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Nix not close on re-signing anyone.


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That's not really the impression one gets reading the article. It says there is interest by the Bills, no real market for some of their free agents (meaning they can be had for at or near the minimum), and yet Nix stated they wouldn't be pursuing them until later in the summer or even early in the season. As the author points out, Nix seems to be suggesting they won't be making moves on any free agents until Byrd's deal is done. Rebuilding "via mid to low tier FA's" on the cheap is not really even hinted at there.


He is prob working on a deal with Byrd, and saying he won't sign anyone later in the public as an attempt to drive their prices down. Don't believe anything a GM or players Agent says in the public at this time of year. All part of the negotiating process. We'll get some more people.

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Let me re-iterate, you're delusional and keep pushing this agenda that there is this wave of Bills fans who see them going to the Super Bowl. It doesn't exist. The reaction you see to you folks is that we're tired on what amounts to a four year old throwing a tantrum in wal-mart.


Get this straight. NFL football is a business. The Bills are a business organization. A business organization exists to make as much profit as possible. Brandon is upper level management. He is not the owner. In upper level corporate politics, if you want to flourish and survive, not only do you have to do a good job of contributing to the purpose of the organization - making a profit, but you have to CYA and have plans like deniable plausibility when things go inevitably wrong. People don’t sit around singing KUMBAYA in corporate politics, it is cut throat and no one but you is concerned about your personal survival.


To believe that Brandon would not keep Nix around this year as a scapegoat is not a crazy thought. But a rational, logical, calculated and reasonable assumption. Considering the alternative is that even though the incompetence of Nix is clear from his past actions, Brandon just keeps him around because Brandon is such a nice guy and he does not want to hurt Nix’s feelings, it makes a whole lot more sense.


And as someone who has a degree in Business Management and Marketing, I understand that marketing is figuring out the best ways to convince your audience, (your customers, in this case the Bills Fans) that they should buy your product. Convincing you that they are doing everything they can and spending everything they possibly can to field a competitive team, so you will buy their product is their main goal. (Even if actually they are not, and they can make more profit by spending less money) Knowing everything you can learn about your customers so you can best convince them to give you their money, instead of someone else, is what it is all about, period.


To us it may be about a game and a sport, but to them it is all about business. None of this is about a conspiracy, it is about business. It is about the real world.


Who said anything about having illusions about the Bills going to a Super Bowl anytime soon? Your arrogance toward those that have opinions you don’t share is appalling and insulting. You calling anyone you disagree with “delusional” and “being a 4 year old having tantrums” shows you are the one with maturity issues. You may disagree with a theory that is rational and logical, but you need to learn how to offer your theory and the facts that justify it, without reverting to just spouting your opinions and saying insulting things about others.

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Remember the days when the Bills would at least host a couple dozen FA? I think it was Marv. They wouldn't sign any of them, of course, but at least it was fun.


For a fan base that relies on an exciting offseason, as opposed to the regular season, the Bills are really giving us the screw.

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Get this straight. NFL football is a business. The Bills are a business organization. A business organization exists to make as much profit as possible. Brandon is upper level management. He is not the owner. In upper level corporate politics, if you want to flourish and survive, not only do you have to do a good job of contributing to the purpose of the organization - making a profit, but you have to CYA and have plans like deniable plausibility when things go inevitably wrong. People don’t sit around singing KUMBAYA in corporate politics, it is cut throat and no one but you is concerned about your personal survival.




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its true buddy has failed in preparing for the post fitz era. i really have to give him an F for that. combined with his probable B+ for all other moves he averages out to probably a d+/c-


not good enough but not horrible. he can fix it all by hitting on his qb pick now. that would be huge and seriously raise his grade into the b's. but percentage wise its not exactly probable, depending on where he ends up making the pick


so its all in for buddy now. hes gonna get all the comps and booze and hookers, or hes fired in disgrace. no pressure

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Nix is gone after the draft. There's been speculation aplenty, I myself have considered the possibility.


I'm now convinced it's a certainty. Mark it, save the link to this post. I am 100% convinced the job is Whaley's beginning April 29, May 1 at the latest.

Wow, bold prediction. Way to go out on a limb all by your lonesome. I'm going to file this under "who gives a rip?"
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This was in a news article on the Bills' website. It was encouraging to read to say the least.




Yes it is encouraging and he has said this before. I am not concerned about the relative level of inactivty thus far. Nor am I concerned that the Bills are letting the bulk of their free agents walk. With the exception of Levitre, these are players who are past their prime like McGee, Wilson and Barnett, mediocre to begin with such as Nelson, Jones, and Kyle Moore, too expensive for their production like Fitz, or do not fit the new system presumably such as MacIntyre. I see no problem with cutting ties to a bunch of players who clearly were not helping you win. I am sure the Bills will have a full roster by training camp and I expect some of the players brought in before then will surpirse Bills fans. Just because the team is not sharing their plan with the fans does not mean they do not have one.

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Woah young man, I think your math is a bit off.

73-80, what is the difference (I know-7 years). A bigger question is, why would he get his first big break at the age of 70? Gotta be a reason, and I think Bills fans are now seeing that reason.
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Completely different scenario in Jacksonville. New GM came in and fired the previous (and failed) GM's HC hired the year before. New GM's typically want their own HC and aren't going to wait around for someone else's guy to succeed or fail. They act now because their rep is on the line.


And then there's Buffalo, who do everything in their power not to ensure substantive change takes place. Sure, they'll fire a HC or get rid of a college scouting director who served 4 GM's, but they'll never blow up the operation. They never hire anyone from outside the organization, like Jacksonville did straight to the GM job. And right now no team in the NFL needs a fresh set of eyes on the franchise more than Buffalo. No one.


The situations are indeed different, but that doesn't undercut my argument about the need for coaches and GMs to avoid 2-14 seasons at all costs. There are no mulligans in the long run because when they come up for coaching jobs later, potential employers look at the actual record, not the record minus the early bad season. Plus when a team exists in a sea of badness (i.e., the Bills), one especially bad season looks like all the others except worse. That is, people will say: so you took over a bad team and your first accomplishment was to make it even worse?? Also, it's not just Mularkey. Look at Cam Cameron. Not only was he booted out; so was the GM. You think Marrone and Whaley aren't aware that a 2-14 season will create problems for them down the road? Trust me, Marrone desperately wants to get to 8-8. People will then call him a savior of sorts.

Edited by dave mcbride
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Regardless of whether a first-year coach gets a free pass in his first season (I don't believe he does), there's not a coach alive who would be complicit in some scheme to tank a season to improve prospects the following year.


It looks like the Jets are intentionally sucking but I can assure you that Rex Ryan didn't get the memo.

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Nix left Buffalo with John Butler and A. J. Smith after the 2000 season. He was initially the Director of Pro Player Personnel (2000–2001), but after Butler died, Smith was promoted to General Manager, and Nix to Assistant General Manager.


Nix's job with the San Diego Chargers was to oversee both professional and college scouting and to be one of the main decision makers in each NFL Draft. Nix was a major reason the Chargers turned around from a losing football team to a rebuilt, winning team. In 2004, three players Nix drafted were selected to the 2005 Pro Bowl. In 2005, six players Nix drafted were selected to the 2006 Pro Bowl. In 2006, eleven players Nix drafted were selected to the 2007 Pro Bowl. In 2007, eight players Nix drafted were selected to the 2008 Pro Bowl.


The Chargers won four out of the last five AFC West titles with Nix as Assistant GM and Director of Player Personnel, in charge of college scouting and instrumental to the decision making process of their NFL drafts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_Nix

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Nix left Buffalo with John Butler and A. J. Smith after the 2000 season. He was initially the Director of Pro Player Personnel (2000–2001), but after Butler died, Smith was promoted to General Manager, and Nix to Assistant General Manager.


Nix's job with the San Diego Chargers was to oversee both professional and college scouting and to be one of the main decision makers in each NFL Draft. Nix was a major reason the Chargers turned around from a losing football team to a rebuilt, winning team. In 2004, three players Nix drafted were selected to the 2005 Pro Bowl. In 2005, six players Nix drafted were selected to the 2006 Pro Bowl. In 2006, eleven players Nix drafted were selected to the 2007 Pro Bowl. In 2007, eight players Nix drafted were selected to the 2008 Pro Bowl.


The Chargers won four out of the last five AFC West titles with Nix as Assistant GM and Director of Player Personnel, in charge of college scouting and instrumental to the decision making process of their NFL drafts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_Nix


So why is it not working here in Buffalo?

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Nix left Buffalo with John Butler and A. J. Smith after the 2000 season. He was initially the Director of Pro Player Personnel (2000–2001), but after Butler died, Smith was promoted to General Manager, and Nix to Assistant General Manager.


Nix's job with the San Diego Chargers was to oversee both professional and college scouting and to be one of the main decision makers in each NFL Draft. Nix was a major reason the Chargers turned around from a losing football team to a rebuilt, winning team. In 2004, three players Nix drafted were selected to the 2005 Pro Bowl. In 2005, six players Nix drafted were selected to the 2006 Pro Bowl. In 2006, eleven players Nix drafted were selected to the 2007 Pro Bowl. In 2007, eight players Nix drafted were selected to the 2008 Pro Bowl.


The Chargers won four out of the last five AFC West titles with Nix as Assistant GM and Director of Player Personnel, in charge of college scouting and instrumental to the decision making process of their NFL drafts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_Nix


Did you just use a Wikipedia entry to justify Buddy's qualifications?

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Thought this was interesting. At the very least Kyle Moore or Corey MacIntyre should be back.


This screams of, "We'll sign them when the costs come down."


If that isn't the case...I'm officially on the..."What the hell is their plan?" bus.

Thinking right now they are trying to find the best QB they can for this year.


C. Mac and Moore are not on the top of the to do list, getting a QB is and if that what they are doing...well can you blame them?

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