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Manziel is back! Sign him Doug!


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Well, the one thing I've always like about him is what I say is a ket trait for athletes, a complete hatred of losing. He seems to have let his college career go to his head and has some demons I think created by his father. Great ESPN story a few years ago about how the family built him up... except his dad never once let him beat him at golf, which psychologically is twisted when your dad tells you how awesome you are and then you can never beat him at golf. It built a fiercely competitive kid for sure but with some issues. So he never could deal with that and never was prepared to deal with failure elsewhere.


I'm pulling for the kid, always liked his passion and drive. Call him what you will from you computer in your cozy office or man cave.


I'd say he needs a guy like McDermott, a disciplinarian who it seems like it also a teacher and treats his players respectfully. But Manziel has to be ruthful to himself. I was never convinced he's an alcoholic, I'm not doctor. He was drafted at 21 and hence a millionaire without the rigid structure if college or living with his parents. Lots of college kids who go away to school without the money party their asses off as they get some freedom and break free from the structure of being controlled.


I think he was just lost in being a party animal, millionaire chick-magnet as an escape from the scrutiny and challenge of being an NFL player. If that's the case, and again this is from what I have read, he's got a shot to get an invite and take it from there. If he's legit an alcoholic, as others have said, that's a different challenge and would require some larger work and commitment from a team.

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Well, the one thing I've always like about him is what I say is a ket trait for athletes, a complete hatred of losing. He seems to have let his college career go to his head and has some demons I think created by his father. Great ESPN story a few years ago about how the family built him up... except his dad never once let him beat him at golf, which psychologically is twisted when your dad tells you how awesome you are and then you can never beat him at golf. It built a fiercely competitive kid for sure but with some issues. So he never could deal with that and never was prepared to deal with failure elsewhere.


This is just bizarre. If you're truly a competitive person and love to win, on what planet is it a good idea for your parents or betters to "let you" win? Help you build the skills you need to win, yes, let you win? Never. You win when you earn it and not before. If his worst problem was that his dad never let him win at golf, he might be salvageable.


I took a completely different message from that article which is that Manziel had long-standing anger management and impulse control issues, and that his family neither helped him deal with these issues effectively, nor helped him deal with/shield him from the consequences of his fame - indeed, they were part of the problem. It was highly telling that it was his sister who persuaded his parents not to get "JFF Mom" and "JFF Dad" license plates, and that his parents couldn't or wouldn't follow the counselor's instructions to NOT have him spend hours signing souvenir items when he came home.


But then, I think the (in)famous "father who shot his kid's laptop" is a good dad, and that was just for posting a disrespectful facebook rant. One can't tell what that dad woulda done if his kid was caught drunk driving and wrecked his car in HS, but "buy him that new Mercedes convertible he wants" probably wouldn't have been on the list.

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How did no one know that he had a drinking problem in college ? Were the coaches just blind ??


This guy is the second coming of Flutie his game reminds me so much of Flutie & no matter what any Bills fan says now about Doug you can bet your A** when he was running around winning games for the Bills they (Flutie hating fans) were jumping on the couch watching him .


It would be a low risk signing but Manziel would have to be watched like a hawk & kept away from Bruce & Jim because of there past drinking history .


I hope he can get over it with the amount of money he can make i would think that could be a huge motivating factor !!


Good Luck Johnny football !!

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How did no one know that he had a drinking problem in college ? Were the coaches just blind ??


This guy is the second coming of Flutie his game reminds me so much of Flutie & no matter what any Bills fan says now about Doug you can bet your A** when he was running around winning games for the Bills they (Flutie hating fans) were jumping on the couch watching him .


It would be a low risk signing but Manziel would have to be watched like a hawk & kept away from Bruce & Jim because of there past drinking history .


I hope he can get over it with the amount of money he can make i would think that could be a huge motivating factor !!


Good Luck Johnny football !!


...except he sucks...it's not about his drinking/attitude/work ethic problems...he's not talented enough to make it.


He ran around in college and throw jump balls to Mike Evans. He can't do that in the NFL

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Ever live with one? It takes plan, time, professional help and dilligence to stay clean. You are never cured. Addicts make lying an art form.


Yup. Once an addict, always an addict. My hat goes off to those who manage to stay clean and sober because it's a constant struggle.


He's a bad player, and he's never going to be a good player sober or not.


Yup. If he showed he had talent, he might be worth taking a risk on, but that's not the case.

Edited by Doc
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Yup. Once an addict, always an addict. My hat goes off to those who manage to stay clean sober.



Yup. If he showed he had talent, he might be worth taking a risk on, but that's not the case.

If he showed he had talent? He was a first round QB!

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How did no one know that he had a drinking problem in college ? Were the coaches just blind ??


College coaches don't give a damn. They are paid to win as many games as possible with players who average two years as a starter. Any problems with drinking or beating women stops being the coach's problem as soon as the player's last game is over.

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yeah ive learned the hard way that addicts are the best liars in the world. a couple ppl ive known for decades developed an addiction problem and they could look me right in the eyes and tell the most outrageous lies and be completely believeable. loaned one guy thousands of dollars to go to a treatment facility, he stayed at my house overnight to be admitted in the morning, and i made the mistake of not going with him. you can guess what happened

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Manziel was #LostintheSauce but now he's back.


Ed Werder @Edwerderespn 3m3 minutes ago

Johnny Manziel tells me he has achieved sobriety without professional assistance, needs to maintain and wants to play #NFL. (1/3)


Ed Werder @Edwerderespn 2m2 minutes ago

Manziel when I asked his next goal: "PLAY FOOTBALL. A pre season game, anything I don't care what it is..." (2/3)


Ed Werder @Edwerderespn 3m3 minutes ago

Manziel: "Only need one team to believe in me and I'll do anything to make that a possibility.'' (3/3)


Former first rounder with gobs of potential who has off the field concerns who comes cheaply? Low risk high reward? That's right in Whaley's wheelhouse!


The MoneyTeam is back. People don't forget.




so we are tanking?



He should have stayed in school, not that that would have stopped his drug/drink problem but he was probably the most fun college QB to watch.

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Manziel was #LostintheSauce but now he's back.


Ed Werder ‏@Edwerderespn 3m3 minutes ago

Johnny Manziel tells me he has achieved sobriety without professional assistance, needs to maintain and wants to play #NFL. (1/3)


Ed Werder ‏@Edwerderespn 2m2 minutes ago

Manziel when I asked his next goal: "PLAY FOOTBALL. A pre season game, anything I don't care what it is..." (2/3)


Ed Werder ‏@Edwerderespn 3m3 minutes ago

Manziel: "Only need one team to believe in me and I'll do anything to make that a possibility.'' (3/3)


Former first rounder with gobs of potential who has off the field concerns who comes cheaply? Low risk high reward? That's right in Whaley's wheelhouse!


The MoneyTeam is back. People don't forget.





Never go Full Retard, FireChan.


Opps. Looks like I'm a few years late with that warning. My bad. I shouldda got to you sooner.

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