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Chick-fil-a update

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Never said others shouldn't eat there.


You said it was processed. You said it wasn't real. Neither of those comments is anywhere near reality. The only people who think their food is processed and not real are either people who have never eater there, or people who have eaten there, but have their heads up their asses.


How great that they not only have mayors telling the company not to hire their people because of stupid reasons, but now people are just making stuff up about them. Simply for saying what they believed. How awesome.

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You said it was processed. You said it wasn't real. Neither of those comments is anywhere near reality. The only people who think their food is processed and not real are either people who have never eater there, or people who have eaten there, but have their heads up their asses.


How great that they not only have mayors telling the company not to hire their people because of stupid reasons, but now people are just making stuff up about them. Simply for saying what they believed. How awesome.

The nuggets seemed pretty doggone processed to me

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Gay Rocker Defends Chick-fil-A Owner on Free Speech Grounds


Rob Halford of Judas Priest:


Friends of mine who find Chick-fil-A's position offensive tend to instantly resort to shrill terms designed to shame and silence, often going so far as to label Chick-fil-A a "hate group," despite the fact that they don't discriminate against their customers or employees based on gender, race, or sexual orientation.


Calling Chick-fil-A a "hate group" not only trivializes the term "hate," but trivializes the suffering of those who have actually bled under the fangs of true hatred, the kind of hatred we saw toward Jews in Europe, women in the Middle East, and blacks in this country prior to the Civil Rights movement.

Halford sees this controversy for what it is: a difference of opinion, which is something we're allowed to have, express, and react to peacefully.


God bless him for seeing the wisdom in allowing that.





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To everybody who has their panties in a twist over this - where were you and your outrage six weeks ago when President BO openly opposed gay marriage? Huh?

This is a totally fabricated distraction. Chick-Fil-Uh doesn't discriminate in the workplace, nor in the marketplace.

I didn't like it- and I liked it even less, because it was obvious that he didn't believe what he was saying and just doing it for politics.

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I didn't like it- and I liked it even less, because it was obvious that he didn't believe what he was saying and just doing it for politics.

Yep. But he pissed-off the black pastors by doing it.

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He's always been for gay marriage, which is fine, I have the same view, but at least we all know that it was a cynical political calculation to win over votes in 2008. A true profile in courage.



Also, as Nanker stated, all you little pin heads who are outraged or bothered by the Chick Fil-a dude are all a bunch of hypocrites, where was your outrage for Obama when he held the same supposed position?


I'll tell you, right up your ass, that's where. Hypocrites.

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Chic Fil A didn't invent the chicken sandwich they perfected it. Says it right on the wall of every location.



Chic Fil A stays packed always in Virginia and their food is great. It's the rolls Royce of fast food. As far as the politics go who cares IMO Hit me w some of those waffle fries


Hmmm, I've never been. I guess I should hit them up sometime. Oh that's right I live in the Bay Area and they're banned within 40 miles of San Francisco.

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You have joined BillsFaninSanDiego who wished that someone would kill Romney before the election as a totally classless person. Making fun of someone's death seems to be the way you far leftists go and I would think that the reasonable leftists would want to denounce you.

I haven't seen anyone on this board wish something like that (yet). I have heard wingnuts on both sides say stuff like it before- really sad stuff. Makes me question where the heck we are as a society. And they keep justifying it by saying "The other side thinks the same way"


You said it was processed. You said it wasn't real. Neither of those comments is anywhere near reality. The only people who think their food is processed and not real are either people who have never eater there, or people who have eaten there, but have their heads up their asses.


How great that they not only have mayors telling the company not to hire their people because of stupid reasons, but now people are just making stuff up about them. Simply for saying what they believed. How awesome.

I don't agree with the owner and I will leave it at this- I feel no need to justify not eating there or any other fast food place, other than I ate like a 14-year old for almost 40 years and I am trying to get healthy.

Edited by Adam
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I don't agree with the owner and I will leave it at this- I feel no need to justify not eating there or any other fast food place, other than I ate like a 14-year old for almost 40 years and I am trying to get healthy.


If you want to get healthy, you should be eating more chicken :D

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If you want to get healthy, you should be eating more chicken :D

LOL, I have a chicken marinara with oven roasted chicken on wheat bread at Subway a few times a week and I fire up the grill a few times a month.

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...lybob said that he hoped I'd be involved in a firey car crash, and I'm not even running for president. All I did was talk about economics on an internet message board.

Well, clearly you stepped over the line then and deserved it.

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