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New England Patriots caught deflating game balls


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Rex Ryan was hated for the last 6-7. Now all of the sudden we love him.


And Drew Bledsoe was "Nancy Drew" until the Bills traded for him.


I never really hated Ryan...thought he was something of a clown, that's about it. Belichick, I hate.


And anyone who wants Belichick as coach should remember that he out-Marroned Marrone. Quit the Jets during the press conference announcing his promotion to head coach by the Jets, with a resignation letter of nothing more than "I quit" written on a napkin.

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To highlight what I mean.....


Belicheat started by saying...

"When I came in Monday morning I was shocked to learn of the news reports about the footballs."

The news reports being that it was discovered 11 of the 12 balls were deflated......Belicheat was shocked to learn of the discovery of the deflated balls, not necessarily the fact that the balls were deflated.


He continues....

"I had no knowledge whatsoever of this situation until Monday morning."

Meaning that he didn't know that the deflated balls had been discovered until Monday morning.


He has not denied having a hand in the deflation of the balls.

He said he has never discussed the inflation issue with any player or staff member.
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Go through the transcript and look at how prepared, systematic, and logical Belichick's comments are.


1) I have no knowledge of the complex process for preparing and controlling balls before a game. None.


2) I don't like ideal balls for my players, I like bad balls for my players. I always insist on using poorly prepared balls in practice and my players complain about how bad they are. And then I make them worse.


3) We will have to pay more attention to climatic conditions in the future; obviously the weather could have done this


4) I am not the one to talk to about footballs; that is best left to specialists who touch the ball; Tom Brady would be a great guy to talk to on that subject; he would be much more tuned into a ball's condition than I ever would


5) I've never touched a game ball during a game


Including answers to questions, 941 words in the transcript.


Nothing outwardly suggesting shock, anger, or flat out saying the charges are wrong.


As I wrote a while ago:


1) Admit nothing

2) Deny everything

3) Make counter accusations


"I didn't even know this process existed. I love BAD balls, not IDEAL balls. The weather could have done it. Don't talk to me, talk to Brady or a skill guy; they are the ball experts. Hell, I have never touched a game ball during a game!"



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Questions for everyone.


If Bill were to be fired in NE would you want him as the Bills HC?



No. I don't want a cheating lying SOB coach on our team. The minute we make the playoffs the questions would begin on if it was legit or if BB found a way around the rules again and cheated his way to get us there.

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Go through the transcript and look at how prepared, systematic, and logical Belichick's comments are.


1) I have no knowledge of the complex process for preparing and controlling balls before a game. None.


2) I don't like ideal balls for my players, I like bad balls for my players. I always insist on using poorly prepared balls in practice and my players complain about how bad they are. And then I make them worse.


3) We will have to pay more attention to climatic conditions in the future; obviously the weather could have done this


4) I am not the one to talk to about footballs; that is best left to specialists who touch the ball; Tom Brady would be a great guy to talk to on that subject; he would be much more tuned into a ball's condition than I ever would


5) I've never touched a game ball during a game


Including answers to questions, 941 words in the transcript.


Nothing outwardly suggesting shock, anger, or flat out saying the charges are wrong.


As I wrote a while ago:


1) Admit nothing

2) Deny everything

3) Make counter accusations


"I didn't even know this process existed. I love BAD balls, not IDEAL balls. The weather could have done it. Don't talk to me, talk to Brady or a skill guy; they are the ball experts. Hell, I have never touched a game ball during a game!"




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I despised Ryan at first, but after he toned down the WWF personality a bit (even then I remember saying I wish the Bills had a coach like that), he grew on me. Im on record here saying a number of times this year (as early as week 5) that he would be a perfect fit.



With Belechick comes cheating perception. Along with my dislike for him, there would always be that shred of questionablity that would come if the bills won a title. I dont want that. You would also have a HC that has so much legacy elsewhere and a title in Buffalo would be a footnote, not the pinnacle

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I said it somewhere up-thread...they don't just want to beat Seattle, or any other team in the league. They want to beat every team in the history of the game. They want a legacy as "best ever."

and with single elimination, and parity around the league.... gaps arent always huge. even if you are confident you are #1, guys will still have incentive to do everything they can to widen that gap.

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Next step is for Brady to say HE knew nothing about it and that the equipment boy went rogue. And then for Kraft to set the kid up for life.


Nothing to see here, folks. Move right along.

Exactly. The Pats will set up some low level employee to take the fall, take a slap on the wrist from the NFL, and move on. Then Belichick will continue to find creative ways to gain an advantage, sometimes barely within, and sometimes outside of the rules. Neither Billy or the Golden Boy will get any on them.
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At one point, he did give Brady a gentle shove under the bus...


Really...a guy who knows the rule book well enough to create an "ineligible receiver" formation doesn't know the process for inflating and managing footballs during the game????

It sure seemed like he threw Brady under the bus.


He talked for a long while about how he makes the balls difficult to use in practice and if anyone complains he makes them worse. He does this to prepare for the games and for ball security......but somehow he doesn't know the procedures used in the games?


BWOOP!!!!!! BWOOP!!!!!!! BWOOP!!!!!

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So...just the refs and Kraft?

I hate Kraft as much as Bellichick, but I did like the story about Kraft and the Devil after spygate, if it is true. That Kraft asked Him on a scale of 1-100 how much the taping helped, Bellicheat said "1." And Kraft said "then you're a schmuck." It doesn't at all mean Kraft wasn't aware of it. I just thought it was interesting.


I doubt Kraft was aware of Ballghazi. I think he's probably enraged right now. I don't think there is a chance that The Devil Wears Hoodies didn't know about it. Even though he threw Brady under the bus, even if Brady is going to say the same thing, which was nice.

Edited by Kelly the Dog
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