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Michael Sam is out.


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Come gather 'round people

Wherever you roam

And admit that the waters

Around you have grown

And accept it that soon

You'll be drenched to the bone

If your time to you

Is worth savin'

Then you better start swimmin'

Or you'll sink like a stone

For the times they are a-changin'.


Written almost 60 years ago...one of the most relevant songs ever..always.

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If a guy confirms that he's 100% into dudes, there isn't a damn thing anyone can do to change it.


IMO, Sam has earned a shot at the pros. He plays quick, but remains physical, powerful, and very coordinated. -Special talent without a doubt. However, for the early part of his career, that won't be the story. By coming out the way he did, Sam has all but volunteered to go under the microscope.


NFL locker rooms will be tough for him, -with or without sensitivity training. I also expect the jokes to flow like the Mississipi once he's drafted...


For my part, I will try to keep the ribbing to a minimum.

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Then you believe homosexuality is a choice, which is ridiculous and archaic in thought. Practice your religion freely but please don't take a religious perspective on human rights and science. You would only be holding society up.


Up above was given the example of the new NYC mayor's wife, who said she used to be a lesbian. You can think of a bunch of mostly women who fit into this in popular culture...........So, I don't think it's 100% born this way. Some are choices.

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Good for him.


But we will not have progressed at all as a culture until the reaction to stories like this is "So what?"


That's the end goal but every story like this is a small step forward. It creates the discussion that is necessary to get to that end goal.


Hell, 50 years after civil rights we still have stories of grown men in the stands calling college ball players racial slurs but it doesn't mean that progress hasn't been made.

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Now back to the good stuff... I'm not a college football junkie or draftnik. Does this guy fit with the Bills?


Probably not. He's a 3-4 rush LB. Even though he played as a hand in the ground 4-3 DE at Mizzou, he's probably a little undersized to do it in the NFL at 6'1, 255ish

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Good on him and good luck to him. It's a definite sign of progress in American society. People trying to wrestle internally with living a secret life does them no good whatsoever. I suspect he will have a better career with this weight lifted from his mind than he would have had otherwise, not because being gay makes him a better football player, but bcause being totally comfortable in himself will.

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His agent is prob already getting calls from Nike or Starbucks. Not sure where you live, but many people will want to buy something with his name on it for being the first openly gay player. Nike already makes "gay" oriented appeal. Gm's will prob ask him how he would deal with morons who use slurs toward him. I doubt Whaley, Colbert, and GMs from other classy organizations will harass him. That's why I said I hope he ends up on a professionally run team (Buffalo, pit, GB, etc). I wish him nothing but the best. I don't see him falling. if the Bills miss an opportunity to get him at a good value/ where he should be and don't I'll be upset.


I can respect your opinion even if I don't agree...but


Really? Starbucks?


At 6am in the morning, I don't think anyone wants a hologram of a football player on their travel mug. And what is this "gay" oriented apparel Nike has launched. The bright, neon reflective stuff for runners so they don't get ran over by automobiles? You may be over thinking this.

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I can respect your opinion even if I don't agree...but


Really? Starbucks?


At 6am in the morning, I don't think anyone wants a hologram of a football player on their travel mug. And what is this "gay" oriented apparel Nike has launched. The bright, neon reflective stuff for runners so they don't get ran over by automobiles? You may be over thinking this.

Maybe he disagrees with the lifestyle but is a brand consultant for companies that are hot with the gays? I've learned here to not second-guess someone's expertise.

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Im on the Who cares bandwagon. I first read the headline on Cbssports website and thought to myself right away...WHO Effin CARES! I didnt even open the the story.


Then I come here and see there is 5 pages already. Once again..WHO CARES! I over eat. I bet ya that is a bigger problem than being gay!

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Alrighty then, how many of you would be comfortable sharing a locker room with an openly gay teammate? Would you go about your business, try not to change in front of him/her, demand that he/she change in another part of the locker room, etc.? I occasionally work with an openly gay colleague who does per diem for us and one time I was just getting into the locker room and was ready to get into my scrubs and he walked in. I could have milled about or gone to the bathroom, but instead continued to start changing just to let him know it wasn't a big deal. So even though I didn't have a problem with it, it still was on my mind. Now maybe next time I won't think twice, but that time I did.

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Alrighty then, how many of you would be comfortable sharing a locker room with an openly gay teammate? Would you go about your business, try not to change in front of him/her, demand that he/she change in another part of the locker room, etc.? I occasionally work with an openly gay colleague who does per diem for us and one time I was just getting into the locker room and was ready to get into my scrubs and he walked in. I could have milled about or gone to the bathroom, but instead continued to start changing just to let him know it wasn't a big deal. So even though I didn't have a problem with it, it still was on my mind. Now maybe next time I won't think twice, but that time I did.

My wife is a flight attendant and has many gay friends. I know some of them and you wouldn't know by looking. Not every gay guy wants to have sex with every guy they see. For those that I know they are in regular relationships and are regular people. If it's not your thing then ignore it. They just want the rights and privileges that every citizen gets.

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Maybe he disagrees with the lifestyle but is a brand consultant for companies that are hot with the gays? I've learned here to not second-guess someone's expertise.


No, I'm just really interested to know what the gay oriented apparel at Nike is.

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And here is why this is somewhat of a big deal. I think publicly everyone will be welcoming, because to not do so is outs you as a bigot. But the teams will be approaching this from a risk management perspective and it will be viewed as a risk for no other reason than that Sam is the first.


If teams can ignore him in the draft and stand behind the claim of evaluation on football merits, you can rest assured that some will. It's in fact the safest way for them to avoid the issue.

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Alrighty then, how many of you would be comfortable sharing a locker room with an openly gay teammate? Would you go about your business, try not to change in front of him/her, demand that he/she change in another part of the locker room, etc.? I occasionally work with an openly gay colleague who does per diem for us and one time I was just getting into the locker room and was ready to get into my scrubs and he walked in. I could have milled about or gone to the bathroom, but instead continued to start changing just to let him know it wasn't a big deal. So even though I didn't have a problem with it, it still was on my mind. Now maybe next time I won't think twice, but that time I did.


I have and do frequently. One of my regular gym buddies is gay. Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

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Stories like this are always interesting to me. As the player comes out, so does the bigotry of others, despite their best attempts to mask it. You see things like "it's a choice" or "as long as it in his private" or "he's going to have a tough time in the locker room." Really?!? Who will give them a tough time in the locker room? Close minded people such as yourself?


For those of you that actually do have a problem with it (you know who you are) you don't need to try to mask it by pretending that you don't care. The comments that you make tell the story.

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