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EJ: "I want to be a different player... cut it loose."


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Good kid, wants to do well no one ever doubted that. Bottom line...Buffalo shouldn't have drafted him, he isn't a starter in the NFL. Look no knock against the kid, but he isn't the answer. He has always WANTED to let it rip etc. but he just can't. Has had many opportunities to do so, many open WR's and clean pockets. He just doesn't have the head for the game.


I generally agree with this. EJ's shortcomings have been on full display the last two games.

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I was struck by EJ's comment about "letting natural talent take over". Maybe I'm reading into it a bit but that might be a hint that he's not being allowed to play to his strengths and next time he gets a chance he will do things his own way a bit more.


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That was an announcement to the coaches: "I don't want you be hamstrung by conservative playcalling."


Or by conservative expectations conflicting with stupidly aggressive play-calling like against the Texans.


I feel like bad game planning contributed a lot to the losses. Schwartz against SD and Hackett against Houston.


However, EJ has lost his composure too easily in these games. I can't say how much of that is the coach's fault. EJ's still really young and needs to grow as a player and a man.

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Not sure if this has been discussed at all but -


Does the collective here think that we might use EJ out there situationally? for example: in the read option on 3rd/4th and short to throw off the D?


Marrone is such an old school coach so I'm guessing no.

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well, I guess we disagree.

A few plays made would make a huge difference in the games and extend drives and give more scoring opportunities.

If you look strictly at completion percentage, adding 3 completions per game bring him up to over 68%. That pretty darn solid.

If those additional completions are on the passes downfield, that's even better. I realize a lot of people here hate him and you might be one of them. But in my opinion, he has not been terrible (with the exception of this last game and part of the SD game). I believe he can still become a good starting QB. None of us know for sure. But I know it would be great for the Bills if he can figure it out.



I don't even know what to say if you truly believe EJ would be a good QB had he completed 3 more passes per game. Wow just, wow!

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At least he knows what he needs to change. If he can come back looser and more aggressive he may be halfway decent. He's just trying way too hard right now. He's playing 1. not to get hurt, and 2. not to lose, and you're not going to be successful that way.


He's a big guy with a big arm and dude's got wheels. It can be a dangerous combination if he learns how to use it. I doubt he'll ever have pinpoint accuracy, but I do think part of his accuracy issues come from aiming his passes.


Plus, dealing with adversity like this will likely help build the kind of character needed to lead men. If he earns the job back rather than having it handed to him he'll earn a lot of respect from his teammates.

Edited by Rob's House
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Only a week too late...


All he needs to be is a player who does not throw high, low, behind, etc....EJ has plenty of things he can fine tune...But unless he can put the ball where the ball needs to be it matters not...He'll be out of this league in a year or two...Everything else is secondary...If you can't make the plays when you made the right read and the receiver is open a high percentage of the time...you're toast...


I've never been an EJ basher...But goodness...Let it rip?...How about let it be in stride when a guy is wide open first?...Or don't throw behind a receiver, or in the dirt, or too far in front and out of reach, when it's 3rd and 3 and the guy gets open for an easy 1st down...When you get that part down then maybe let it rip... B-)

Edited by KOKBILLS
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Speaking for myself, I can not help but like EJ Manuel. He is bright, well spoken and possesses the physical tools to be a winner in the NFL. Despite all he has going for him, I think it was a huge stretch to put him in the top QB slot. He just was not seasoned enough. Now his career has taken a step back. What happens in the future is up to him. He needs to work with whatever coach, shrink, yoga instructor, personal trainer, guru or voodoo priestess he thinks is necessary to hone and improve his skills. If he needs a "mental" coach to toughen up then my hat is off to him for knowing it.

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I feel like bad game planning contributed a lot to the losses. Schwartz against SD and Hackett against Houston.


I feel like bad game planning contributed everything to those losses. Those were both winnable games with something approaching a sensible game plan.


However, EJ has lost his composure too easily in these games. I can't say how much of that is the coach's fault. EJ's still really young and needs to grow as a player and a man.


And mind you, I didn't say that EJ SHOULD air it out, merely that he's firing a shot across the staff's bow concerning it. His most fundamental problem is that he tries to think his way through the plays. That doesn't work - thinking things through is what practice is for. Game time is too late.


Frankly...at this point, he should be cut. He's toast.

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Towing the company line, saying the right things, lighting fires, cut it loose.

If it helps hitting a coffin corner with the game on the line then great. Especially since it would be a first.


Too bad he couldn't "tow" that wreck of an offense out of the ditch......

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At least he knows what he needs to change. If he can come back looser and more aggressive he may be halfway decent. He's just trying way too hard right now. He's playing 1. not to get hurt, and 2. not to lose, and you're not going to be successful that way.


He's a big guy with a big arm and dude's got wheels. It can be a dangerous combination if he learns how to use it. I doubt he'll ever have pinpoint accuracy, but I do think part of his accuracy issues come from aiming his passes.


Plus, dealing with adversity like this will likely help build the kind of character needed to lead men. If he earns the job back rather than having it handed to him he'll earn a lot of respect from his teammates.

I'm good with this assessment. I know people have speculated on to what EJ has been told by whom but to have Marrone, Hackett, Whaley, his head doctor, etc. telling him what he should be doing really probably caused a lot of internal conflict and his regression. I'm not saying he will ever improve on his weaknesses but those type of things can compound them easily.

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I was struck by EJ's comment about "letting natural talent take over". Maybe I'm reading into it a bit but that might be a hint that he's not being allowed to play to his strengths and next time he gets a chance he will do things his own way a bit more.


Exactly. His biggest problem is he has been over coached to the point that everything is over thought. For example, the guy even looks awkward when he tries to scramble-- sliding awkwardly, etc. He looked better last year, when he would just run and dive. He just needs to play.

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I don't even know what to say if you truly believe EJ would be a good QB had he completed 3 more passes per game. Wow just, wow!

You'll see EJ burn a time out,and complete a pass back to the line of scrimmage. (Etc,etc.) It seems like he needs the time out to simply gather himself.

EJ's problem is that he is TERRIFIED out there.

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EJ: "I want to be a different player... cut it loose."



I took that as a shot to the coaches. like they were holding him back.



drilling in his head no turnovers (maybe he held back on some throws) and don't take so many hits (so he runs out of bounds instead of upfield).

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