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we drafted EJ because he is a big, strong QB, right?

Tampa Bob

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I wouldn't really call it fighting for extra yards. The yards were there. He just chose not to take them. And in a game where they couldnt do anything offensively, I would like to see my qb put a little more effort into it. He could pull a hammy by sliding so screw injuries. Fear of injury shouldn't control his game. He can take hits if he is smart about it. Wilson is tiny and takes tons if hits.

How is taking a hit smart for a qb in any situation?


Ask rg3 about how it's a good idea to get those extra yards or take a hit in general.



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I always hear about how big and strong our qb is. Yet, sunday he had a scramble where he slid 2 yards before the first down marker when he easily could have run a little harder and got the first down. That was a really bad sign for me. It looks like he was scared to get hit. What's the point of a big, strong qb if he plays like a small, weak one?

"our" QB? Please specify McCown or Glennon. Edited by YoloinOhio
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EJ should watch film on Russell Wilson to kick start his QB skills into gear.

RIght now (to me), he looks like a back up.

Bad thowing accuracy - no zip on the ball - poor reading of the whole field - slow decision making.

(I know, I know....not enough games in to evaluate him yet!)

ding ding ding. watch the way Russell Wilson or one of the "elite" QB's plays. you don't get hit if you are smart. the way they protect qb's is ridiculous, you can literally play a whole game and not get touched. not to mention EJ is the BIGGEST QB IN THE NFL. is he really scared of 200 pound defensive backs? dude needs to learn how to slide and get rid of the ball when in trouble. all of the elite guys have these skills

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ding ding ding. watch the way Russell Wilson or one of the "elite" QB's plays. you don't get hit if you are smart. the way they protect qb's is ridiculous, you can literally play a whole game and not get touched. not to mention EJ is the BIGGEST QB IN THE NFL. is he really scared of 200 pound defensive backs? dude needs to learn how to slide and get rid of the ball when in trouble. all of the elite guys have these skills

So which is it slide or run into 200 poubd DB's that are launching themselves at his knees? Because these same 200lb DB's never hurt WR's and TE's.

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So if he fights for extra yards & gets hurt, he's dumb. Now if he avoids a big hit, he's soft.


The dude can't win.

He didn't have to fight for extra yards. That's the point. He could have gotten the first down without "fighting." It's called "feel for the game."


Going into week 4, the Bills sit atop the AFC East at (2-1) with a very winnable game coming up. It's obvious EJ Manuel, who hasn't missed a snap, is doing everything wrong.


We won the 2 games because of everyone else BUT him.

We lost last week solely because OF him.


I mean ... how much clearer can it be?

Get real. He's erratic, quite so, which means he'll win some and lose some. One thing he needs to do is practice "hitting the broad side of a barn" or an open receiver three yards from him.


I have no issue with that play - he slid 2 yards short on 1st down and Freddy promptly got 3 yards on the very next play. Now, if he slid on 3rd down two yards short, then you have an argument. In other words, this thread sucks.

That's called hindsight.
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So which is it slide or run into 200 poubd DB's that are launching themselves at his knees? Because these same 200lb DB's never hurt WR's and TE's.

the point is there is no reason to be scared. first of all, as a QB you are completely protected. you can throw the ball out of bounds if you are being chased outside of the pocket. you can slide if there is anyone near you. watching Wilson vs the Broncos was a key example of this. he ran the ball like a dozen times and didn't get touched even once. and secondly, if you are 6'6" 250 and you are scared about a 5'11" 200 pound guy then you are a wimp and don't belong in the NFL. i can see EJ not wanting to get hit by a LB and running out of bounds, but if all there is in front of you is a tiny CB and you have any speck of athleticism then you run that guy over. EJ was supposed to be an "athletic" QB. if he's not that then what good is he? he's obviously not a "pocket passer" so he's useless if he doesn't use his legs

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He didn't have to fight for extra yards. That's the point. He could have gotten the first down without "fighting." It's called "feel for the game."


Get real. He's erratic, quite so, which means he'll win some and lose some. One thing he needs to do is practice "hitting the broad side of a barn" or an open receiver three yards from him.


That's called hindsight.


Every thread on this board is hindsight. It's so much easier to say what players should do after the fact.

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So if he fights for extra yards & gets hurt, he's dumb. Now if he avoids a big hit, he's soft.


The dude can't win.

Pretty much.

As to the topic question, quite frankly I'm not sure what they saw in Manuel. But I suspect it was more than being Vick Jr.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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There are times where I feel like EJ looks like he is nervous to take a hit. I hope that goes away. I would like to see him run the ball more and not slide as much. That is an area that seems coachable and easily improved. I guess we will see.


I look at EJ as a work in progress. I like some of the things I've seen and dislike. Some. But I can say the same thing about every QB. Brady, Manning and even Russell Wilson (possibly the most overhyped QB on this board right now) make bad decisions and bad throws.

Edited by Maddog69
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EJ should watch film on Russell Wilson to kick start his QB skills into gear.

RIght now (to me), he looks like a back up.

Bad thowing accuracy - no zip on the ball - poor reading of the whole field - slow decision making.

(I know, I know....not enough games in to evaluate him yet!)


There is definately enough time in to evaluate your posting skill

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the point is there is no reason to be scared. first of all, as a QB you are completely protected. you can throw the ball out of bounds if you are being chased outside of the pocket. you can slide if there is anyone near you. watching Wilson vs the Broncos was a key example of this. he ran the ball like a dozen times and didn't get touched even once. and secondly, if you are 6'6" 250 and you are scared about a 5'11" 200 pound guy then you are a wimp and don't belong in the NFL. i can see EJ not wanting to get hit by a LB and running out of bounds, but if all there is in front of you is a tiny CB and you have any speck of athleticism then you run that guy over. EJ was supposed to be an "athletic" QB. if he's not that then what good is he? he's obviously not a "pocket passer" so he's useless if he doesn't use his legs


Thank you. It is a simple point, but because disagreeing with me is the new cool thing to do, people can't see it. He was preached as a big strong qb. Plan and simple. That was a fact. Nix and whaley and everybody said that when we drafted him. The very basic point of this thread is that play proves he does not play like one. I expect my big strong qb to not be soft. There was no guarantee that we were going to pick up the first on the next two plays. If he has a chance to get a first, he really needs to take it.


People want to bring up being smart and not getting injured. The cleveland game was a completely different situation. He had the first. He had nothing to gain by dangling his leg along the sideline in traffic. That was a dumb play and he was lucky not to get his knee blown out. This play was a qb that was thinking too much, not being aware of the situation and slid to avoid a hit. He had plenty of room to pick up the first. And if he didn't, lower his shoulder and act like a big strong qb once and a while. What good is having a big strong qb if he is scared to make a play with his big strong body?


Everyone remember the qb that we all love to make fun of for being soft? Trent? Remember that play against kc when he lowered his shoulder for the td before the half one game? If he can do it once and a while, ej has no excuses.

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Get real. He's erratic, quite so, which means he'll win some and lose some. One thing he needs to do is practice "hitting the broad side of a barn" or an open receiver three yards from him.

Boy, you really put me in my place. Geesh.

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Every thread on this board is hindsight. It's so much easier to say what players should do after the fact.

Pretty much why i have the best name on the board :thumbsup:


Thank you. It is a simple point, but because disagreeing with me is the new cool thing to do, people can't see it. He was preached as a big strong qb. Plan and simple. That was a fact. Nix and whaley and everybody said that when we drafted him. The very basic point of this thread is that play proves he does not play like one. I expect my big strong qb to not be soft. There was no guarantee that we were going to pick up the first on the next two plays. If he has a chance to get a first, he really needs to take it.


People want to bring up being smart and not getting injured. The cleveland game was a completely different situation. He had the first. He had nothing to gain by dangling his leg along the sideline in traffic. That was a dumb play and he was lucky not to get his knee blown out. This play was a qb that was thinking too much, not being aware of the situation and slid to avoid a hit. He had plenty of room to pick up the first. And if he didn't, lower his shoulder and act like a big strong qb once and a while. What good is having a big strong qb if he is scared to make a play with his big strong body?


Everyone remember the qb that we all love to make fun of for being soft? Trent? Remember that play against kc when he lowered his shoulder for the td before the half one game? If he can do it once and a while, ej has no excuses.

Go back and look at that play when EJ broke 3 tackles in the pocket then completed a pass to Chandler for 37 yards.


EJ is plenty strong. Him not going for a big hit and staying healthy? I have no issue with that

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Pretty much why i have the best name on the board :thumbsup:


Go back and look at that play when EJ broke 3 tackles in the pocket then completed a pass to Chandler for 37 yards.


EJ is plenty strong. Him not going for a big hit and staying healthy? I have no issue with that


I saw that play and it was nice. Problem is that the other play happened and when he had to think about what to do (because there was nobody around him), he took the slide instead of "fighting" for an easy first down. The other play was all instinct. He had no time to process what was going on and he made a nice play. It almost makes the slide worse for me because he has the physical tools, but he chose not to use them on the slide. We needed a spark. Our qb lowering his shoulder to make a play could do that.

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