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Bills may not go Hollywood, but Mario goes Bollywood, buys team

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Very effing cool! Wish there was any kind of American Football in Thailand, I'd go to games. BTW, this is what the NFL should be doing all over the world, developmental leagues. I have had a vision of it since I worked in Korea 8 years ago.


When I was teaching here and they had us teach after school "clubs" once a week, I got the school to make flag football belts and we had some fun! Some of the kids I taught watch the games too (I know cause they are on my Facebook still 4 years later). The NFL could easily go world wide if they tried, young populations and very little litigation is many parts of the world still.

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Beerball you need to send yourself one of the emails where you warn the person for posting something dumb, out of line or not in line with your thought process. Although interesting, you just wasted 5 minutes of my life.

Thanks! I didn't read it so I guess i saved :05!
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"thriving to be the best results in the benefit of all who are touched by a loving heard.”







Anyway--check that "Super Bowl" score!


I bet the entire O-line weighs less than Michael Jasper.


Can he rename them "The Indians", or would that be offensive? Redundant?

Edited by Mr. WEO
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Wow. I too did not know American football is played over in India. This is prety cool. My guess is that the investment may be quite modest thus the downside may not be too bad. From their website:




"Prominent investors include former Green Bay Packers linebacker Brandon Chillar, Super Bowl-winning head coach Mike Ditka, former Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin and former NFL quarterbacks Ron Jaworski and Kurt Warner. Both Ditka and Irvin are in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, and Chillar is of Indian descent. Investors outside of the sports community include American actor and entertainment producer Mark Wahlberg."


And BB - technically Bollywood is in Mumbai. :nana:

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I'm surprised they are calling it "football" as that will no doubt confuse a lot of people there.

I work with people in India including a couple in Bangalore. I'm going to have to see what they know about it and if they can get more than t-shirts and hats.

Its a little weird as they seemed to have played some games in 2012, a couple in 2013 and then abruptly stopped. Apparently didn't even finish all of the scheduled games in 2013.




Only 1 sport matters in India, and that is cricket.

Very true. Not even "real" football (soccer). Badminton is probably the 2nd favorite.

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Only 1 sport matters in India, and that is cricket.

+1, especially the IPL. Cricket after a century of playing 5 day games and over 30 years of 1-day cricket have figured out the formula that a 3hour game sells on TV. The IPL plays the T20 version of the game that runs for about 3 hours. It is far more exciting and action packed than baseball (for the T20) and some brilliant hitting and catching occurs. If you haven't seen IPL highlights you can check it out on YouTube.

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