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Say we go 4-3...does that stop a QB change?


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IDK why he hasn't been active. Maybe he's having trouble with the playbook. Maybe he's not that good. Maybe he just can't get the reps in season to get it all down...idk...but I'm assuming here he is what he is...an averagish QB who will know the playbook by week 8.


So...despite 3 demoralizing blowouts...we're looking at best-case or almost-best-case scenario coming up to the bye at 4-3 (once again assuming we beat Tenn).


Will this on it's own stop a QB change if we think we can get a slight bump there? Will we just say "well 4-3...QB hasn't been great but stick with it" or will we have the balls to say "lucky to be 4-3 and we need to get better at QB if we're going to steal a wildcard?"


To me there is 0 risk at moving TJ in if he can pick up the offense by week 8. 0. We get NOTHING out of Fitz...and frankly...I'm sick of watching him. But would a winning record stop us from making a move despite the on-field play showing we should try?


As I see it even at 4-3 (assuming we beat Tenn)...we're still not making the playoffs as is. We need a jolt and even if he plays worse it would be worth a shot. Do you agree w/ this? Or am I an idiot who just needs to accept Fitz for the rest of this season?

Edited by TheNewBills
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Unless Fitz's passing accuracy improves and until he demonstrates he can hit a deep target, then the Bill's need to start looking for someone who can throw more accurately and hit a deep receiver. Maybe Fitz can come in during the wildcat formation. Either way, 59 million dollars is too high a price to pay for a QB that plays only when they send in the wildcat formation

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Id agree that if Futz looks horrible like he has this week and in our losses, he will be benched regardless of record during the bye week. Chan will not be able to keep his boy in knowing it's just a matter of time before it costs us more games. If he faulters against Tenn, win or lose, he's done IMO.

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OF COURSE it'll stop a QB change. I wouldn't be shocked if Fitz played just good enough to screw us out of a franchise QB in April. Guy screws this team every chance he gets.


Worse still, we'll be stuck with Gailey's ignorant a$$ as well.


We need either a TERRIBLE finish, or a playoff berth. anything else gets us back in the same situation next year. GO BILLS!

Edited by #34fan
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IDK why he hasn't been active. Maybe he's having trouble with the playbook. Maybe he's not that good. Maybe he just can't get the reps in season to get it all down...idk...but I'm assuming here he is what he is...an averagish QB who will know the playbook by week 8.


So...despite 3 demoralizing blowouts...we're looking at best-case or almost-best-case scenario coming up to the bye at 4-3 (once again assuming we beat Tenn).


Will this on it's own stop a QB change if we think we can get a slight bump there? Will we just say "well 4-3...QB hasn't been great but stick with it" or will we have the balls to say "lucky to be 4-3 and we need to get better at QB if we're going to steal a wildcard?"


To me there is 0 risk at moving TJ in if he can pick up the offense by week 8. 0. We get NOTHING out of Fitz...and frankly...I'm sick of watching him. But would a winning record stop us from making a move despite the on-field play showing we should try?


As I see it even at 4-3 (assuming we beat Tenn)...we're still not making the playoffs as is. We need a jolt and even if he plays worse it would be worth a shot. Do you agree w/ this? Or am I an idiot who just needs to accept Fitz for the rest of this season?


Man it never ends. Some words of advice: you want to keep your sanity all year? stop thinking that their is going to be a QB switch DURING the season, b/c IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Accept that fact, and move on. Please, for your own sanity.

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As I see it even at 4-3 (assuming we beat Tenn)...we're still not making the playoffs as is. We need a jolt and even if he plays worse it would be worth a shot. Do you agree w/ this? Or am I an idiot who just needs to accept Fitz for the rest of this season?


You just need to accept Fitz for the rest of this season.


Even if we draft (we better) a QB he is going start next year too.

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Id agree that if Futz looks horrible like he has this week and in our losses, he will be benched regardless of record during the bye week. Chan will not be able to keep his boy in knowing it's just a matter of time before it costs us more games. If he faulters against Tenn, win or lose, he's done IMO.

Wanna bet any amount of money? ;)


Gailey not only still likes Fitz but ALL Gailey cares about is getting one more point than the other team. He's said it repeatedly. If we lose to the Texans Fitz is not going to be benched.

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People (media) kept saying he has been making bad decisions which is a lie. He makes more good decisions than most qbs.... He just doesn't have the arm. He throws to a wide open target, which is a good decision, but he can't make the throws. At least not often enough.


If he had jp losmans arm, the guy would be great. He could manage the game (that losman couldn't do) and every now and then throw some bombs to graham or someone

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