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New England Patriots caught deflating game balls


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I've been trying to not weigh in on this but am just getting sucked in.


There are two things about this story that I think are pertinent. First, it's obvious that deflating the balls, if it actually happened, didn't affect the outcome of the game.


Second, if the assertion is true, the first point is largely irrelevant because willful, deliberate actions to circumvent the rules should be dealt with. There is absolutely no excuse for that behavior.


Again, no idea if it's true. But if so, the damage to the integrity of the "game" if far greater than the impact in the game.

your last sentence is what has driven much of the discussion on the topic today. If they did do it, why did they think they needed to? Is there a pattern of challenging the integrity of the game with this team? Many say yes. Edited by YoloinOhio
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The whole reason there's so much talk about Patsies* is that Bellichick & Brady have accomplished what no other coach/QB tandem have been able to do in the modern era. Just think about all the all time greats who laced up in the last 50 years, the guys at the top of the Hall of Fame. Yet none of them, not a single one were dominant for 14 seasons straight.


Ask yourself, other than Bellichick & Brady, name another Pats* player over that 14-15 year span who is a sure fire HoF'er? I can't come up with a single guy.


So there it is, either these guys came into one another by sheer cosmic coincidence, devine intervention or Moe Lewis's hit. But, no one in the league has accomplished anything remotely close to what these two have. So, it's either the two of them are the greatest ever, or there's something else.


I tend to believe that it's something else. With the league's talent fairly evenly distributed, it's hard to imagine that one team can be so consistently good, when it's fielding starts from Kent State. Cheating Bill may in fact have stumbled onto the golden formula, and yes, I read about his meticulous preparation for every opponent. But it's also true that he doesn't have MENSA members executing his schemes.


To me, it's a far bigger leap to think that he's so far better than anyone in the league now or anyone who came before.


And that's why when all these little things pop up, they tend to stick with us haters. Because that's how cheaters gain an edge in a league full of parity. You can take a look at any team that's 7-9, 8-8, 9-7, and pinpoint 3-4 plays over the course of those losses that could have swayed a win. That's all it takes. One or two plays a game.


And that's all that cheating Bill needs.

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Wow--take the kids skiing for the day and I miss all this?


How is anyone really surprised by anything they do at this point? This article is as true today as the day it was written:




Among the choice quotes:


"The committee heard accusations that the Patriots had taped opposing coaches’ signals, placed microphones on defensive players to steal quarterbacks’ audible signals and manipulated clocks and coach-to-quarterback radio systems." (BTW, lots more on those accusations (including citations) in the Spygate book from a few years back.)


"The N.F.L. team executive said the Patriots were the subject of most of the accusations discussed in the rules committee’s deliberations. The team’s recent success and tight-lipped approach, as personified by Belichick, has played a role.

“They were the only team, really,” the executive said. “Clearly, they were the team mentioned far more than anybody else.”"


Second verse, same as the first. If this latest allegation is true, they seem to be getting more brazen with time, since there's tangible evidence of their cheating being handed to the refs on every offensive play.


I agree with the folks here who say that it's doubtful that the underinflated balls were necessary or key to their dominant win yesterday, but I also agree with the folks who point to the integrity of the game and say that something really needs to be done about someone who repeatedly tries to break the League's rules, seemingly at every turn. There are 32 teams in the NFL, but why is it almost always this one team every single time?


Personally, I think it has to do with an organization run by and staffed with like-minded individuals who don't like to lose and have a "win at all costs (fair or foul)" mentality. Look no further than that tantrums Brady throws when things aren't going his way, or Belichick running off the field before the game was over without shaking Coughlin's hand in 2008 (I honestly think he was afraid he'd cry on national TV) or a couple years back sending Devin McCourty out to do a post-game interview in his place after they got upset by the Ravens in the playoffs (absolutely classless, but again, shows what an absolute poor sport the man is). They just can't stand to lose, so will do whatever it takes to win. If that involves stretching the line, so be it. If they're caught here, they need to be dealt with hard, as it's at least a second offense.

Edited by MattM
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So .. The lance defense .. Point is you just don't know how much of a competitive advantage gives .

I can answer this. I know pro cyclists, and Olympic athletes. Some sports are clean some are dirty. Cycling is impossible to win clean. Literally impossible. The sport is trash, not as an athletic endevour but in terms of integrity.

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Wow--take the kids skiing for the day and I miss all this?


How is anyone really surprised by anything they do at this point? This article is as true today as the day it was written:




Among the choice quotes:


"The committee heard accusations that the Patriots had taped opposing coaches signals, placed microphones on defensive players to steal quarterbacks audible signals and manipulated clocks and coach-to-quarterback radio systems." (BTW, lots more on those accusations (including citations) in the Spygate book from a few years back.)


"The N.F.L. team executive said the Patriots were the subject of most of the accusations discussed in the rules committees deliberations. The teams recent success and tight-lipped approach, as personified by Belichick, has played a role.

They were the only team, really, the executive said. Clearly, they were the team mentioned far more than anybody else."


Second verse, same as the first. If this latest allegation is true, they seem to be getting more brazen with time, since there's tangible evidence of their cheating being handed to the refs on every offensive play.


I agree with the folks here who say that it's doubtful that the underinflated balls were necessary or key to their dominant win yesterday, but I also agree with the folks who point to the integrity of the game and say that something really needs to be done about someone who repeatedly tries to break the League's rules, seemingly at every turn. There are 32 teams in the NFL, but why is it almost always this one team every single time?


Personally, I think it has to do with an organization run by and staffed with like-minded individuals who don't like to lose and have a "win at all costs (fair or foul)" mentality. Look no further than that tantrums Brady throws when things aren't going his way, or Belichick running off the field before the game was over without shaking Coughlin's hand in 2008 (I honestly think he was afraid he'd cry on national TV) or a couple years back sending Devin McCourty out to do a post-game interview in his place after they got upset by the Ravens in the playoffs (absolutely classless, but again, shows what an absolute poor sport the man is). They just can't stand to lose, so will do whatever it takes to win. If that involves stretching the line, so be it. If they're caught here, they need to be dealt with hard, as it's at least a second offense.

Depending on what's found I could see it being stiffer than normal but part of what makes it hard to weigh opinions with is a large section of the board treats fudging injury reports the same as spygate when it's the patriots name involved, and gloss over incidents/calls/precedent around the league when discussing them. I know it causes me to read reactions on here with regards to them and feel like I immediately need to check out other boards to see reactions and weigh opinions. If a couple balls were at the 12.25 level instead of 12.5 I'm not losing sleep. If they strongly tampered with them, I'd be more prone to react. Edited by NoSaint
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Depending on what's found I could see it being stiffer than normal but part of what makes it hard to weigh opinions with is a large section of the board treats fudging injury reports the same as spygate when it's the patriots name involved, and gloss over incidents/calls/precedent around the league when discussing them. I know it causes me to read reactions on here with regards to them and feel like I immediately need to check out other boards to see reactions and weigh opinions. If a couple balls were at the 12.25 level instead of 12.5 I'm not losing sleep. If they strongly tampered with them, I'd be more prone to react.

I caught NBC News tonight and it was the 3rd story reported there, so this is getting national press. It will be interesting to see what comes of it.

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I caught NBC News tonight and it was the 3rd story reported there, so this is getting national press. It will be interesting to see what comes of it.

Indeed. But whether nbc news has a clue about deflated balls, and precedents or is just seeing super bowl drama (like some referenced similar to deer antler spray).... We will see. I just don't trust I'll get a lot of measured, thoughtful and impartial reactions here no matter what the outcome. (And using that in both this and the position coach thread has me feeling a bit judgy, which isn't my goal... I love catching inside info and new persoectives here)

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Only on this forum would the Pats supposedly using a underinflated ball generate 278 posts. Its embarrassing how much some of you dwell on them. [/

It's painful and I would rather not. But I believe by shoving this guy into the light maybe we will realize you have to protect ourselves every single time by changing every play signal etc so we never ever see the need to care about this hooded turd and expose him by winning. It's just a pain in the ass to police him if the league won't . Hopefully the ridiculous size of this stupid thread will make the front office anti spy leak etc. Our playoffs come down to one thing only. Putting this worm in his place twice a year . Prob ably a lot of work to assume he has everything but they have all year and are paid well . After the scandal and the draft pick we relaxed. This isn't about a little ball trick but a theme of anything goes and fock the rules that I was forced to wake up and realize it still goes on . Shula said it just fine.

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Oh I admit it: the Patriots* make me irrational and I hate everything about them.


It's because they are literally impossible to like. Every time I try to be ok with them some new scandal comes up.


Plus with them it is always "greatest of all time" talk... I think that's it in a nutshell.


The Giants earned my unending respect for stopping them twice. Seattle needs to play the game of their lives.

Edited by TheFunPolice
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I decided to beat this stupid childish drum for one reason . It's unfortunately true. I don't want the league to do anything except confirm it . Then we do our pest control and tent the place before we play them .

Yr right I bet the giants shielded their PIN number and blue tooth from this punk. Don't forget all those tablets . Next we will hear the hoodturd has little cyber pukes stealing data from the booth instead of actually playing football. I'm sober and cranky.

This thread is full of scorned ex girl friends, lol

He'll hath .. But no


It's a bout a cheating little prick I won't bet on and I'm not stupid enough to bet against because he is good at cheating and distorts the game, but that was funny. I've had my share of that.

Mattm and nosaint .. Nice. This thread is like cleaning an overflowing toilet.

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Gg .. Great. The dolphins dominated us for ?? But I didn't hate them like this . When you beat the best you have arrived . Not sure what it means to beat a cheat. The hoodturd is smart . No question . Brady shines too but who knows how much and how much is having an unfair advantage w low character .. It's tough to argue these points without sounding like a whiny puss but over time the evidence is piling up

I smell sulfur ..


No .. I will not have a sense of humor . I'm sick of the turdhood.

Really the team it is not the first time they have been caught. Nor will it be the last. It is that all teams due it. Cheat or inflated balls. But Pats got caught with their pants down.

So remember next year and pelt em w tapes and out town hotel coupons old laptops . Just the coaches . Pull the fire alarms every hour .. Steal all their stuff and then give to em on game day . Let us be the league and seek our own honorable justice for turdyhood. I think it's much more them but yeah .. Lip readers are everywhere.


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sabotage ????

We reportedly know where the accusations came from.

According to reports from WCVB's Mike Lynch andNewsday's Bob Glauber, the Indianapolis Colts reported the issue following D'Qwell Jackson's interception in the second quarter.

The reports say Jackson gave the ball to a member of the equipment staff who noticed the problem and informed coach Chuck Pagano.



Pagano on deflated footballs: Didn’t notice it, won’t comment on it


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i guess we now know Pagano is a liar....


didn't he say he knew nothing about it ???


The equipment man told coach Chuck Pagano, who relayed the information to General Manager Ryan Grigson, who contacted NFL director of football operations Mike Kensil, who told the officials on the field at halftime (who apparently waited til the first play of the third quarter to remove a ball)



Edited by papazoid
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