We all have jobs where we have to follow rules and procedures which protect us and public. Fine the player 25,000 for first offense and 100,000 for every offence after, problem solved.

What about fans who don't remove their hats, continue drinking and talking during it....or just players have to show respect?

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The NFL should do as they please. It's not a violation of anybody's free speech if you're an employee of a corporation that requires you to stand during the National Anthem. The government can't compel you to do so, but your employer most certainly can. Don't like it? Then lobby congress to amend the constitution, The NFL will stop observing the national anthem when and if it financially behooves them to do so.


On a personal note, if you're triggered by a national anthem, you're a p@ssy. If you're triggered by the Star Spangled Banner in particular, then you're an un-American p@ssy.

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Somebody doesn't know the difference between the words: Should & Will. Will is an order, should is a polite expected outcome, suggestion, advice.


The dictionary definition isn't the legal definition. What's the legal definition of "should?"


Oh, I'll give you the answer: there isn't a legal definition of "should." It's a badly written code. And stupid - I wish someone would be cited for not standing for the anthem, so that can be challenged in court and rightfully thrown out.

Exactly. If I see Kaperdouche or whomever not standing for the anthem, I will simply deduce that they are an idiot and not really give it another thought. When the hypersensitive leftist media won't stop pummeling me with the " story" by talking about it incessantly , then I get mad. I really just want to hear them talking about football and sports, not their (incorrect) opinion on race, police, free speech or whatever.


My official position on Kaepernick has been "I don't give a **** what he does during the anthem."


I've been told, many times, that that makes me a Nazi complicit in black genocide.

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The NFL should do as they please. It's not a violation of anybody's free speech if you're an employee of a corporation that requires you to stand during the National Anthem. The government can't compel you to do so, but your employer most certainly can. Don't like it? Then lobby congress to amend the constitution, The NFL will stop observing the national anthem when and if it financially behooves them to do so.


On a personal note, if you're triggered by a national anthem, you're a p@ssy. If you're triggered by the Star Spangled Banner in particular, then you're an un-American p@ssy.

What do you mean triggered?

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The dictionary definition isn't the legal definition. What's the legal definition of "should?"


Oh, I'll give you the answer: there isn't a legal definition of "should." It's a badly written code. And stupid - I wish someone would be cited for not standing for the anthem, so that can be challenged in court and rightfully thrown out.


What code are you citing again. I think it is only for Service Members, is it for all of us.


If it is just active Service Members, you won't get near a challenge. Other code that supersedes it?


And... Everyone know what "should" means. It doesn't mean "shall"



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