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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Damn, she looks absolutely horrible. That looks like one of those "This is what crystal meth will do to you" things.

To be fair, she should have been leaving office this year.

Instead it's B. O. who usurped her position in time that's exiting stage left.



"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Edited by Nanker
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Damn, and that's how he looks after essentially spending all his time playing golf.


Crystal meth is bad stuff.

You can see the strain on his face from playing 1,000 rounds of golf and still not breaking 100 - on the first nine.

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I really don't care of she looks, but it is painfully obvious that Hillary Clinton is not up to the rigors that being President requires.


She is too old and too frail.




That's what 60+ years of socialism will do to you. The sh#t just wears you down. Look what it did to Bernie.

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I really don't care of she looks, but it is painfully obvious that Hillary Clinton is not up to the rigors that being President requires.


She is too old and too frail.




She can't take days off at a time to "rest" when she's President. If the campaign trail has worn her out, it's nothing compared to the rigors of that office. Take a look at how Clinton, Bush and Obama all looked after eight years there. Young men who aged dramatically.


I'd offer that Tim Kaine finishes out her four years should she become President and that will be the big story. Yes, Hilary would be the first woman President but I think she lasts for a year before everything is disclosed and she makes a graceful exit stage left.


I think she and a lot of people want her to be President so badly that they have willfully hidden that she's an elderly person who has serious medical issues that caught up to her years ago.

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Clinton claims Powell told her to use private email at dinner in Albright's home....................... That didn't appear on her schedule


You know why ?


She's a liar.



Gaps in Clinton's State Department schedules raise questions




Kind of like...the gaps in Nixon's tape recordings?

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Clinton claims Powell told her to use private email at dinner in Albright's home....................... That didn't appear on her schedule


You know why ?


She's a liar.



Gaps in Clinton's State Department schedules raise questions




This election is un-!@#$ing-believable.

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If only she was running against a Republican this year, that candidate would be all over this.


But alas...

It doesn't matter who she's running against. The media wouldn't be treating Rubio/Romney/Paul/kasich any different. They would still be doing their best to cover hillary, spew progressive propaganda and defame her opponnent.


The entire process is corrupted and the media is far from being fair and unbiased. Its the way it is. The republicans are not going to be treated fairly.

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It doesn't matter who she's running against. The media wouldn't be treating Rubio/Romney/Paul/kasich any different. They would still be doing their best to cover hillary, spew progressive propaganda and defame her opponnent.


The entire process is corrupted and the media is far from being fair and unbiased. Its the way it is. The republicans are not going to be treated fairly.



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