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Chick-fil-a update

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I wouldn't eat that processed chicken product, even if I agreed with the owner. I prefer real chicken.


I'm not sure where you're getting this from. From their website:


At Chick-fil-A, we're all about chicken, so you can be sure that we're extremely demanding about the chicken we serve. All of our chicken sandwiches are made with whole breast meat - not ground up pieces preformed into a patty. Each piece of chicken is hand-breaded in the Restaurant where it is served to you - fresh, hot and delicious.

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I'm not sure where you're getting this from. From their website:

I have eaten there- it doesn't taste like chicken to me. I stopped eating there long before this happened. chick-Fil-A, McDonalds and Buger King are all worthless to me. Subway is halfway decent.

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I have eaten there- it doesn't taste like chicken to me. I stopped eating there long before this happened. chick-Fil-A, McDonalds and Buger King are all worthless to me. Subway is halfway decent.


I've never eaten there but I've been hearing good things so I had to look it up. I couldn't imagine you'd hear good things if it was processed chicken


And McDonalds and Burger King do serve a purpose for me. I get a craving a couple of times a year and I need the fix.

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Its amazing to me sometimes how much an issue like this divides the country so much. I'm young and admittedly don't understand all the issues this country is facing mainly due to my just now entering the "real world". I read PPP a little bit each day to try and become more informed rather than just reading the news online. This is an issue that I was always "support gay marriage because if it makes them happy, sweet." Beyond that, I'm not an advocate for it, I wont protest for it, write a document about it. I don't care enough. I am starting to understand how it is legal issue in some respects and not necessarily a social issue alone. That makes me question whether or not I should support it. I was always taught to be tolerant of everyone. In the words of South Park, "Tolerance means you put up with something, it can still piss you off." :)


I don't buy into the religious argument. Someone said earlier something along the lines of "why should I give a **** what people do with their dicks?" Frankly I see plenty of people that I'm surprised ever got laid, but beyond that its not my issue. if God is really pissed off about this and plans on sending all gay people to hell, well damn, that sucks. I dont think i have the greatest morals in the world all the time and certainly not enough to condemn people for their actions in life. I'm made plenty of mistakes and i realize that. So who the hell am I to say who should live, die, get married, have kids, eat, sleep, drink ect.?


Im not really sure where im going with this post, I'm still working out my views on this I guess

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Its amazing to me sometimes how much an issue like this divides the country so much. I'm young and admittedly don't understand all the issues this country is facing mainly due to my just now entering the "real world". I read PPP a little bit each day to try and become more informed rather than just reading the news online. This is an issue that I was always "support gay marriage because if it makes them happy, sweet." Beyond that, I'm not an advocate for it, I wont protest for it, write a document about it. I don't care enough. I am starting to understand how it is legal issue in some respects and not necessarily a social issue alone. That makes me question whether or not I should support it. I was always taught to be tolerant of everyone. In the words of South Park, "Tolerance means you put up with something, it can still piss you off." :)


I don't buy into the religious argument. Someone said earlier something along the lines of "why should I give a **** what people do with their dicks?" Frankly I see plenty of people that I'm surprised ever got laid, but beyond that its not my issue. if God is really pissed off about this and plans on sending all gay people to hell, well damn, that sucks. I dont think i have the greatest morals in the world all the time and certainly not enough to condemn people for their actions in life. I'm made plenty of mistakes and i realize that. So who the hell am I to say who should live, die, get married, have kids, eat, sleep, drink ect.?


Im not really sure where im going with this post, I'm still working out my views on this I guess


In 10 years you'll look back on all this differently.

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I've never eaten there but I've been hearing good things so I had to look it up. I couldn't imagine you'd hear good things if it was processed chicken


And McDonalds and Burger King do serve a purpose for me. I get a craving a couple of times a year and I need the fix.

I used to eat at those places twice a day- you can guess why they no longer serve a purpose for me! I guarantee that Chick Fil A doesn't make anything better than what comes off your own grill (although the lemonade is very good)

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To everybody who has their panties in a twist over this - where were you and your outrage six weeks ago when President BO openly opposed gay marriage? Huh?

This is a totally fabricated distraction. Chick-Fil-Uh doesn't discriminate in the workplace, nor in the marketplace.

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I wouldn't eat that processed chicken product, even if I agreed with the owner. I prefer real chicken.


You're out of your freaking mind. I happen to dig eating their chicken, and in general I hate chicken for the same reason I hate Obama; neither have the ability to stand on their own. Chick-fil-a sandwiches are a full, unprocessed chicken breast. Period. Sure they have seasonings, etc. but the chicken meat is an actual breast of chicken.

Edited by LABillzFan
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You're out of your freaking mind. I happen to dig eating their chicken, and in general I hate chicken for the same reason I hate Obama; neither have the ability to stand on their own. Chick-fil-a sandwiches are a full, unprocessed chicken breast. Period. Sure they have seasonings, etc. but the chicken meat is an actual breast of chicken.

Never said others shouldn't eat there. It doesn't seem like chicken to me, then again I stand by what I said that I love chicken over charcoals. I don't know many politicians who can stand on their own, but I think chickens (and the livestock I have seen at our rodeo arena) can.

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I don't know many politicians who can stand on their own, but I think chickens (and the livestock I have seen at our rodeo arena) can.


I think what he meant was that chickens don't stand on their own because some other domesticated fowl made that happen.

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I've never eaten there but I've been hearing good things so I had to look it up. I couldn't imagine you'd hear good things if it was processed chicken


And McDonalds and Burger King do serve a purpose for me. I get a craving a couple of times a year and I need the fix.


Chic Fil A didn't invent the chicken sandwich they perfected it. Says it right on the wall of every location.



Chic Fil A stays packed always in Virginia and their food is great. It's the rolls Royce of fast food. As far as the politics go who cares IMO Hit me w some of those waffle fries

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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