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Brady 4 game suspension upheld; Will go to court

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For one, Goddell *can't* because an appeal can never increase the penalty and it definitely falls under the initial reason for punishment.


Second, the guy has been stumping for Brady the whole time. Jeez Louise.

Furthermore, doesn't the CBA say that 4 games is the maximum for this kind of violation? The on-field kind.

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Just because the union didn't succeed in revoking an unethical practice by the league as part of their agreement doesn't mean the players who are victimized don't have a case....

So you're saying that Brady is the victim here?

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He did not. Wells requested specific records for a specific timeframe from a phone Brady destroyed. And MONTHS before Brady offered anything at all. If anything, it looks contemptuous on Brady's part to offer non-relevant records from a non-relevant phone months after Wells made the initial request for compliance.


It's all in the commissioner's final report filed in federal court yesterday.


I'm sure that Brady's legal team will improve upon Brady's Facebook pleadings, but for now I put a helluva lot more credence in an official court document.



Contemptuous is probably the best word to describe his behavior and attitude throughout this mess.
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Quick hypothetical:


After the first ruling comes down and Brady gives a non-apology that goes something like this:"I disagree with the commissioner's decision. I know what really happened and what I did and didn't do. Nonetheless for the good of my organization, and of the league and for the sport I will not be appealing the decision."


Then, a few months later Hardy's punishment gets knocked down to four games.


How differently does the media spin track?

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Quick hypothetical:


After the first ruling comes down and Brady gives a non-apology that goes something like this:"I disagree with the commissioner's decision. I know what really happened and what I did and didn't do. Nonetheless for the good of my organization, and of the league and for the sport I will not be appealing the decision."


Then, a few months later Hardy's punishment gets knocked down to four games.


How differently does the media spin track?


The entirety of the non-Pats* universe would be in a tailspin over the presumed homosexual relationship twixt Kraft/comish.

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Dan Shaughnessy probably wrote that article weeks ago -- no one upsets Boston 'tards more than he does. And yeah, he's right.


After reading the column, and then the comments section, I have to wonder: if Brady and all his wins were as a Bills QB, would Bills fans be screaming about a witch hunt and how the NFL was just trying to go after our team and QB? Especially if the team accepted its lost picks and paid its fines?


I'd like to think most of us would be rational enough to accept that our QB and team cheated.


But I'm probably wrong about that.

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Kraft I agreed to the fine (bribe) to the NFL in hopes they would exonerate Tom Brady***

shouldn't he hope that the truth would exonerate him?


So Kraft is admitting that he agreed to the fine as a way to try to influence Goodell. Unreal.

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We didn't do anything wrong, that's why I've suspended 2 employee's, accepted a punishment(in hopes of influencing the commissioner of our league) and Tom destroyed his phone.


Isn't that what every innocent person does?

Edited by Wayne Cubed
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Man how awful does brady look to the world at this point?

The world doesn't care about the NFL. Those that do care will see the Patriots as twice confirmed cheaters in the same era and as such deem the entire era as a period of cheating. Much like how all the cyclists were doping during the Armstrong times.

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We didn't do anything wrong, that's why I've suspended 2 employee's, accepted a punishment and Tom destroyed his phone.


Isn't that what every innocent person does?

And say there is no reason to ask Jastremski and McNally questions in the appeal process when asked for... you know, the two guys we fired that did absolutely nothing wrong.
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By moving this to the courts, Disgraced QB Tom Brady** will be doing nothing more than keeping the focus on it longer and making him and the organization look worse and worse. The suspended games are almost inconsequential to me now. If he thinks any kind of judgement by the courts will somehow 'clear his name' at this point he is insane. Any reasonable person understands that he is absolutely involved up to his dreamy eyeballs, regardless of what happens from here on out.


I still hold out hope that by making this move, it will somehow result in some other information coming forward blowing the doors off some other systematic cheating scandal(s) within the organization. I get chills thinking about it.

From your lips to God's ears!


Florio is making an even bigger ass of himself now than he has in his recent sleazeball past, which is no small feat.


He's complaining that the NFL didn't INCREASE Brady's suspension after the smoking gun of the cell phone, so they must not really believe it was all that bad.

I'm not sure if they deleted my account, but I can't log in any longer. I wanted to comment on that particular tirade this morning.

It's a specious argument at best. In fact The League offered in good faith to lower his penalties - providing Brady*** admitted he was guilty.

He doubled down on his "innocence" and Goodell stuck it to him. For him it has to be a complete exoneration. What an azzhat.

It's the Clinton defense: attack your accuser, and deny, deny, deny, and when that begins to lose traction - delete whatever evidence you can.

Dirtbag Pats***.

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