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New England Patriots caught deflating game balls


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I have no love at all for the Pats, but this seems like a tempest in a teapot to me. As a Pats fan friend put it to me this morning, Jackson's INT brought attention to the issue midway through the second quarter. Surely, the refs had time to address this before the second half. What happened in the second half?

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I have no love at all for the Pats, but this seems like a tempest in a teapot to me. As a Pats fan friend put it to me this morning, Jackson's INT brought attention to the issue midway through the second quarter. Surely, the refs had time to address this before the second half. What happened in the second half?

its not about the impact on this particular game. It's why the heck they did it. And do they always do it? JMo.
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So you drew the short straw again today? How many of you guys are assigned to defend your precious cheaters*** on opposing fan boards around the league?


It's got to be a tiresome and thankless task; swimming upstram against both public opinion and common sense.


But you should be used to it by now, considering the number of opportunities your precious cheaters*** give you.

Why the presumption of cheating?


What started out as an INT by the Colts LB has given way to suspicion which then turned into perception which has ultimately manifested into reality in the eyes of some here.


Why do you suppose that is?


The league has said that they are responding to a complaint about the air pressure of balls used in the AFCCG game and are investigating the matter, which they are required to do. Correct me if I am wrong but, the league has not stated that they are suspicious of the Pats taking the air out of the ball(s). In reality, it is people who are jumping to conclusions that this is an investigation into whether or not the Pats cheated (by deflating the balls to under spec). I do wonder, if these same people are also claiming the Packers are also cheaters for adding air to Aaron Rodgers’ footballs. My guess is …. not.


Why do you suppose that is?

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I have no love at all for the Pats, but this seems like a tempest in a teapot to me. As a Pats fan friend put it to me this morning, Jackson's INT brought attention to the issue midway through the second quarter. Surely, the refs had time to address this before the second half. What happened in the second half?


They cut Walt Coleman an extra check.

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its not about the impact on this particular game. It's why the heck they did it. And do they always do it? JMo.

That he didn't have an answer for. As for why, career criminals are called career criminals for a reason.


They cut Walt Coleman an extra check.

My friend's response to "Walt Coleman" is always "Ben Dreith." I have no ready response for that.

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Why the presumption of cheating?


What started out as an INT by the Colts LB has given way to suspicion which then turned into perception which has ultimately manifested into reality in the eyes of some here.


Why do you suppose that is?


The league has said that they are responding to a complaint about the air pressure of balls used in the AFCCG game and are investigating the matter, which they are required to do. Correct me if I am wrong but, the league has not stated that they are suspicious of the Pats taking the air out of the ball(s). In reality, it is people who are jumping to conclusions that this is an investigation into whether or not the Pats cheated (by deflating the balls to under spec). I do wonder, if these same people are also claiming the Packers are also cheaters for adding air to Aaron Rodgers’ footballs. My guess is …. not.


Why do you suppose that is?


The presumption of innocence belongs to, well, the innocent. The Taintriots have long since moved past that point.



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My friend's response to "Walt Coleman" is always "Ben Dreith." I have no ready response for that.


Dreith made one inexcusably bad and obviously stupid call on a clear-cut rule. He didn't interpret rules and make eyebrow-raising questionable calls to the benefit of one team like Walt does.

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Why the presumption of cheating?


What started out as an INT by the Colts LB has given way to suspicion which then turned into perception which has ultimately manifested into reality in the eyes of some here.


Why do you suppose that is?


The league has said that they are responding to a complaint about the air pressure of balls used in the AFCCG game and are investigating the matter, which they are required to do. Correct me if I am wrong but, the league has not stated that they are suspicious of the Pats taking the air out of the ball(s). In reality, it is people who are jumping to conclusions that this is an investigation into whether or not the Pats cheated (by deflating the balls to under spec). I do wonder, if these same people are also claiming the Packers are also cheaters for adding air to Aaron Rodgers’ footballs. My guess is …. not.


Why do you suppose that is?


Why do Cheatriots** Fans like you feel the need to troll the fan boards of other NFL teams deflecting and obfuscating the well deserved criticisms under discussion?


98% of NFL Fans know that the Cheatriots have never won a Super Bowl Championship with out CHEATING!


We know it because they were caught and punished. And because the Commish burned the evidence to keep a lid on just how far that cheating went.


As someone else said the presumption of innocence goes to the innocent. And of all the things the Cheatriots have been accused of Innocence has never been one of them.

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actual curiosity, not a pointed question trying to get an answer -- do you think BB instructed the equipment guys to deflate them to a certain PSI, "the lowest we can get away with" or another verbiage? a basic "bad weather coming, lets keep them as soft as we can"?


Sorry traveling and unable to keep up with the board. But, I have no opinion on that.

After the player subsitution issue against the Ravens, I get the feeling that the Pats* dig deep into the rule book to see what plays could be on the fringe of the rules and yet could give them an advantage. Frankly, I am surprised more teams havent tried to use this philosophy.

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aaron rodgers likes to overinflate balls according to this.... doesnt make it ok, but might put into perspective if this is a level 10 freak out situation, or something that is commonplace. im not saying it makes it ok for them to disregard rules (if they did), but simply that this might not be uncommon, and that the nfl has a minor penalty and lets teams do what they want with them even after inspection suggests that its probably not considered a major infraction by the league or teams.

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Thanks for the seemingly fruitless game of nfl ..whack a troll


Maybe 19 pages is enough for our new first family of buffalo to employ the guy who wrote the spy gate book snd a few other interns to create an anti hoodturd task force to make absolutely certain sll future games are straight up. Nice work gentleman in expressing a truly unpopular truth over and over again to remove the cards the insecure turd thinks he needs to hide up his sleeve to win . I see no new arguments which make me doubt our resolve or that don't occlude with the incredible lack of honor displayed but a head coach and an organization which actually seems to be afraid of a fair athletic competition. Much like the ussr I the 70s and 80s the patriots exemplify all the sign that the nfl is determined to take a simple game and turn it into cheap facsimile where villains and underdogs and crooked refs are all part of the merger that is the new WWF nfl. Where it's not about the athletes and the outcome but the story of an intriguing farce . I do hope to one day return to betting on real football games won or list by the athletes on the field instead of trying to determine who cheated and schemed the best to affect the outcome ..

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During the game Sunday, Brady threw a pass to Vereen down the left sideline and the ball flight looked weird to me. I told my buddy I thought that throw looked weird, so I think it's kind of funny this came out after the game. Were the underinflated ball the cause of the lopsided victory? No, most likely not, but every little bit helps. It makes you wonder what else they do. I think it's a fair question to ask when the organization has a history of cheating.


I read the Spygate book a couple years ago ever since I've been saying I think the Patriots are still cheating. If you look at their performance over the last decade from a purely statistical point of view, what they've accomplished is near impossible. The NFL has never seen anything like it. Not even before the cap and free agency. How have they done so well with many no name players? How can they have a winning season without even having an offensive coordinator? Are they still using radio communication beyond what the NFL allows? Why did Peyton Manning refuse to discuss plays in the locker room because he thought someone was listening?


Maybe there's nothing there and it turns out Brady and the Hoodie are the greatest ever, and I'm just jealous. There's just too many unanswered questions for me to just blindly believe they are that great.

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