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OK so generally I hate advice threads.

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I have rather unique experience with a situation like this. Except I was the "husband" (boyfriend) in this scenario.


My ex met all these people online in a game and decided to be real life friends with them too. Eventually she wanted to go meet them (after telling me they all think she's hot) I refuse and she goes anyway. A month later she dumped me and I got an email from her with the entire text conversation with the guy she dumped me for. (Did I mention he lived in his parents basement and was 26 and she was 19?)


Fast forward a few years and she married the !@#$er. Fast forward a year after that and they got divorced. I call it poetic justice, seeing as how I got the perfect women now (Jboyst can attest)


But from the "husbands" perspective. I wouldn't trust that girl in the slightest. If she can reach out to people online when she's married, whats keeping her from doing that to you in the future? Or is she talking to multiple people from multiple games? Is she just looking for attention? Wanted to feel wanted?


I can also say that it made me feel totally inadequate that she did that to me. I've forgiven her for many things, but I will never forgive that girl fro going behind my back like that.


I know it may all seem like rainbows and sunshine right now and I'm sure you're a hell of a nice dude, but tread carefully here.

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I am pretty amazed at most of the responses on here.......


Cheating is bad.......its bad for everybody for muliple reasons.


While I agree, and would not...the fact is that JSP is going to do whatever he damn well pleases. It's his choice, not mine (and hell, it's not even so much his as hers. If not him she'll find someone else.)


So there's no point in advising him to be puritanical. He's a big boy and can make that decision on his own. It's more productive to advise him to make sure he's not as complete a moron about it as he is about damn near everything else.


(Now thank me for that, JSP. :D)

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By far the most interesting thread I've read at this forum in a long time, including off the wall and on the wall.


It is shocking to me how people, generally, and in this thread, specifically, always want to paint things in simple, black and white absolutes. Human beings also base their perception (and therefore reality) heavily on their own personal anecdotal experiences, which generally speaking, are not relevant beyond those limited anecdotes.


People are telling you things like "if she cheats with you she'll cheat on you." That may be true; that may very well not be true. She may engage in a slightly "dicey" situation with you, realize you are the perfect man of her dreams, and live happily forever with you in total fidelity. No one commenting in this thread (or elsewhere) knows.


What is cheating in this context? What if she and her husband are in a failed relationship and both have known it for a while? What if she is 80% sure her marriage is likely to end shortly, and then this chance encounter with the original poster came along and into her life via serendipity. She thinks maybe this will amount to something important and she can't let the opportunity slip through her fingers.


Is that really a classic "the B word is cheating on her husband" scenario?


You have no idea, really, what this woman is like (not yet at least) and you have no idea how this might play out until you choose to pursue it further, if you are going to chose to do that. Step 1 in that direction would be to arrange to meet her in person.


If you (original poster) are not prepared to do that, you aren't really taking all this very seriously and really, none of this thread matters at that point. If this is the case, enjoy your "Skype pal" and leave it at that.

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When I first read this thread something about it was disconcerting to me. I couldn't put my finger on it, but before you put your finger on it, you should listen up because I think I know what is going on here.


Gamer...high level manager at a fortune 500....red head....about to divorce.....talks about her husband....all of these things are major red flags on their own but when they are mixed together they point to danger. The two that give it away most are fortune 500 high level and gamer. The people at high levels like that have no time for gaming. This is ruse, but not your normal cat fishing or money scam.


Here is what's possibly up: The woman and her husband are indeed at odds, but only from time to time. They are also a team, and they are not the leaders of the team. Their mom is the leader. That's right, they are siblings. I can't be 100% sure but this seems to be where the limited evidence points. Has she ever said to you that you look like her dad, or remind her of her dad, or anything like that? Why? Because her dad left when the sibling twins....yes twins....were young and the mother has spent a lifetime training them in taking revenge. It is possible that the real dad is still out there or that he was the first victim. In any event if you were to travel to San Diego, where nobody knows you, you would be engaged in four play at some point and then handcuffed. You would be thrilled for about a second until the husband/brother came into the room. From this point forward you would be lectured on what you did to the mother for about three days straight with the twins taking shifts. Once you said that you understood what you had done and tried to apologize....long since having given up telling them it was a case of mistaken identity....one by one they would remove parts of your body. When too many had been taken for you to survive much longer you'd be moved to another room...your final room....your last memory would be of the mother feasting on the already removed portions of your body. Her next words would be....bring me the heart.


You see what's up here is that none of the earlier victims have been convincing enough with their apologies for them to last as satisfactory. Over time, the siblings and mother figure out the victims were not the real father and they go on another Skype hunt.


Clearly I can't be sure of all the details here but if only half of them are true you should 1. avoid the trip, 2. send Poojer in your stead and implant a tracking device in him before you do, or 3. at the very least you should wear the t-shirt.


I'd suggest option 1.

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Fast forward a few years and she married the !@#$er. Fast forward a year after that and they got divorced. I call it poetic justice, seeing as how I got the perfect women now (Jboyst can attest)


... :huh: Did you happen to meet this "perfect woman" on Boyst's cow farm? And are sure it's a "woman"?



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An update...


Basically I told her that so long as she's still married and not at LEAST separated, I'm not going any farther with her. Not because I don't want to, but rather because I don't want to be used for side entertainment. She understood totally.


Back to the solo existence. =/

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Don't knock the solo existence, I kind of enjoy it(of course i could be trying to convince myself i enjoy it). You've only been single for a year? take the time to get yourself straight, then when you are done with you, then work on ruining someone else's life again. :rolleyes:



An update...


Basically I told her that so long as she's still married and not at LEAST separated, I'm not going any farther with her. Not because I don't want to, but rather because I don't want to be used for side entertainment. She understood totally.


Back to the solo existence. =/

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Don't knock the solo existence, I kind of enjoy it(of course i could be trying to convince myself i enjoy it). You've only been single for a year? take the time to get yourself straight, then when you are done with you, then work on ruining someone else's life again. :rolleyes:



It's not THAT bad, I guess.

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