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So how would you like having a Ford Field in downtown Buffalo?


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Not sure why you think that, as just about everyone with any real connection to the situation has said a covered stadium is pretty much a done deal, While I prefer an open air stadium, the info on the Bills sale should have taught everyone here one lesson. Kirby and Bandit have a very good handle on what is going on. Unless you have some super special source, I think you should believe what they have to say,


But I do agree, if it isn't an open air, I can probably live with a retractable roof, as at least for a few games a year it will actually feel like there is a football game being played.


And another thing (arms flailing and feet stomping)---why can't they grow grass under a covered roof? I know people who grow pot indoors! I refuse to believe there isn't a strain of grass, and the right kind of lights, to allow grass to be grown in a covered stadium. Sure, I don't know crap about it, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it!




If the Bills are kicking some ass, the weather never wins. Remember the 51-3 game against the Raiders? I keep hearing how bad the weather was that day. I recall it being wonderful. My jacket was off for most of the game and we were so pumped we were sweating. Winning solves every weather issue. Covering the stadium is just giving the team an excuse to continue to lose. I know it is probably inevitable, but I've never liked going to a game played indoors. Feels phony to me.

I was at that game too and I don't remember it being cold at all. I just remember how much fun it was and thinking "We're going to the Super Bowl." I agree with Promo that it doesn't seem like fun when the team is getting their asses handed to them and the weather sucks, but I have enough good memories of games in bad weather that I don't think I would want a covered stadium.
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For those of you saying open air, or no to an indoor stadium. I can tell you with out any hesitation, your going to get one. And not a retractable roof, but one very similar to Locus Oil Field.


Sorry to be the messenger, but it's already been decided.




To the bolded, this is incorrect. It does all but seal the deal on Super Bowls in Buffalo. I happen to know for a fact that will happen. Sorry to burst your bubble.




The nfl requirements for a city to submit bids


Buffalo would need 27,000 hotel rooms within an hours drive of the stadium. Downtown buffalo has like 1,800 last I saw- not sure what's in an hours radius of the stadium

Edited by NoSaint
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I challenge anyone to go to a game at Cleveland's new open air stadium and also go to Detroit. You tell me which one is a better football experience.


Cleveland's open air stadium freaking rocks. It is twice the stadium as Ford Field.


You have to experience it. Buffalo already has an indoor venue..its where the Sabres play. If you like wearing a t shirt to the games in december then go there. And then you can stand and clap for your team and eat Grey Poupon on your crackers.


If you get a dome your football game experience will be like a Sabres game experience. I don't know one person "with a nutsack" that would rather be in that Sabres like experience compared to the Ralph. RWS rules. Don't replace it. Don't move it. Giant waste of money. How could they possibly, meaningfully upgrade the experience you get right now at the Ralph? The place is iconic and a purely enjoyable experience. Don't fix what ain't broke.

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I challenge anyone to go to a game at Cleveland's new open air stadium and also go to Detroit. You tell me which one is a better football experience.


Cleveland's open air stadium freaking rocks. It is twice the stadium as Ford Field.


You have to experience it. Buffalo already has an indoor venue..its where the Sabres play. If you like wearing a t shirt to the games in december then go there. And then you can stand and clap for your team and eat Grey Poupon on your crackers.


If you get a dome your football game experience will be like a Sabres game experience. I don't know one person "with a nutsack" that would rather be in that Sabres like experience compared to the Ralph. RWS rules. Don't replace it. Don't move it. Giant waste of money. How could they possibly, meaningfully upgrade the experience you get right now at the Ralph? The place is iconic and a purely enjoyable experience. Don't fix what ain't broke.


You sure do get a lot of self worth from being outdoors for sporting events, eh?

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You sure do get a lot of self worth from being outdoors for sporting events, eh?

If it were up to me, the Sabres would play outdoors too. It would improve the game experience in my opinion, except for rain games which is why I assume they don't play the game outdoors.

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Just my 2 cents...


- If an indoor stadium is built, a large majority(at least 90-95%) of the fans who attend games now, would still attend.


- If an indoor stadium is built, a large number of fans who refuse to attend games in inclement weather at RWS, would start attending more games.


Bottom line...net increase in fans attending games(this assumes prices increase, but don't go through the roof crazy).

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Just my 2 cents...


- If an indoor stadium is built, a large majority(at least 90-95%) of the fans who attend games now, would still attend.


- If an indoor stadium is built, a large number of fans who refuse to attend games in inclement weather at RWS, would start attending more games.


Bottom line...net increase in fans attending games(this assumes prices increase, but don't go through the roof crazy).


Agreed. Completely. You may prefer outdoors, but the fans will still come. The timid may be willing to give it a go.

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Just my 2 cents...


- If an indoor stadium is built, a large majority(at least 90-95%) of the fans who attend games now, would still attend.


- If an indoor stadium is built, a large number of fans who refuse to attend games in inclement weather at RWS, would start attending more games.


Bottom line...net increase in fans attending games(this assumes prices increase, but don't go through the roof crazy).


Really tough to argue with this logic

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If the Ralph were an indoor facility, the game still would have been moved because of the driving ban/people snowed in, no?


No. I drove in Friday from Illinois to West Seneca. I helped my father dig out Saturday, roads were still a mess Saturday night going to dinner, but passable. Every area all around the SouthTowns were almost snow free. I don't think Sunday's game would have been a problem.


2" shuts places like Atlanta down for a week. 6 Feet, all we in BFLO need is a few days. Parking lots would have been the biggest chore. And, if that was a problem, Monday night in The OP would have been easily doable, it was 60 degrees leaving town on Monday heading to Detroit. It hit 68 @ one point head of the storm (rain) front.



If it were up to me, the Sabres would play outdoors too. It would improve the game experience in my opinion, except for rain games which is why I assume they don't play the game outdoors.


LoL... This is downright insane. They realized in 1914 that games indoors were better. That's 100 years ago. Heck, it's about ice quality more than anything.

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You need a year-round venue, but you'd also like to have the advantage of being able to play a cold-weather game. A retractable roof gives you the best of both worlds.


As an advocate of an outdoor stadium I'm not convinced a roof makes it more of a year round facility than no roof. It's already used for football in December and theoretically January if the bills ever win the division again, and by the end of March the weather is nice again. How many events are you really going to miss out on in February and a couple weeks of March? Even then you could probably pull off seasonally themed events like a winter fest that would draw decent attendance if you really needed to. An outdoor stadium with a wide enough playing surface could host professional soccer and lacrosse during the spring and summer, not to mention events like festivals, boat and RV shows, and monster truck shows.




No. I drove in Friday from Illinois to West Seneca. I helped my father dig out Saturday, roads were still a mess Saturday night going to dinner, but passable. Every area all around the SouthTowns were almost snow free. I don't think Sunday's game would have been a problem.


2" shuts places like Atlanta down for a week. 6 Feet, all we in BFLO need is a few days. Parking lots would have been the biggest chore. And, if that was a problem, Monday night in The OP would have been easily doable, it was 60 degrees leaving town on Monday heading to Detroit.


Wasn't the stadium cleared out by game time Monday anyway? I think they could have played there Monday this time around, the problem is they had no way of knowing that when a decision had to be made. With a roof the potential for collapse would have also been a concern. In any case, I don't think they should decide what kind of facility to build based on a freak event that has happened once in the team's 54 year existence.

Edited by Chandemonium
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For a large part of my career I worked for a fortune 10 corporation. They often had super-bowl boondoggles for the sales force and top customers. I vividly remember that for both the Detroit and Minny Super Bowls, that they had the Superbowl events in warm climes [Cancun, Caribbean] and just broadcast the games on large screens for anyone who wanted to watch.


Buffalo will never host a superbowl, regardless of what type of stadium. The 75" inch snowfall will scare them away, can you imagine a superbowl and no one could get there because air travel was grounded.

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I challenge anyone to go to a game at Cleveland's new open air stadium and also go to Detroit. You tell me which one is a better football experience.


Cleveland's open air stadium freaking rocks. It is twice the stadium as Ford Field.


You have to experience it. Buffalo already has an indoor venue..its where the Sabres play. If you like wearing a t shirt to the games in december then go there. And then you can stand and clap for your team and eat Grey Poupon on your crackers.


If you get a dome your football game experience will be like a Sabres game experience. I don't know one person "with a nutsack" that would rather be in that Sabres like experience compared to the Ralph. RWS rules. Don't replace it. Don't move it. Giant waste of money. How could they possibly, meaningfully upgrade the experience you get right now at the Ralph? The place is iconic and a purely enjoyable experience. Don't fix what ain't broke.


If freezing your ass makes you happy then more power to you. I would rather be comfortable and watch a game where the visibility is not impaired by the horizontal blowing snow. I'm also tired watching in sub-freezing weather the fat slobs taking off their drink stained shirts and their hairy bellies hanging over the seats in front of them. It's disgusting and it makes we want to puke.

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I challenge anyone to go to a game at Cleveland's new open air stadium and also go to Detroit. You tell me which one is a better football experience.


Cleveland's open air stadium freaking rocks. It is twice the stadium as Ford Field.


You have to experience it.


Go to a game in New Orleans and then to New England or Miami and report back on the atmosphere. It isn't about the construction of the stadium that creates the environment it is the people that are there.
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Go to a game in New Orleans and then to New England or Miami and report back on the atmosphere. It isn't about the construction of the stadium that creates the environment it is the people that are there.


youve got it all wrong. hes been to a detroit game and a sabres game.




If freezing your ass makes you happy then more power to you. I would rather be comfortable and watch a game where the visibility is not impaired by the horizontal blowing snow. I'm also tired watching in sub-freezing weather the fat slobs taking off their drink stained shirts and their hairy bellies hanging over the seats in front of them. It's disgusting and it makes we want to puke.


well, thanks for that image in the morning.


like i said, it amazes me how much pride some guys take in standing outside. fine, argue that it gives the team an advantage (though thats debatable) but that you prefer to be in 20 degree weather? crazy talk.

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well, thanks for that image in the morning.


like i said, it amazes me how much pride some guys take in standing outside. fine, argue that it gives the team an advantage (though thats debatable) but that you prefer to be in 20 degree weather? crazy talk.


There is this misconception that playing in the elements gives the Bills an advantage over opponents. Do you want to know what gives the home team an advantage? Having better overall talent and good qb play. For me watching a game with high winds swirling around that kills the chance for a meaningful passing game is dreadful. I want to see talent perform on the field and not have the arctic elements suffocate the exhibition of talent on the field.


If playing inside limits the fat drunken slobs with exposed droopy man breasts to the disgusted viewers then I'm all for it. I'm also tired of the mustached unruly girls fighting in the stands and acting like white trash hillbillies. If playing inside elevates the caliber of clientele then I'm for it. This notion that it is acceptable to go to an event for the purpose of drinking oneself into a stuper has got to stop.


I simply don't want to pay money to be around thses piggish caste of characters. If I did I would hang around the local cell block and associate with the under class criminals. When I go to an event I want the event to be the focus of my attention not ducking punches, thrown beer and listening to a foul mouth ignoramus sitting near me. An indoor facility would not eliminate boorish behavior but it would curb it.

Edited by JohnC
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