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Manziel watch 2014!


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It's early in Manziel's transition to the pros. However, there are signs he processes the game quickly. With more reps I think he's going to be Tony Romo +. Which, sadly, is a more positive projection than EJ, whom remains inaccurate with sub par football instincts. Note to Bills scouts and FO: when drafting a QB, size ain't everything!

This. He didn't play horribly as people keep saying. Actually given the circumstances his play was decent. The line folded like a cheap tent on a number of pass plays, and on a short yardage rollout the WR never turned around and JM had no choice but to scramble. Neither he nor hoyer has a chance to get in sync with the offense because of pettines ridiculous decision to alternate them. Pettine not only stole rex ryans defense, he also stole his incompetence at developing QBs. And BTW kyle shanahan sucks too....Skins offense already looks better without him

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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As much as I can't stand this little punk, I'd still be against missing any games for a finger. Definite fine. No suspension.


I don't think there would or should be one, just saying 250k is a lofty price tag for a second rounder so to save some cash add a game. Now it came out 11k fine. That bothers me a little Bud Adams for the same thing got 250k, 11k seems unreasonable give the precedent

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Where is the thread where they ask if their fans would rather have JM instead of Brady now?


Looks more like they are gloating.


I like how they all say they wished the Jets had drafted JM. No mention of the Bills.


Dont change the argument. Your words were, and I quote

,The point you missed is that fans of those teams are pretty happy with their QB's--no need for them to indulge in piling on a rookie QB in order to feel better about their own QB situation...."


You implied fans of other teams do not care to beat up on JM cos they are secure with their QB situation. Both the Doc and I pointed out two threads on a Patriots* message board which did exactly that.

You take every opportunity to belittle Bills fans who point out mistakes or deficiencies in players from other trams. Your line is that because the Bills have sucked the past 14 years, the fans should not comment /laugh at other teams' mistakes.

In this case, you were called out and now are attempting to go in a tangent .

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Dont change the argument. Your words were, and I quote

,The point you missed is that fans of those teams are pretty happy with their QB's--no need for them to indulge in piling on a rookie QB in order to feel better about their own QB situation...."


You implied fans of other teams do not care to beat up on JM cos they are secure with their QB situation. Both the Doc and I pointed out two threads on a Patriots* message board which did exactly that.

You take every opportunity to belittle Bills fans who point out mistakes or deficiencies in players from other trams. Your line is that because the Bills have sucked the past 14 years, the fans should not comment /laugh at other teams' mistakes.

In this case, you were called out and now are attempting to go in a tangent .


Fair enough.

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Thank god you've seen enough to make a decision. Now we can all get on with our lives.


Well if they do you just tell them that Johnny was never a free agent available for the Bills to sign.

Got me there. I apologize; I should have said "drafted".


It's early in Manziel's transition to the pros. However, there are signs he processes the game quickly. With more reps I think he's going to be Tony Romo +. Which, sadly, is a more positive projection than EJ, whom remains inaccurate with sub par football instincts. Note to Bills scouts and FO: when drafting a QB, size ain't everything!

I wouldn't take Romo either, he losses more games than he wins.


Actually, it seemed like you were hating on the guy. It's not like he played college ball in the MAC. Almost every single week he went up against defenses stacked with players who will be earning paychecks on Sundays. While it is certainly possible he will get hurt or fumble, there is no evidence to suggest that Manziel will be any more susceptible to either than other QBs.

He is talented no doubt. My problem is his attitude, he needs to grow up. I believe that concept is lost on him.


QBs touch the ball on 100% of the offensive plays.

It was a smaller game when Barry played, plus he had once in a lifetime type skills.


I tried to illustrate there are many factors that can increase the chance of getting a player injured.


I also tried to show some players are simply more durable then otheres. Cam Newtons big, but still defies the odds of injury because hes also very durable.


small players can also be durable...

this is beginning to sound like a condom commercial.

Edited by DirtDart
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