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Trump Alone at the Top

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And you know what? Trump is going to take the bait every !@#$ing time and continue to punch down and bleed support. He can't help himself.


It's embarrassing to watch this all fall apart, in part because it was so predictable. Last night the twitterwebs were crammed with NBC reporting how Manafort is mailing it in, and if there is even a hint of truth to it, I wouldn't be surprised to see him jump ship as well. By the time you factor in the ridiculous bobblehead that is Katrina Pierson, it's just too much to take on a daily basis.


You have to wonder how much more time will pass before you see comments like "When you've lost Coulter..." or "When you've lost Hannity..."

Edited by LABillzFan
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Whether or not Trump has been in this to help Hillary all along is still in question IMO but it does strike me as odd that his direct attacks against Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina, etc. were the earmark of his primary campaign and his focus during the general has been himself as a victim and the family of a fallen soldier.


He is doing enough saying things like "rigged system" that he will have a constituency after the election. This constituency will have drawn a few dems, but will be something like 85% drawn from Republicans. Although I don't think Hillary will have coattails because she is so terrible, I do think there are enough existing moron R's in congress that she will get whatever she wants. The Republicans will be damaged moving forward as Trump has helped fracture party unity. It is hardly his fault alone even if he is trying to help HRC. The establishment opened the door wide for someone like him to walk in and start ripping the place apart. They are mostly to blame for not having the finger on the pulse of their constituency or not caring about it.


Whether or not Trump is in on it doesn't really matter. What's happening is what's happening.


It's happening on the Dem side a little too with the Bernie nuts but those people can and have been controlled by the dems for 100 years. This is probably just a hiccup until they can be distracted by the next evil Koch brother or whatever.


The part I don't get is all the Hillary love coming from supposed Republicans and Conservatives. It is very disconcerting. And it's love. She's......a........commie. She wants the government in control of everything. Why does it matter if your particular sector will be the last one to go? And it doesn't matter if she is a commie for the wrong reason....like personal gain....which she seemingly is now after years as a true believer, or a commie for altruistic reasons like hippie Bernie. She's still a commie and generations will suffer for it.


IMO we're faced with 4 years of a nut job being crazy and getting nothing done or some number greater than 4 years of commies being in control and solidifying their grip on the last holdout....albeit a tenuous one....to a system that actually works.


In truth it is probably already too late with or without Trump even running because even the supposed most ethical among us like James Comey have proven to be completely and utterly subservient to their masters. Despite their message, Cruz, Paul, Rubio, and whoever else would have been shut down one way or the other. It would have just been a different spin and the Hillary lovers would have gotten their way.


They're two sides of the same coin. They are the insider elites. Join their country club - if you can, and you're blessed. I think there are few career politicians these days that are altruistically motivated to do what's best for the country. They're too busy trying to get and stay elected.


Trump is an outsider even in New York. He's not a part of the Manhattanite Elite club.

If he drops out of the race he will have destroyed the Republican party, and perhaps the country. Maybe that's been his goal all along. Run and file for bankruptcy at the last minute.

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Good read from Ben Shapiro on the latest Trumpiocrity.


3. Trump Isn’t Changing. There will be no pivot. Even today, after a week of Republican ire over Trump’s pathological inability to avoid chasing squirrels and attacking puppies, he decided it would be worthwhile to rehash his comments about Megyn Kelly’s period and his disgusting imitation of a disabled reporter. There will be no pivot. There will be no recovery. All the people who are currently chiding conservatives for not jumping aboard the Titanic – “hey, the seats are shockingly cheap!” – are ignoring the iceberg currently sitting in its hull. That iceberg is Trump himself.

4. Trump Is Easy Media Pickings. If Trump had one iota of self-restraint, he could actually shift the news cycle to issues that matter. He has plenty to choose from this week. He could talk about Hillary’s continued email lies. He could talk about the Obama administration paying ransom to a terror state, Iran, for Americans to be released. He could talk about ISIS’ growth and John Kerry’s lies about it. He could talk about the stagnant economy. Instead, he’s given the media everything they could possibly want: juicy, click-baity material, and an excuse not to cover real stories. After all, a major party nominee losing his marbles publicly is a pretty legitimate story.

5. Trump Can Still Win. Yes, he can. Trump has endured the worst week of his campaign so far (and that’s saying a lot, given that he’s had separate weeks centering on the KKK and racist comments about a judge), but he’s still in striking distance of Hillary Clinton in all the swing states. That’s because nobody likes Hillary, and less than nobody likes Trump. We’re one Putin email release away from Trump being up by two points again.


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Anyone consider that both parties maybe trying to tank this election to avoid the impending disaster of Obamacare being blamed on their party?


The ACA is set to implode in 2018 when it's finally fully implemented (barring more executive orders), and the president at the helm will take it up the rear (much like Bush for the housing market).

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Polls today show Trump with '84 Mondale numbers.


It's weird. It's like the media propped him up and gave him free press to win the nomination, and then when he won, they all turned on him viciously.


So odd.


Maybe it's just me.

....and it's just beginning. He will get pummeled like none before him. I seriously think his best move right now is to withdraw.

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Polls today show Trump with '84 Mondale numbers.


It's weird. It's like the media propped him up and gave him free press to win the nomination, and then when he won, they all turned on him viciously.


So odd.


Maybe it's just me.

If only someone had predicted this a year ago

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Polls today show Trump with '84 Mondale numbers.


It's weird. It's like the media propped him up and gave him free press to win the nomination, and then when he won, they all turned on him viciously.


So odd.


Maybe it's just me.



Of course the media would do this. He is ratings gold and from their perspective one of the easiest possible candidates for their more preferred candidate to pummel.


One of the most interesting turnarounds I've ever seen in the media comes from the Morning Joe show. Joe, at heart is a populist. So I do believe he truly was in the tank for Trump, during the primaries he on a daily basis shredded Rubio and not quite as often Cruz while incessantly propping up Trump. What I found to be curious was how much Mika also talked him up. It got so bad that many people in the media roundly criticized and mocked them for doing so and tagged their show as the Morning Trump.


Now it makes more sense, Mika all along pulled a Claire McCaskill and was doing her "duty" for the Democratic party. To say that they've done a 180 on Trump would be a massive understatement. Joe on the other hand, is a Republican. I think he did his complete turnaround on him because A) he's banging Mika and she whispers sweet silent nothings in his ear at night and B) That's what their viewers want to see and at the end of the day that's what he'll do.


In any case, this race from my perspective is almost over. Trump needs to have something shake up the race, he either needs to have a great debate or something needs to come out and hurt Hillary.


In regards to the debate, say what you will about Hillary, she's a solid debater. Knowing Trump and how ****ty of a debater he is and how the media is absolutely locked in on Trump with the sharks swirling around, I don't see that being a turning point for him.

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Of course the media would do this. He is ratings gold and from their perspective one of the easiest possible candidates for their more preferred candidate to pummel.


One of the most interesting turnarounds I've ever seen in the media comes from the Morning Joe show. Joe, at heart is a populist. So I do believe he truly was in the tank for Trump, during the primaries he on a daily basis shredded Rubio and not quite as often Cruz while incessantly propping up Trump. What I found to be curious was how much Mika also talked him up. It got so bad that many people in the media roundly criticized and mocked them for doing so and tagged their show as the Morning Trump.


Now it makes more sense, Mika all along pulled a Claire McCaskill and was doing her "duty" for the Democratic party. To say that they've done a 180 on Trump would be a massive understatement. Joe on the other hand, is a Republican. I think he did his complete turnaround on him because A) he's banging Mika and she whispers sweet silent nothings in his ear at night and B) That's what their viewers want to see and at the end of the day that's what he'll do.


In any case, this race from my perspective is almost over. Trump needs to have something shake up the race, he either needs to have a great debate or something needs to come out and hurt Hillary.


In regards to the debate, say what you will about Hillary, she's a solid debater. Knowing Trump and how ****ty of a debater he is and how the media is absolutely locked in on Trump with the sharks swirling around, I don't see that being a turning point for him.



What is God's name could , "...come out and hurt Hillary." if the scandals that have gone before just slid off her cankles like butta? The woman could shoot an attendee at one of her rallies and walk away from any legal response. Therein lies the fear of most right-thinking citizens.

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Of course the media would do this. He is ratings gold and from their perspective one of the easiest possible candidates for their more preferred candidate to pummel.


One of the most interesting turnarounds I've ever seen in the media comes from the Morning Joe show. Joe, at heart is a populist. So I do believe he truly was in the tank for Trump, during the primaries he on a daily basis shredded Rubio and not quite as often Cruz while incessantly propping up Trump. What I found to be curious was how much Mika also talked him up. It got so bad that many people in the media roundly criticized and mocked them for doing so and tagged their show as the Morning Trump.


Now it makes more sense, Mika all along pulled a Claire McCaskill and was doing her "duty" for the Democratic party. To say that they've done a 180 on Trump would be a massive understatement. Joe on the other hand, is a Republican. I think he did his complete turnaround on him because A) he's banging Mika and she whispers sweet silent nothings in his ear at night and B) That's what their viewers want to see and at the end of the day that's what he'll do.


In any case, this race from my perspective is almost over. Trump needs to have something shake up the race, he either needs to have a great debate or something needs to come out and hurt Hillary.


In regards to the debate, say what you will about Hillary, she's a solid debater. Knowing Trump and how ****ty of a debater he is and how the media is absolutely locked in on Trump with the sharks swirling around, I don't see that being a turning point for him.

So the media is to blame ... Maybe it was the ignorants who voted for him

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