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Next Season.....

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I don't check so frequently in the offseason, except for draft time, which gets later every year. I drop in tonight and see this? Bill, I respect your decision, but one of the few things that made a Bills loss slightly better was your recap. Yes, others have done this, but not in the same way. Well, all things must pass. I just hope the current coaching regime does so sooner than later. I share your pessimism about next season, but will root them on as always. My very best wishes for continued happiness to you and yours.

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Ugh, just saw this. Totally understand and respect it but selfishly want to see you continue. Somehow your post-game post always had a positive effect on what was often a frustrating day. Thanks for the insight and the reason you brought to game day Bill.

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Joining the Ranks to say your Critiques were a Great Read, Sir!


Always enjoyed the recap and Bills Game Review from a True Bills Fan!


Respect all the reasons to Pass it on Thank You and hope/know you'll make some great family memories this season!


To Greater Success!


Go Bills!

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I too have enjoyed your weekly posts, Bill. It was always fun to read your opinions and they always seemed to lighten the mood when other posts seemed to have a negative effect on the board. You are going to be missed on Sundays. Anyway, as I occasionally disagreed with some of your posts, there is one item I will have to refute in this one.....


The Bills defense is not going to crash and burn. Far from it. I'm pretty confident that the defense will bounce back this year. There is simply too much talent for it to be otherwise. Perhaps it is for the best. You will be able to sit back and simply enjoy the game, and I have a hunch that it will be even more than you expected.


Thank you for the time and effort that you put in and I truly hope you make the most of your time spent with family. That is what Sundays are really about anyway.


We love you, man.

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To Bill: This is my third post. I've been reading for years. Yours is among the content I anticipated and sought out. I am grateful for your knowledge, insight, graciousness to others, and effort. You're a fun read, too. I celebrate the priorities you've identified. Thank you for all you've given.

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Uh, just had this thought, Bill. Would you please consider doing your "Thoughts" post on a part-time, I mean a very part-time, basis?


Pretty much, whenever it fits your mood? That way, A. you're not bothered by trying to write notes during the game every week.


B. Your posts don't have to be right after the game, they can be during the week.


C. The posts could be on just one topic, say, on the coaching, or the offense, the announcing crew..........whatever.


D. They certainly don't have to have 10 or more "thoughts". Just a few "thoughts", or just one main "thought."


Not trying to sound like some spoiled child. Just trying to maybe plant an idea in your head.


At any rate, take care Bill, and, Go Bills!!!

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"Lay down by dear brother, lay down and take your rest...."


Thank you for your incredible contributions every game day Bill. We'll all miss you on Sundays, but take care of your health, your family and your mental sanity. Being a diehard Bills fan for over 3 decades sure has messed with mine.....

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Uh, just had this thought, Bill. Would you please consider doing your "Thoughts" post on a part-time, I mean a very part-time, basis?


Pretty much, whenever it fits your mood? That way, A. you're not bothered by trying to write notes during the game every week.


B. Your posts don't have to be right after the game, they can be during the week.


C. The posts could be on just one topic, say, on the coaching, or the offense, the announcing crew..........whatever.


D. They certainly don't have to have 10 or more "thoughts". Just a few "thoughts", or just one main "thought."


Not trying to sound like some spoiled child. Just trying to maybe plant an idea in your head.


At any rate, take care Bill, and, Go Bills!!!


Maybe he'll do a season end review in December.

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Bill, as i stated before, remember when we were all first married and we surprised our wives every once in a while with a rose, a card, and so on for no reason, just to be thoughtful.


That is my thought with you. Every once in a while when you have the time, surprise us and give a guest spot recap. We'll look for it every week and if we get our fix once every month or two, I'll take it.


The nicest part of this thread Bill is just look how many people, even those who just read and do not post have expressed how much they loved your report card each Sunday night.


Just like the clip from the Wizard of OZ. OZ to the Tin Man, "Just remember my metal friend, it is not how much you love, but how much you are loved by others". Glad your better partner.


All the best.



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I will no longer be posting a weekly thread after games. It really is time to pass the baton to someone else who may feel up to taking on the challenge. Last season, there were similar posts to mine and they were good.

Here are my itemized (of course :)) reasons:


1) First and foremost, I think that my time has passed and KNOW that others can do a better job of recapping the game. I want this for TBD.


2) My health is fine, much better than before. No smoking or even drinking since October, and I work out in the gym. That said, as amateurish as the posts were, they really did take time. I want to travel more to see my daughters, grand children, and friends.


3) I want to watch a game without a pen and notebook.


4) I might be coming up for a game this season. It's been a while and I miss it, especially the tailgates.


5) Having seen almost every play of every game for well over 2 decades, I have a bad feeling about this season. It is my opinion that Rex is destroying this team and that Whaley is almost as bad. I don't want to be in constant battles with those who think that this situation is good. There really might not be so many good things to report this year. But, this IS a Bills Fan Site, and I don't want to spend my Sundays bursting bubbles and depressing people I have grown to like SO much over the years I have spent here.


Hey, I will continue to post. This, imo, is the only place for Bills football.


Thanks to the mods & SDS for indulging me.


Thanks so, SO much to each and every one of you for the dialogue. My "thoughts" were not all knowing declarations. They were just thoughts and observations and the intent was to create dialogue. I think that for the most part, it did work.


And most of all, thanks for the support when I was sick. My daughters and I will never forget this. Not ever.


GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Glad to hear you're taking good care of yourself Bill...


We should always strive to be in the best shape possible seeing as though The Bills are going to try to kill all of us again this year... ;)

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This is sad news, but I'm grateful that I've had the chance to read your work over the years. I can get from my seat in the stadium to my house in about 15 minutes. Too often when I leave the stadium I'm shaking my head asking the question "how did that just happen?" By the time I get home I'm ready for your thread. Your work will be missed.

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