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I really don't understand why anyone goes to Bills home games


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No offense intended to you specifically because Ive seen this argument posted before, and my response is always the same: If someone's drug addiction is so great that they cant behave in public for 3 hours without a fix, then they shouldnt be out in public to begin with.


No offense taken, and I do get your point. There are enough people who can't behave in public at Bills games even without a smoking ban, so why exacerbate it, is the way I see it. It's not a very big deal to me, either way. But there are giant smoking areas that are completely empty even at halftime--it's not like a Sabres game where one has to exit the facility to get to a smoking area (there's no smoking there, anymore, either).

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I think the smoking ban may be the dumbest thing they have done. There are entire areas designed for smoking; there is no other logical reason for some of these areas to exist.


When I drink, I smoke out of habit. The last game I went to, after two beers, I was edgy because I wanted a cigarette.


Exactly the sort of thing that would have provoked me to do something stupid when I was younger and drank more.






As for those castigating the guy who thinks it's inappropriate to bring a five-year-old to the game, well, I agree with him. I've said a few times that an NFL game, like a rock concert, is no place for a child; it's a place for grownups to have fun and blow off steam. Even though I don't get drunk at games, I still want to be able to scream "!@#$ yeah" at the top of my lungs when the Bills score a touchdown without worrying about young, sensitive ears around me. There are plenty of places for family-oriented fun.


I guess if the folks who want to bring young children had somewhere designated to sit, and they didn't have to walk through a gauntlet of idiots to get there, it would solve both problems.


I was just kidding re the smoking ban. It was/is utter hypocrisy.


As for the booze, this is something that is still "in," but not by much. You can buy 24 ounce cans of beer for less than 2 dollars, so this is a prime area for the insuance companies to lobby their friendly radicals from both parties to step in and place HUGE taxes on it. They won't have widespread bans just yet, because politicians themslves are some of the biggest boozers. But it's going to happen, and not to worry.....soon weed will be legal (this too is "in), and the government will make, (and probably squander) billions of dollars on this as well.

Strange days indeed.


No offense intended to you specifically because Ive seen this argument posted before, and my response is always the same: If someone's drug addiction is so great that they cant behave in public for 3 hours without a fix, then they shouldnt be out in public to begin with.


Can I take this to mean that you favor banning the use of alcohol at games, and in all parking lots?

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I must be old, too ... I thought we were all in 'this' together. I don't let my fun infringe on those around me. Act towards others how I would want to be treated. I've been going to games since 1979 ... Maybe I was a little naïve back then, but I didn't see/hear nearly the volume of what took place on Thursday. When the extent of every sentence that is uttered (screamed, really) in my hearing has more f-bombs than any other part of speech ... I just simply watch the game unless the surrounding people become abusive or obnoxious directly towards me or my wife. Y'know ... Try to not infringe my fun (watching the game) on the fun of those around me (drinking beyond drunkenness, being vulgar towards other spectators and/or players and their families, hiding contraband, ... Generally just being more involved in anything besides what is taking place on the field).

Ive been going to the games on regular basis since 1998, I have yet to drink a beer at or before a game. I get into the games early to watch warm ups. When I'm home watching my team on Sunday ticket, I'm so passionate about the team, You will find me cursing at the TV usually directed towards (Chan Gailey, Dave IdontWannasack, or Fitztragic), Its not because I'm a douche or drunk, its because I'm passionate about my team. Some people go to watch a game and dont really get into it, other people WATCH the game, and really get the elecrtric feel and adrenaline rush of being at the stadium.

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Can I take this to mean that you favor banning the use of alcohol at games, and in all parking lots?


I dont want to re-hash the entire argument made in what was a very long, and well argued thread... But of course not. Im not someone that favors the banning of anything really. Im all for letting people have their good time, but they have to be able to do it responsibly and in a way that doesnt harm/effect others.


It's possible for me to have a beer (or 6) at my seat and not spill it on others, or throw up on people around me. But if I were to light up a cigarette (or a joint even), it's going to be inhaled second-hand by everyone around me. They originally had dedicated smoking areas within the stadium and some people still couldnt play nice. It was your fellow users, not the Bills, that ruined it for everyone else.


And if they DO decide to ban alcohol (which they never will because $$ trumps people's lives and health), it will not be because the Bills want to be jerks. It will be due to the unacceptable behavior by a stupid, irresponsible, immature minority.


It's shameful that it even has to come to things such as smoking bans, and tailgate restrictions. I'm all for getting loose and having a good time. You'd think that adults would be able to "handle their ****" on their own for a few hours. Unfortunately, a growing number feel the need to act like high schoolers who just stole a case of beer from their parent's garage. And now the parents are forced to step in.

Edited by DrDareustein
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The games are just more easy to watch from home at the prices of attendance compared to the quality of play. The NFL may disagree and hate this fact but they are the the force causing it. They want to cut down all of this riff raff yet make it all corporate sponsored. If they don't watch it they'll ruin it, they need only look at NASCAR to see what too much corporate does to the average fan.

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Whenever I need an extra ticket, I make a sign with large,bold faced type stating:

"I need *ONE* ticket". (or whatever the case might be)

I stand near the Stadium entrance since that's where I always get the best deals.

I have inquiries by the dozen's from drunken riff-raff studying my sign, who always ask the question:

"How much do you want for it"???

That's because "I NEED TICKETS" is scapler code for "SELLING TICKETS."
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Ive been going to the games on regular basis since 1998, I have yet to drink a beer at or before a game. I get into the games early to watch warm ups. When I'm home watching my team on Sunday ticket, I'm so passionate about the team, You will find me cursing at the TV usually directed towards (Chan Gailey, Dave IdontWannasack, or Fitztragic), Its not because I'm a douche or drunk, its because I'm passionate about my team. Some people go to watch a game and dont really get into it, other people WATCH the game, and really get the elecrtric feel and adrenaline rush of being at the stadium.


Yes! A fan after my own heart :worthy:


I'll never understand why people spend $100+ on tickets to a game or concert, and then proceed to get so messed up they dont even see it, or cant remember it.


I go to football games to watch football. I want to be able to enjoy a great block by a pulling guard, or a delayed blitz coming off a stunt upfront. If I wanted to drink until I cant feel feelings anymore, I'd just stay home and do it where I know I wont make an ass of myself or end up in jail. And to that end, I dont need to be holding up the guy next to me from passing out while trying to enjoy the game either.

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Yes! A fan after my own heart :worthy:


I'll never understand why people spend $100+ on tickets to a game or concert, and then proceed to get so messed up they dont even see it, or cant remember it.


I go to football games to watch football. I want to be able to enjoy a great block by a pulling guard, or a delayed blitz coming off a stunt upfront. If I wanted to drink until I cant feel feelings anymore, I'd just stay home and do it where I know I wont make an ass of myself or end up in jail. And to that end, I dont need to be holding up the guy next to me from passing out while trying to enjoy the game either.

I can't quite recall exactly what, but at the time I had a reason which I believed to be good or possibly even amazing.

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I live in St. Louis, so I've gone to see Bills games here at home and at a few surrounding stadiums. I've also gone to see ONE game at Ralph Wilson Stadium.


As a lifetime fan of the team, the behavior of Bills fans was more than embarrassing. Drunk idiots stumbling around, cussing and throwing trash everywhere - an hour before the game even started. Fighting in the stands. Terrible language - with families around. It was pathetic. I came out of that game with a new perspective of Bills fans and the City of Buffalo. I started to understand why the NFL makes fun of us, players don't want to come here, and why the league wants us to pack up and move.


In most other stadiums that I've been to (St. Louis, Indianapolis, Kansas City), this behavior is NOT tolerated. Acting like a drunk moron will get you thrown out by the mid-first quarter.


By the way, Kansas City manages to have an AWESOME tailgating experience, which is fun for families and kids - without the garbage you get in Buffalo.

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Whenever I need an extra ticket, I make a sign with large,bold faced type stating:

"I need *ONE* ticket". (or whatever the case might be)

I stand near the Stadium entrance since that's where I always get the best deals.

I have inquiries by the dozen's from drunken riff-raff studying my sign, who always ask the question:

"How much do you want for it"???


Next time capitalize the word "need" instead of "one" and see how that works out for you.




I dont want to re-hash the entire argument made in what was a very long, and well argued thread... But of course not. Im not someone that favors the banning of anything really. Im all for letting people have their good time, but they have to be able to do it responsibly and in a way that doesnt harm/effect others.


It's possible for me to have a beer (or 6) at my seat and not spill it on others, or throw up on people around me. But if I were to light up a cigarette (or a joint even), it's going to be inhaled second-hand by everyone around me. They originally had dedicated smoking areas within the stadium and some people still couldnt play nice. It was your fellow users, not the Bills, that ruined it for everyone else.


And if they DO decide to ban alcohol (which they never will because $$ trumps people's lives and health), it will not be because the Bills want to be jerks. It will be due to the unacceptable behavior by a stupid, irresponsible, immature minority.


It's shameful that it even has to come to things such as smoking bans, and tailgate restrictions. I'm all for getting loose and having a good time. You'd think that adults would be able to "handle their ****" on their own for a few hours. Unfortunately, a growing number feel the need to act like high schoolers who just stole a case of beer from their parent's garage. And now the parents are forced to step in.


Basically in our society, in return for freedoms we are asked to act responsibly.


Or as they say, "with freedom comes responsibility."


Unfortunately many Americans embrace the freedom part while ignoring the responsibility part.


The games are just more easy to watch from home at the prices of attendance compared to the quality of play. The NFL may disagree and hate this fact but they are the the force causing it. They want to cut down all of this riff raff yet make it all corporate sponsored. If they don't watch it they'll ruin it, they need only look at NASCAR to see what too much corporate does to the average fan.


Not sure what you're saying farmer.


It sounds like you're saying that if the NFL and its clubs place too many restrictions on fan behavior then the game day experience will be sanitized and games will no longer be fun to attend.


Personally I'd rather a crowd be a bit on the tame side than on the rowdy side. Maybe people can even learn how to be enthusiastic and loud without also being drunk.

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do you want some sort of medal?


maybe i could draw up a quick certificate for you in microsoft paint, email it over, and you can hang it on your wall?


yeah buddy -- good thing you didn't bring your FIVE YEAR OLD to a game that kicks off at 8:30, goes until midnight, and 75% of the people there will be wasted.


"i went to the bar last night. it was awful. couples making out, dancing. people puking in a bathroom. i overheard a gentleman say the F word. at least i didnt have my toddler with me. he would have had enough common sense to know that was WRONG."


the only thing wrong with this world, is people that think theres something "wrong" with this world.


It must be hard reading a thread and realizing people don't like people like you?


I've seen kids regularly at primetime games enjoy themselves- get them a little nap before, and treat the environment as a family activity instead of whatever it is now and we can all enjoy. 5 is pushing it, but in the grand scheme, you should reevaluate what battle is worth picking here. It's sad a dad can't bring his kid without being worried, and its certainly not just night games.




Next time capitalize the word "need" instead of "one" and see how that works out for you.






Basically in our society, in return for freedoms we are asked to act responsibly.


Or as they say, "with freedom comes responsibility."


Unfortunately many Americans embrace the freedom part while ignoring the responsibility part.




Not sure what you're saying farmer.


It sounds like you're saying that if the NFL and its clubs place too many restrictions on fan behavior then the game day experience will be sanitized and games will no longer be fun to attend.


Personally I'd rather a crowd be a bit on the tame side than on the rowdy side. Maybe people can even learn how to be enthusiastic and loud without also being drunk.


It goes hand in hand with the freedom of speech isn't the freedom to say whatever you want without consequence thing that so many can't wrap their heads around.


Free to be an idiot doesn't mean you should be an idiot, or that this private place shouldn't be able to regulate your idiocy.

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Yes! A fan after my own heart :worthy:


I'll never understand why people spend $100+ on tickets to a game or concert, and then proceed to get so messed up they dont even see it, or cant remember it.


I go to football games to watch football. I want to be able to enjoy a great block by a pulling guard, or a delayed blitz coming off a stunt upfront. If I wanted to drink until I cant feel feelings anymore, I'd just stay home and do it where I know I wont make an ass of myself or end up in jail. And to that end, I dont need to be holding up the guy next to me from passing out while trying to enjoy the game either.




Now is the time in the recurring "fan behavior" thread where I put in my (same as always) 2 cents.


I can't STAND the attitude that because someone is in some demographic 18-26 years old they are expected or excused for being some drunk disrespectful flaming a s s h o l e. There is no excuse for behaving that way in public - no matter what your age is. It is possible to be college age and go to a game and not get s h i t faced and act like an imbecille. Holy crap - there's actually a post in this thread where someone excuses "his generation": for being drunk idiots because they've had to suffer through so many mediocre teams. Are you kidding me? The problem is not the beer - but the idiots consuming it.

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Holy crap - there's actually a post in this thread where someone excuses "his generation": for being drunk idiots because they've had to suffer through so many mediocre teams. Are you kidding me? The problem is not the beer - but the idiots consuming it.


Or to paraphrase the old NRA belief, "Beer doesn't ruin football games, people do."


And it's true. Banning beer in the stadium (of course it would never happen) would be unfortunate especially to those people who can actually drink responsibly.

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Now is the time in the recurring "fan behavior" thread where I put in my (same as always) 2 cents.


I can't STAND the attitude that because someone is in some demographic 18-26 years old they are expected or excused for being some drunk disrespectful flaming a s s h o l e. There is no excuse for behaving that way in public - no matter what your age is. It is possible to be college age and go to a game and not get s h i t faced and act like an imbecille. Holy crap - there's actually a post in this thread where someone excuses "his generation": for being drunk idiots because they've had to suffer through so many mediocre teams. Are you kidding me? The problem is not the beer - but the idiots consuming it.

Well said Steve! :thumbsup:

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I dont want to re-hash the entire argument made in what was a very long, and well argued thread... But of course not. Im not someone that favors the banning of anything really. Im all for letting people have their good time, but they have to be able to do it responsibly and in a way that doesnt harm/effect others.


It's possible for me to have a beer (or 6) at my seat and not spill it on others, or throw up on people around me. But if I were to light up a cigarette (or a joint even), it's going to be inhaled second-hand by everyone around me. They originally had dedicated smoking areas within the stadium and some people still couldnt play nice. It was your fellow users, not the Bills, that ruined it for everyone else.


And if they DO decide to ban alcohol (which they never will because $$ trumps people's lives and health), it will not be because the Bills want to be jerks. It will be due to the unacceptable behavior by a stupid, irresponsible, immature minority.


It's shameful that it even has to come to things such as smoking bans, and tailgate restrictions. I'm all for getting loose and having a good time. You'd think that adults would be able to "handle their ****" on their own for a few hours. Unfortunately, a growing number feel the need to act like high schoolers who just stole a case of beer from their parent's garage. And now the parents are forced to step in.


Good post Doc. I do however wish to make the point that given a choice, I would rather walk past a crowd of people smoking in a designated area than have someone assault a family member, smash into my car, puke on me, throw things at me, or attack me physically. THIS is where I see the hypocrisy of the system. But as you say, cash is king. They are not about to ban beer any time soon.

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Good post Doc. I do however wish to make the point that given a choice, I would rather walk past a crowd of people smoking in a designated area than have someone assault a family member, smash into my car, puke on me, throw things at me, or attack me physically. THIS is where I see the hypocrisy of the system. But as you say, cash is king. They are not about to ban beer any time soon.


It's also a lot easier to regulate the smoking, generally.

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Taking my 13 yr old stepson to the Rams game in Dec.

Having real second thoughts about taking him. I was 8 when my

mom and dad took me to the Rockpile for my first ever Bills game.

I remember it being a very memorable and uplifting family experience.


I just don't want to take him and have it be a negative effect.

I suppose the game will only pull about 45-50 thousand people

since it is late in the year and not a marquee opponent.


I'm just scared for the kid.

Got some real thinking to do about it.


when you're 8 years old, you have no conceptual understanding of what "alcohol" is.


if he sees people puking, he will think it's because they have the flu.


every swear word that is said there, he has heard a million times at school.


he will remember the game fondly because he is with his dad, spending a day together, doing something his father loves--it is a bonding experience.


to him, there will be 80,000 other people that are also having a great time. screaming, laughing, shouting, and yes even *gasp* saying the "f word."


try to not be the one person there out of 80,000 that is NOT having a good time, because you're worried your fragile son is being corrupted.


he will be 20-something some day too, going to bills games, getting black out drunk, and saying inappropriate things about people from st. louis.


i hate to break it to you puritans, but it IS a party scene. thats why the NFL is so popular. the games are an event. its no different at ralph wilson stadium than at any other stadium in america. in fact, its no different than at any other place where young people gather and alcohol is consumed in mass amounts. thats every house party, frat party, college stadium, pro stadium, restaurant open past 11pm, railroad track, little league baseball field after 10pm, dorm room, or just a back seat of a car in an empty parking lot.


guess what - people drink, and complain loudly/yell about things they dont like-such as opposing teams.


for instance, in here, we have 9 pages of presumably sober people, yelling about how much they hate the drunks at ralph wilson stadium.


It must be hard reading a thread and realizing people don't like people like you?


i don't drink to the point of excess. hell, i hardly drink at all, unless it's water or black coffee.


ergo, i am not rowdy and causing a scene, and throwing up all over myself, or yelling at little kids.


of course people don't like me. people don't like you either.


who are you, ghandi? nail yourself to the cross all you want, and try to legislate some type of utopia at ralph wilson stadium.




step 1) grow up.

step 2) realize that any time eighty thousand people gather in a small area, consume alcohol, and focus their attention on the ONE thing in american culture that essentially EVERY male over the age of 10 is extremely passionate about, "inappropriate" behavior is going to occur.

step 3) realize that this situation is NOT unique to the parking lot of the stadium of the buffalo bills


step 4) find a different activity to bring 6 year olds to.


step 4.1) if you insist on having a "family friendly" day at the stadium, open up your pockets, buy field levels, stay away from the riff raff, and enjoy the day with the people who ARENT there to rage out of control.

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I dont want to re-hash the entire argument made in what was a very long, and well argued thread... But of course not. Im not someone that favors the banning of anything really. Im all for letting people have their good time, but they have to be able to do it responsibly and in a way that doesnt harm/effect others.


It's possible for me to have a beer (or 6) at my seat and not spill it on others, or throw up on people around me. But if I were to light up a cigarette (or a joint even), it's going to be inhaled second-hand by everyone around me. They originally had dedicated smoking areas within the stadium and some people still couldnt play nice. It was your fellow users, not the Bills, that ruined it for everyone else.


And if they DO decide to ban alcohol (which they never will because $$ trumps people's lives and health), it will not be because the Bills want to be jerks. It will be due to the unacceptable behavior by a stupid, irresponsible, immature minority.


It's shameful that it even has to come to things such as smoking bans, and tailgate restrictions. I'm all for getting loose and having a good time. You'd think that adults would be able to "handle their ****" on their own for a few hours. Unfortunately, a growing number feel the need to act like high schoolers who just stole a case of beer from their parent's garage. And now the parents are forced to step in.


Well said. At the base level people should be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't negatively effect others or trample on their rights. Sadly, it's always the idiots who spoil it for everybody else.


It's why I love going to baseball games more than NFL these days even though I like the NFL way more than MLB. At an MLB game I can drink some beers and so does everybody else - and it's a rarity if people get out of hand. I see games regularly in Philly (which has the reputation as having the worst fans in sports) and I've never seen any incidents. The difference is the tailgating. At MLB games nobody is sitting in the parking lot 4 hours early drinking before the game.

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