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The Nattering Nabobs of Negativity

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TSW is becoming a lot like these college campuses where students demand safe zones because they feel "threatened."


Rather than students it's a select group of posters who shout down anyone that dares express an opinion contrary to pro-team view. And if that doesn't work, to ridicule despite never having debated the merits of the opinion they disagree with. The objective seems only to suppress those opinions that in any way call into question the team, one that has shown no success recently.


What's hilarious is that there are actual Bills fans who can't imagine why the team would get criticism. Kinda like those students who expected to be able to throw temper tantrums and get everything they demanded. :lol:



TSW is becoming a lot like these college campuses where students demand safe zones because they feel "threatened"


Rather than students it's a select group of posters who shout down anyone that dares express on opinion contrary to the 16 year drought/everything sucks view. And if that doesn't work, to ridicule despite never having debated the merits of the opinion they disagree with. The objective seems only to suppress those opinions that in any way seem favorable to the direction of the team (see: 16 years)


What's hilarious is that there are actual Bills fans who can't imagine why the team would get favorable attention. Kinda like those students who expected to be able to throw temper tantrums and get everything they demanded (Rex fired / Whaley fired / Myles Jack etc etc etc) :lol:


Pretty god damn hilarious that it fits the negative side better. Thanks for that.

Edited by What a Tuel
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I don't need a safe zone at all. But I'll confirm that like some here I am kinda sick of reading the same posts from you, Baldol and Scotty over and over and over and over and over.

I imagine they feel the same about other posters.

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Keep in mind that this is a coach that made Aaron Maybin somewhat productive for a while



This is a legit point. Ryan was able to realize what Modrak never understood. Maybin's only use was to shoot straight up the field and try to turn the corner to get to the QB. That was it. Having him "bulk up" or spend hours working on technique so he could set an edge were a total waste of everyone's time.

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The ironic thing is that some of the people others think are negative aren't really all that negative, historically speaking. In the late 90s, Badol recognized the strengths but also provided fair criticism of the weaknesses. i distinctly remember a great takedown of jerry ostroski and the right side of the line after the end of the 99 season (i think) which seemed negative, but it really wasn't - it was merely accurate. He was a rational defender and supporter of donohoe for chrissake (i wasn't because i was a butler/aj supporter). Not that we should expect everyone to be have a deep knowledge of this board's history, but when people start casting aspersions on others here for "negativity," they often don't know that poster's deep history here. Same goes for rico and GG. If i had to characterize them as anything, they're very knowledgable realists who don't fall for the bs that the team puts forth every year because they've been paying attention for a long time. Over the years, I've learned more from badol than any poster here about what makes teams good and what makes them bad.


Anyway, the bills are a sick organization (not team, but organization), and that strikes me as pretty obvious. The good news is the fix is relatively easy--this is hardly brain surgery. It just has to be done.

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The ironic thing is that some of the people others think are negative aren't really all that negative, historically speaking. In the late 90s, Badol recognized the strengths but also provided fair criticism of the weaknesses. i distinctly remember a great takedown of jerry ostroski and the right side of the line after the end of the 99 season (i think) which seemed negative, but it really wasn't - it was merely accurate. He was a rational defender and supporter of donohoe for chrissake (i wasn't because i was a butler/aj supporter). Not that we should expect everyone to be have a deep knowledge of this board's history, but when people start casting aspersions on others here for "negativity," they often don't know that poster's deep history here. Same goes for rico and GG. If i had to characterize them as anything, they're very knowledgable realists who don't fall for the bs that the team puts forth every year because they've been paying attention for a long time. Over the years, I've learned more from badol than any poster here about what makes teams good and what makes them bad.


Anyway, the bills are a sick organization (not team, but organization), and that strikes me as pretty obvious. The good news is the fix is relatively easy--this is hardly brain surgery. It just has to be done.


Well said, Dave.


Shooting the messengers (deep history: they used to slit the throat before guns) has never fixed any organization.

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Anyway, the bills are a sick organization (not team, but organization), and that strikes me as pretty obvious. The good news is the fix is relatively easy--this is hardly brain surgery. It just has to be done.

See I think this is where I differ from a lot of the perceived negative crowd. I certainly don't come here and defend everything the organisation does or confidently predict double digit wins every season, but I don't think the organisation is fundamentally sick.... at least not anymore. I think it was for a period in the late years of Ralph's control. I'd even say there were periods where it was in cardiac arrest, but I believe the medicine had started to work and the turnaround had begun.


I don't think think that our not making the play-offs, at least in the last 3 years, is because everything in the organisation is rotten and I think before 2015 the arrow was very much trending up. The reason I now see it trending down is in my view the fault of the new owners nor the holdovers - it was the Pegulas who were the driving force behind the Rex Ryan hire. The sooner they realise they were duped by a below average football coach who is just a good salesman the sooner we can get the arrow trending up again.

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Well thanks eball, that's very genteel of you.

What a looney tune..... not surprised at all. I had a stalker on here like that years ago, but he doesn't post anymore, I think he's in jail. May you have the same luck I did.


Not surprised that a lightweight zero like you would agree with #MIDOL who is nothing more than an unbalanced, rude, boor who just says the same thing over and over and over and over again with almost no contribution to raise the level of football discourse that he always talks about in the good old days of TSW. I love his demented revisionist history of our PM interaction where he was butt hurt over my calling his Shady thread Clown Shoes and thought he could threaten his way into silencing me. I still have the back and forth of the exchange, but I'm going to spare everyone from his mental midgetry. Bottom line is, he's just another keyboard tough guy who I have chosen to ignore so I don't lose any brain cells. Couldn't resist posting the female product image because it is so fitting for who he shows himself to be.

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TSW is becoming a lot like these college campuses where students demand safe zones because they feel "threatened."


Rather than students it's a select group of posters who shout down anyone that dares express an opinion contrary to pro-team view. And if that doesn't work, to ridicule despite never having debated the merits of the opinion they disagree with. The objective seems only to suppress those opinions that in any way call into question the team, one that has shown no success recently.


What's hilarious is that there are actual Bills fans who can't imagine why the team would get criticism. Kinda like those students who expected to be able to throw temper tantrums and get everything they demanded. :lol:

Well said and very accurate! Their zeal approaches a religious level. Like the members of the Church of Scientology cult's reaction to nonbelievers. If you are not a practicing member of the Holy Church of Pegula, you are obviously an evil Satanist who needs to be cut down.

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Not surprised that a lightweight zero like you would agree with #MIDOL who is nothing more than an unbalanced, rude, boor who just says the same thing over and over and over and over again with almost no contribution to raise the level of football discourse that he always talks about in the good old days of TSW. I love his demented revisionist history of our PM interaction where he was butt hurt over my calling his Shady thread Clown Shoes and thought he could threaten his way into silencing me. I still have the back and forth of the exchange, but I'm going to spare everyone from his mental midgetry. Bottom line is, he's just another keyboard tough guy who I have chosen to ignore so I don't lose any brain cells. Couldn't resist posting the female product image because it is so fitting for who he shows himself to be.

Thank for taking the high road, Junior.


Just like shooting fish in a barrel. :lol:

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Calling me a looney tune is the high road? :lol: OK Zero.

Oh, looney tune is just a term of endearment.


I knew you didn't have any kind of life at all posting links 24-7, but I must admit the stalking is disturbing. :(

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Oh, looney tune is just a term of endearment.


I knew you didn't have any kind of life at all posting links 24-7, but I must admit the stalking is disturbing. :(


Stalking? You are pathetic. 15K+ posts from you with zero relevant content. Don't you have another EJ hate post to make?

Edited by 26CornerBlitz
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Stalking? You are pathetic. 15K+ posts from you with zero relevant content. Don't you have another EJ hate post to make?

BREAKING: James Holmes, the guy who killed all those people at the Batman movie, used to post links 24-7 on a Broncos board.


I take back everything I said, PLEASE DON'T SHOOT ME!

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What you did to emoulds may be the very definition of hiding behind a keyboard.


Rather than trying to explain how you were right in some alternate universe........the correct play is to just pretend it never happened and not do it again.


I think you have no support.......even from the apologist crowd.


People come here for info and that kind of behavior hurts the cause.


Yes, I called eMoulds' first post about Lawson a "dick move" -- not going to shy away from it. I have my opinion about the how and why people who have inside info should share it. First and foremost, the fact they come here to share info in the first place speaks to their integrity if the information is not meant to be shared -- so why, again, should we congratulate such people?


You're a boor, and a bully at the same time. You post enough gibberish about schemes and systems that many believe you to be a guru -- in reality, you're just another slob with too much time on his hands posting on a message board.


The fact you call optimists "depressed with low self esteem" tells me a great deal about your own demeanor.


You're probably the old guy who used to sit behind me at the games bitching about every play -- in the early 90s. Miserable SOB, but I'm sure he called himself a realist as well.


Have a great day and Go Bills.

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TSW is becoming a lot like these college campuses where students demand safe zones because they feel "threatened."


Rather than students it's a select group of posters who shout down anyone that dares express an opinion contrary to pro-team view. And if that doesn't work, to ridicule despite never having debated the merits of the opinion they disagree with. The objective seems only to suppress those opinions that in any way call into question the team, one that has shown no success recently.


What's hilarious is that there are actual Bills fans who can't imagine why the team would get criticism. Kinda like those students who expected to be able to throw temper tantrums and get everything they demanded. :lol:

Safe zones against fluff ? Everyone knows what your posts will say before reading them. If you follow jto's ...... style of posting we would get it.


No one cares if people are critical. When you go full chicken little, no one hears your repetitive cries.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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1) Morning coffee. Great cup, too.

2) Internal debate whether or not to begin back at Page 1.

3) Page 1 here I come.

4) Tag Team: Morning crap and the entire thread!

5) Round 1: Slight advantage to the "Negative Nabobs"

6) Round 2: Kool Aid fight back.


Have a good one, gents!

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