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Trump Alone at the Top

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A monkey would be running away with this thing. A stupid monkey. On life support. Covered by Obamacare.


He's stupid for not filtering himself. A smart monkey would be running away with this.

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Melania Trump - "We should not be satisfied with stagnation. Donald wants prosperity for all Americans."



"No room for small thinking; no room for small results. Donald gets things done.”



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Melania Trump - "We should not be satisfied with stagnation. Donald wants prosperity for all Americans."



"No room for small thinking; no room for small results. Donald gets things done.”



It's being reported that her speechwriter lifted parts from Michelle Obama's speech when she spoke in 2008.


It's almost like the Trumps are trying to let Hillary win.

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It's being reported that her speechwriter lifted parts from Michelle Obama's speech when she spoke in 2008.


It's almost like the Trumps are trying to let Hillary win.


Yup. He's a real candidate:


Meanwhile, former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau pointed out an ironic wrinkle in all this:


Sarah Hurwitz, Michelle's head speechwriter, used to be Hillary's. So the Trump campaign plagiarized from a Hillary speechwriter.


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Maybe Melania is another "Danny Partridge" and was sleeping when "Keith", Michelle Obama was reading her speech in 2008? Cut the babe some slack. Anyway, not the first time for this camp, they will just say they were unaware it reads word for word while standing behind the message:


"Trump Institute

Where and when: Boca Raton and elsewhere, 2005-?

The dirt: Around the same time Donald Trump was operating Trump University, the allegedly fraudulent real-estate seminar for which he’s now being sued, he also franchised his name to Irene and Mike Milin, serial operators of get-rich-quick schemes. Unlike Trump U., Trump did not own the company. Instead, he licensed his name, appearing in an informercial and promising falsely that he would hand-pick instructors. (He made a similar promise with Trump U.) As Jonathan Martin reports, the course materials at Trump Institute consisted in part of textbooks that were plagiarized.

The upshot: The Milins were forced to declare bankruptcy in 2008, in part because of the law-enforcement investigations and lawsuits against their company. Trump Institute continued on for a few years afterwards. A Trump aide says he was unaware of the plagiarism, but said he stood by the curriculum."


Trump is made of Teflon, held together by idiots.

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It's being reported that her speechwriter lifted parts from Michelle Obama's speech when she spoke in 2008.


It's almost like the Trumps are trying to let Hillary win.


No one will care. He's neck and neck with Clinton. The reality of "reality TV" is that idiocy is now acceptable.

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It's being reported that her speechwriter lifted parts from Michelle Obama's speech when she spoke in 2008.

It's almost like the Trumps are trying to let Hillary win.

Which is distracting everyone from where she said "He will never, ever give up. And most importantly, he will never, ever let you down."


Will he also never, ever run around and desert us?


She Rickrolled the convention. We, the whole nation, are being trolled. Trump...is Hogboy.

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Which is distracting everyone from where she said "He will never, ever give up. And most importantly, he will never, ever let you down."


Will he also never, ever run around and desert us?


She Rickrolled the convention. We, the whole nation, are being trolled. Trump...is Hogboy.


Holy cow, talk about two plagiarisms in one speech. Never mind the factual inaccuracy of it.

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They had to know they lifted it? Did you catch the part where Melania said "she wrote it herself"... As a dig to rally people around the fact that Michelle had a speechwriter. The average TrumpPence supporter will eat this up! They even mentioned that they signed off on Melania's speech. They knew. Like Tom said, being trolled!


What a horrifying thought. Still better than Hillary, though. At least we'll have a few laughs before armageddon.

So you are of the lesser of two evils camp. Is this 2000/2004 all over again?

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No one will care. He's neck and neck with Clinton. The reality of "reality TV" is that idiocy is now acceptable.


I care, so right off the bat you're wrong in your observation.


If you are asserting that the general public won't ultimately care, you're probably right, and to that extent it won't matter much as Trump is going to get destroyed at the ballot box anyway. However, the collective apathy actually makes this a bigger problem, not a smaller one.


In the end, we're pretty much screwed for the long term. I only wish the Trump Davidians would have listened to us before carrying him this far. When a man spends 40 years donating to and voting for Democrats, no one should be surprised that he is handing the election to them.

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No one will care. He's neck and neck with Clinton. The reality of "reality TV" is that idiocy is now acceptable.


Yup. Just look at a majority of the electorate.

And pols ripping people off? I'm shocked!

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Yup. Just look at a majority of the electorate.


And pols ripping people off? I'm shocked!

Are they ripping people off, or is it just the same script every year with the names changed? Maybe the public is just dumb enough to keep buying tickets to the show.
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