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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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HER plane. "Hil Force One." A 14 year old 737-800, last flown by a Dutch airline. Has four cabins - one for Hillary, one for staff, one for the Secret Service, and one (with 40 seats) for members of the press.


So 40 members of the press can accompany her everywhere while she campaigns... :huh: Come again? We're just throwing away every pretense of an independent press now? Nobody has any problem with campaign donations being used to embed reporters in to the campaign and fly them around? Is flying around on your own dime your own vetted pool of reporters to cover your campaign somehow NOT a conflict of interest, at least?





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No seriously ....................look at each and every face of the "reporters" on Hillary's plane today.






Find a love that looks at you the way the press looks at Hillary.








How can we possibly expect any truth from them ?





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No seriously ....................look at each and every face of the "reporters" on Hillary's plane today.






Find a love that looks at you the way the press looks at Hillary.








How can we possibly expect any truth from them ?






They're all going to be part of history. How could they possibly hide their glee?

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I think she is headed for a stroke. Can't remember stuff , very weak and needs help getting upstairs , and the coughing fit today . I I had all these symptoms before my stroke two years ago . I kept having to cough up phlegm constantly for months and that went away immediately after the stroke .

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No seriously ....................look at each and every face of the "reporters" on Hillary's plane today.






Find a love that looks at you the way the press looks at Hillary.








How can we possibly expect any truth from them ?






Stepford Reporters.

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I think she is headed for a stroke. Can't remember stuff , very weak and needs help getting upstairs , and the coughing fit today . I I had all these symptoms before my stroke two years ago . I kept having to cough up phlegm constantly for months and that went away immediately after the stroke .


I think she has multiple serious health conditions. Although it's been laughed at as ridiculous, I think both he (Bill ) and she have Parkinsons Disease and not because that dumbass drug guy said it. My grandfather had Parkinsons for twenty years and Bill and Hillary have all the symptoms - the falls, trembling, unsteadiness, the coughing, the odd memory lapses. All unfortunate signs of progression of the disease.


I think he gets his treated much better than she does because he's got the time and a little more privacy. The dopamine infusions explain her periods of rest and why she is noticeably sharper at times - more than likely after such an infusion. I expect her to go into hiding right before each debate to get one.


My problem is that the Democratic Party knows they are supporting a very sick person for President. As I've said in previous posts, I think if elected, she lasts a year and then it's President Kaine.

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My problem is that the Democratic Party knows they are supporting a very sick person for President. As I've said in previous posts, I think if elected, she lasts a year and then it's President Kaine.


I think at this point, most people would prefer a President Kaine or President Pence on day 2 post inauguration.

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The Unrelenting Pundit-Led Effort to Delegitimize All Negative Reporting About Hillary Clinton

But it would be journalistic malpractice of the highest order if the billions of dollars received by the Clintons — both personally and though their various entities — were not rigorously scrutinized and exposed in detail by reporters. That’s exactly what they ought to be doing. The fact that quid pro quos cannot be definitively proven does not remotely negate the urgency of this journalism. That’s because quid pro quos by their nature elude such proof (can anyone prove that Republicans steadfastly support Israel and low taxes because of the millions they get from Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers, or that the Florida attorney general decided not to prosecute Trump because his foundation and his daughter donated to her?). Beyond quid quo pros, the Clintons’ constant, pioneering merger of massive private wealth and political power and influence is itself highly problematic. Nobody forced them to take millions of dollars from the Saudis and Goldman Sachs tycoons and corporations with vested interests in the State Department; having chosen to do so with great personal benefit, they are now confronting the consequences in how the public views such behavior.

That Donald Trump is an uber-nationalist, bigotry-exploiting demagogue and unstable extremist does not remotely entitle Hillary Clinton to waltz into the Oval Office free of aggressive journalistic scrutiny. Nor does Trump’s extremism constitute a defense to anything that she’s done.


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With the race tightening, Klinton Kamp getting nervous...

Can't wait to see her campaign unravel... in prime time.


While it's always fun to see the left eat their own, they are so rabid against their competition that they'll actually write, edit and publish a line like this:


(Clinton) is down by two points nationally to one of the worst presidential candidates since the advent of the indoor flush toilet: Donald J. Trump.


But then you get the this next sentence and realize the echo chamber is alive and well...


There haven’t been any real smoking guns regarding influence-peddling, profiteering or even preferential treatment regarding the Clinton’s family foundation and its relationship to decisions made by Clinton as secretary of state. The link between improper access and corrupt action, while implied, has yet to be proven. But there have been plenty of drip-drip revelations, including recent reports that top Clinton aides sought to grant Foggy Bottom access to a Nigerian businessman who had contributed to the foundation.
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