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Trump and Russia

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He has no agenda

Health care, tax reform, funding for a border wall, combating ISIS, and deescalating tensions with North Korea are just some of the things that constitute his agenda. The only area where his agenda has been successful so far is a significant decline in illegals crossing the border.

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Health care, tax reform, funding for a border wall, combating ISIS, and deescalating tensions with North Korea are just some of the things that constitute his agenda. The only area where his agenda has been successful so far is a significant decline in illegals crossing the border.


Also in regulation reform.




Trump has Putin 'over a barrel' with aggressive energy policy, defense of the West

CNBC ^ | Larry Kudlow

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Lindsey Graham is about as useless and senile as McCain.


I really wish those two would just come out as Democrats and get it over with already.


He has no agenda


You're like a broken record. As much as I hate defending this idiot, he actually does have an agenda. And while your party is obsessed with CNN memes and Russian dressing, he's already been addressing two of them: conservatives on the bench (check) and undo Obama EOs (check, check, check and check).


Oh, and check.


I'm not sure whether this nutbag is crazy or crazy like a fox, but damn he has you guys twisted up tighter than two fingers up a pig's nose.


But hey...you keep yelling "Where's your plan? You have no agenda!" It'll be a great message for the mid-terms.

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More fake news below? Nothing to see here, right? At this point, I'm not even sure it's possible for Trumpsters to pull their heads out of the sand and realize the damage this man is doing to America's reputation abroad or the danger he has put our country in by glad-handing with a murderous autocrat.


Donald Trump Jr. confirmed Sunday that he met last year with a Russian lawyer who had ties to the Kremlin, saying she told him at the June 2016 meeting she had information that could damage Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

President Donald Trump’s oldest son said in a statement that an acquaintance from the 2013 Miss Universe pageant, which was held in Moscow, had asked him to meet “with an individual who I was told might have information helpful to the campaign.”

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OMG! " an acquaintance from the 2013 Miss Universe pageant, which was held in Moscow, had asked him to meet “with an individual who I was told might have information helpful to the campaign.”

OMG! OMG! OMG! No one should ever do something like that! OMG! Run away! Run away! Run away! Run away!

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"Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.."


13 hours of criticism later...


"The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't"


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I'd say Trump's use of twitter and manipulation of the media during the campaign was genius. Now it's hurting his agenda.


I agree. Like FDR and radio and Kennedy with TV, Trump found a new forum and used it to full affect. Hillary was foolish not to pick up twitter and just hammer Trump University and keep that in the headlines.

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Donald Jr could be in some deep shite if he knowingly went to Russia to get damaging info on Clinton and her campaign. It's not egregious but add it to the list of things that don't seem right when it comes to Trump and Russia.

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OMG! " an acquaintance from the 2013 Miss Universe pageant, which was held in Moscow, had asked him to meet “with an individual who I was told might have information helpful to the campaign.”[/size]

OMG! OMG! OMG! No one should ever do something like that! OMG! Run away! Run away! Run away! Run away!


This isn't anywhere near as bad as Jared Kushner attempt to open a secret link with the Russians or Trump wanting to coordinate with criminal comrad Putin on election security. Or, for that matter, Trump gathering up all the voter registration info (which the Russians could use, I bet)


But then again, we only have a Trump version of the meeting, which almost certainly means lies have been told

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Donald Jr could be in some deep shite if he knowingly went to Russia to get damaging info on Clinton and her campaign. It's not egregious but add it to the list of things that don't seem right when it comes to Trump and Russia.

You're joking right?


He took a meeting that promised damaging info on a rival campaign. Nothing came of it. BIg whup.


The only traction anyone might get is if he willingly hid the meeting when asked about it by authorities and even then this is not Much of a story.

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Health care, tax reform, funding for a border wall, combating ISIS, and deescalating tensions with North Korea are just some of the things that constitute his agenda. The only area where his agenda has been successful so far is a significant decline in illegals crossing the border.


HC: Whatever the GOP sends him...

Funding a border wall with Mexico's funds: Might as well say harnessing unicorn farts to reduce global warming

Combating ISIS: He knew more than generals, would wipe ISIS out in 30 days....aaaannnnddd continued BO's policies

Deescalating Tensions with NK: Think about that for one minute...all that has happened is an escalation since 1/21/2017.


Undoing BO's EO: That is an agenda? That is simply vindication...


He has been successful at reducing border crossings...


Tax Cuts - People are not buying trickle down anymore..

Corp Tax Cuts: The big companies that receive the big deductions are not going to give those up to enable reform....


Ahhh....small government low taxes.....ya right...wait for Rick Perry to declare an "emergency" this week to force coal production.....there is your small government market forces at work...conservative SCOTUS? Give me a conservative victory from the bench that made your life better....I can give you one that sucked....Citizens United - overturned near unanimous congressional legislation and gave us the scittstorm of politics we have today...

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You're joking right?


He took a meeting that promised damaging info on a rival campaign. Nothing came of it. BIg whup.


The only traction anyone might get is if he willingly hid the meeting when asked about it by authorities and even then this is not Much of a story.

For starters he didn't mention this to anyone, it was leaked out. Second, his initial story was that he met to discuss an adoption program of Russian children. Once the report came out he immediately changed his story, saying he took the meeting because he was told he would receive information that would be helpful to the campaign. The times reported the meeting was actually to pass on damaging info about Clinton. It isn't good no matter how you look at it or try to spin it.


How do you know nothing came of it? I'm pretty sure that is just one of the 100 things they are investigating right now.

Edited by gatorbait
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More proof that you're an idiot




Undoing BO's EO: That is an agenda? That is simply vindication...


- Vindication or fulfilling promise to wipe out stifling regulatory roadblocks?



Tax Cuts - People are not buying trickle down anymore..


- How can people buy something that hasn't been offered in 16 years?


Corp Tax Cuts: The big companies that receive the big deductions are not going to give those up to enable reform....


- Yes they are.



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