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19 Dead,50 Injured in terror attack at Ariana Grande Concert

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Nails should be made of rubber, so every time an animal steps on them or someone puts them in a bomb, they just bounce off everything.




I'm just imagining how long it would take the meatheads and gators of the world to hammer one through a two-by-four.

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I'm just imagining how long it would take the meatheads and gators of the world to hammer one through a two-by-four.


It would give them something to do, and keep them out of our hair.


I went to Home Depot yesterday, and bought nails, rat poison, and propane. I wonder what kind-of watch list I'm on now? Maybe I'll buy some Katy Perry tickets and see who knocks on the door...

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It would give them something to do, and keep them out of our hair.


I went to Home Depot yesterday, and bought nails, rat poison, and propane. I wonder what kind-of watch list I'm on now? Maybe I'll buy some Katy Perry tickets and see who knocks on the door...


Or just to go Katy Perry's house.


Assuming you can climb the massive gate at the front and then overtake her armed security guards.


Other than that she should be totally accessible.

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A family of terrorists it would seem.



Manchester bombing suspect's father and brother arrested in Libya, where brother was allegedly planning attack http://nbcnews.to/2qWMRLh






how dare you accuse them because they're not like you!


you bigot! you must have voted trump!


...seriously, your simple mind doesn't get the irony here. it's worse than a monsoon on your wedding day.

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how dare you accuse them because they're not like you!


you bigot! you must have voted trump!


...seriously, your simple mind doesn't get the irony here. it's worse than a monsoon on your wedding day.

Maybe he's into golden showers.

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To me this is not an agenda,


Chef Jim is just providing us with reality.

likei've appears to be a pretty weak poster. I could have gotten into it with him on the main board when he tried to bs his way out of a stupid statement but invited him here at PPP to discuss it instead. So far he's a no show.

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I know it sounds cold, and every life is a precious individual, but these attacks, even 911 are a drop in the bucket when you compare the randon nature, so few dead to previous historical events. Let's say the Battle of the Somme in WWI. For 5 months in 1916, almost 1 million were wounded or killed.


Throwing the "baby out with the bathwater" financially to try and save every life is exactly what these terrorists want. 1,000 little cuts... Mess with psychology of the group...


I know it is hard... I feel sorry and want to save everybody too. We can't close the world.


With that... The singer Morrissey is very much right:




Yet, Morrissey... The West can't give them the true war the extremists so deeply want.


This, on a small scale is like The Plague. The rich will just ride off into the country until it burns itself off for another season. Yet, they will tell you to go out and shop with the group.


Anyway... Ain't this going to tighten up things around the world, getting around a stadium... Even taking your kids to see the Ice Capades... :-(

I couldn't disagree with this post more. These scumbags are attempting to destroy the very fabric of western society. You seem to marganizlize that fact. These atrocities alter our lives. You mentioned this fact when you discussed tighter security. Basic civil rights and conveniences that civil society affords us are becoming lost due to these losers. That is what these guys want. I disagree that their goal is make us spend money. They want to destroy our way of life. We might not be able to save everyone, but I'd be willing to invest a lot to stop this.


I don't understand your comparison to past historical events. It is comparing apples to oranges to me. The Battle of the Somme is not similar to the murder of innocent children attending a concert. The loss of life from terror isn't equal to war, you are correct on that front. However, they are completely seperate issues. The murder of innocent civilians is barbaric third world tradition. It's sad and pathetic that it's been delivered to the west. You are correct that we can't close the world, but maybe we should more closely question what people are doing when they go back to Libya. I used this as an example because the Manchester bomber had just gone to visit Libya. This is nothing like the plague, it's not going to vanish on its own. I also don't understand your rich vs poor viewpoint. Socioeconomic status doesn't prevent anyone from potentially being a victim of these extremists. This affects everyone, and it won't work itself out.





so you're banning ALL Muslims now !


-- Liberal Logic

That's the problem with travel bans though. To make it more than a horse and pony show you'd actually really need to ban travel from all Islamic nations. Edited by DriveFor1Outta5
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That's the problem with travel bans though. To make it more than a horse and pony show you'd actually really need to ban travel from all Islamic nations.


Like Bosnia...


But not Ethiopia.

Edited by DC Tom
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: Why is there never a warning about Backlash
the suspect is named?


Because if the suspect turns out to be one of the few the media can claim are “right wing” (Nazis, etc.), then the media does not warn against backlash, but actively crusades in favor of it.




Read the whole thing.

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Question: Why is there never a warning about Backlash before the suspect is named?

Answer: Because if the suspect turns out to be one of the few the media can claim are right wing (Nazis, etc.), then the media does not warn against backlash, but actively crusades in favor of it.


Read the whole thing.

Wrong thread. You meant to put it here:



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It would give them something to do, and keep them out of our hair.


I went to Home Depot yesterday, and bought nails, rat poison, and propane. I wonder what kind-of watch list I'm on now? Maybe I'll buy some Katy Perry tickets and see who knocks on the door...



It'll be Ben just begging to be your plus one.

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But that's different because...well...I'm not sure why it's different, but I'm sure Critical Race Theory plays a role.


another brick in the wall to never listen to MSM or 3-second liberal thinkers about politics.


then again it's good that The Donald got people to start thinking about their lives and how they can participate to make things better around them.

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after Obama and Congress named the 7 countries as terrorist zones...

Too bad neither liberals nor conservatives named Saudi Arabia to any of those lists. The problem is far more complicated than many understand. The world is a tangled web of alliances and interests that often times conflict. Edited by DriveFor1Outta5
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