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Trayvon Martin Case


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Since when do murderers get to have a normal life? (OJ maybe?) Zimmerman is a self-appointed Barney Fife who was determined to shoot him a thug. He wanted a confrontation that would allow him to "stand his ground" and an innocent kid is dead. It would take me 3 seconds to indict him, but then again I'm not in the NRA's pocket.



There is still a bit left in the gray as to what actually precipitated the confrontation and how it actually went down.


It's good to know that it would take you '3 seconds to indict him;' are you counting those 3 seconds from when he'd walk in the courtroom or from when Al Sharpton gave his 1st speech regarding the incident? You sure as **** have not given an impression that you'd wait to hear evidence from both sides to reach that decision. Hopefully you would wait at least another 2 seconds to convict him, but that might be asking a bit much.

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Since when do murderers get to have a normal life? (OJ maybe?) Zimmerman is a self-appointed Barney Fife who was determined to shoot him a thug. He wanted a confrontation that would allow him to "stand his ground" and an innocent kid is dead. It would take me 3 seconds to indict him, but then again I'm not in the NRA's pocket.




Apparently not everybody is "re-evaluating their position based on what you know. Nothing wrong with it." - Which is something that I agree with............It took those 3 seconds for the media to paint the picture it wanted. I wonder how many who ran with this story were shocked when George Zimmerman wasn't a Jew, but turned out to be Hispanic.

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Here's what somebody told me on another message board:


Hannity tonight basically pantsed NBC by replaying their original edited broadcast of Zimmerman's call to the 911 dispatcher. Zimmerman: "I'm watching this guy. He looks suspicious... He looks Black." It sounds uninterrupted.


Then Hannity plays the actual conversation. Zimmerman: "He looks like he's on drugs. He's walking around in the rain." DISPATCHER: "IS HE WHITE, HISPANIC, OR BLACK?" Zimmerman: "He looks Black."


Wow - how different is that context?!?


How could this be a racial killing when he's not even sure if he's black to begin with?

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Since when do murderers get to have a normal life? (OJ maybe?) Zimmerman is a self-appointed Barney Fife who was determined to shoot him a thug. He wanted a confrontation that would allow him to "stand his ground" and an innocent kid is dead. It would take me 3 seconds to indict him, but then again I'm not in the NRA's pocket.




Got it all figured out just like the national media, don't ya? Way to regurgitate.

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Since when do murderers get to have a normal life? (OJ maybe?) Zimmerman is a self-appointed Barney Fife who was determined to shoot him a thug. He wanted a confrontation that would allow him to "stand his ground" and an innocent kid is dead. It would take me 3 seconds to indict him, but then again I'm not in the NRA's pocket.




How do you know any of this? What is you purpose for making it up? What does the NRA have to do with it? You come here rarely but when you do you make outlandish, ignorant statements and then run and hide. Are you this much of a coward in everything you do?

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It's called re-evaluating your position based on what you know. Nothing wrong with it.


Nothing wrong with it, if the initial position was to take in the facts at hand and then continuing to form an opinion as the facts evolve.


You know, exactly how my wife acts ....

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Got to thinking a bit about this last night....


You would think black people...SOUTHERN black people to be more specific....would be sensitive to the idea of a man being denied due process, judged by a mob and then that mob seeking to find him and cause him harm in the name of "justice." Yet, even so-called "educated" black people....Oprah !@#$ing Winfrey, for example, are fashioning themselves as judge, juror and executioner in this case.


This is a sad time in this Country. Ive never seen a single situation bring out so many bad qualities in so many people at one time.

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These are not equivalent. Zimmerman may or may not be a criminal. He may or may not be racist. But there is no question whatsoever that the media intentionally misrepresented this case, and that's the real issue here.


Whatever happened between Zimmerman and Martin really isn't but so consequential in the grand scheme of things. People are killed everyday, some justifiably, some tragically, and some that are both justifiable and tragic. It's not essential that we have a national debate on every individual crime tht takes place.


The issue is the media exploiting a case to paint a false picture and create racial strife in this country. The real winners here are racists and criminals and the losers are the rest of us. The issue is also the lemmings who latched on and created a mass protest before they even knew the basic facts of the case. The issue is also how willingly people were to treat a paradigm as fact.


Adam Carolla has a theory that the person screaming the loudest about an issue is the one most prone to it. Example: the guy preaching vitriolically about the evils of homosexuality is the most likely to take a jizz shot up the ass. Similarly, the same people who see racism in everything are the most racist and they're the one's leading the narrative.


I'm not saying that they're equivalent. I'm just saying that I've avoided bashing both because at the end of the day we're still left with two immutable facts - there is a grand jury that is considering an indictment against Zimmerman and there is an active police investigation.


At the end of the day, Zimmerman is entitled to a presumption of innocence and due process and the media is entitled to be salacious.


But I do see your point - the media fixation is weird; and these scenarios do play out across the country time and time again with little to no national attention.


I'm just a little loathe to say that the media is pushing an otherwise unexceptional story for some race-driven reason. I think it's the totality of the circumstances that makes this case unique and has endeared it to the media. Look at Kacy Anthony, Teri Schiavo, Jon Benet Ramsey, Natalie Hollaway and the Van der Sloot kid, Scott Peterson. Those were all local matters that recevied national attention because of their unique facts and circumstances.


Where was the racial element?


Beth Hollaway Twitty was on national cable news EVERY night for a month. Greta had her on her show every few days for the next year or so. The tons of Americans who are kidnapped in Latin America and the middle east EVERY DAY don't get that level off attention.


Where was the racial element?


I just think that that is over-simplifying a rather complex set of facts and circumstances. There are myriad factors and uniquenesses that impact this matter - such that it is in the Hollaway, Ramsey, Schiavo group - and that have NOTHING to do with race:


1. Martin was killed in a place that he was entitled to be ostensibly for reasons originating from suspicions over his entitlement to be there.


2. The "stand your ground" law and it's practical scope.


3. Zimmerman, calling the cops XX number of times in XX amount of days.


4. Vigilante justice.


5. One had a weapon, the other didn't.


6. Martin was a minor.


7. Martin's body remained with authorities, and uninterred, for 3 days. Apparently, there was little attempt to contact relatives even though they had a cell phone.


8. Even though authorities had PC to effectuate an arrest, no arrest was effectuated.


9. According to witnesses, one of the lead investigators said that he didn't believe Zimmerman's story and the facts didn't match the evidence. Another, (maybe separate, maybe not) investigator recommended that a manslaughter charge be brought. The ADA thought that there wasn't enugh supporting evidence (this also ties in with point #2).


10. NOW we're getting into the realm of the conjectural - does the "stand your ground" law, as it's constituted in FL, basically allow culpable folks to get away with crimes in the occassions when there are only two parties to the actual inciting incident, and inexact, weak, or conflicting witness statements?


More evidence is going to come out. If that evidence substantiates his already enjoyed presumption of innocence, then good.


But IF through investigation, concrete prosecutable evidence comes to light that may not have otherwise seen the light of day (because of the prosecutorial discretion not to proceed forward as a result of outcome assuptions due to the SYG law), then that is a story of national moment. That kind of scenario would fundamentally impact the policy underlying basic criminal jurisprudence: investigate and get the bad guy.


I don't give a **** about anyone else, but THAT is why I'm interested.


Got to thinking a bit about this last night....


You would think black people...SOUTHERN black people to be more specific....would be sensitive to the idea of a man being denied due process, judged by a mob and then that mob seeking to find him and cause him harm in the name of "justice." Yet, even so-called "educated" black people....Oprah !@#$ing Winfrey, for example, are fashioning themselves as judge, juror and executioner in this case.


This is a sad time in this Country. Ive never seen a single situation bring out so many bad qualities in so many people at one time.


I said this same thing like 10 pages ago.

Edited by Juror#8
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Since when do murderers get to have a normal life? (OJ maybe?) Zimmerman is a self-appointed Barney Fife who was determined to shoot him a thug. He wanted a confrontation that would allow him to "stand his ground" and an innocent kid is dead. It would take me 3 seconds to indict him, but then again I'm not in the NRA's pocket.




Well all I have to say is you've just got your out of jury duty. Keep this above post in your wallet and show it to the judge. You will be excused every time. Please for the sake of our court system do not ever serve on a jury.....PLEASE!!

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Since when do murderers get to have a normal life? (OJ maybe?) Zimmerman is a self-appointed Barney Fife who was determined to shoot him a thug. He wanted a confrontation that would allow him to "stand his ground" and an innocent kid is dead. It would take me 3 seconds to indict him, but then again I'm not in the NRA's pocket.



It must get tiring carrying around all that white-hispanic guilt.

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Well all I have to say is you've just got your out of jury duty. Keep this above post in your wallet and show it to the judge. You will be excused every time. Please for the sake of our court system do not ever serve on a jury.....PLEASE!!

Promo is one of my favorite regular posters at TBD, but over here I have noticed he is convinced that Obama's critics all but exclusively don't like him because of the color of his skin. I suspect he believes unequivocally that the Martin case is racial profiling and a hate crime...period...end of story...Zimmerman must die.

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Anyone remember a white girl that Rep Brown stood up for? I live here in Central Florida, and I sure dont! Someone jog my memory, please...





From the coment section in the link you provided:


The Girls name was Somer Thompson. She is from Orange Park FL in Clay County not Orange County. How did you get elected and who voted for you? I do not remember you doing anything at all for this girl or case.



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From the coment section in the link you provided:


The Girls name was Somer Thompson. She is from Orange Park FL in Clay County not Orange County. How did you get elected and who voted for you? I do not remember you doing anything at all for this girl or case.



That'a just not fair. Rep. Brown attended and spoke at several rallies for..........what's her name.


People here, especially the ones that were screaming for justice for Martin, should go back and read the first 3-4 pages of this thread. It will not only point out the evolution of a thread but make it very obvious how lynch mobs get started. It's pretty hard to re-evaluate your position with any true meaning when you've just hung someone. Stretched necks don't return to form because you changed your mind.

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Promo is one of my favorite regular posters at TBD, but over here I have noticed he is convinced that Obama's critics all but exclusively don't like him because of the color of his skin. I suspect he believes unequivocally that the Martin case is racial profiling and a hate crime...period...end of story...Zimmerman must die.

Why LA, I am wounded. I thought we were BFFs :lol:


Actually, there is.

Correct- the earth is really flat. Don't laugh- I am older than you think!

Edited by Adam
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Why LA, I am wounded. I thought we were BFFs :lol:



Correct- the earth is really flat. Don't laugh- I am older than you think!

Why Adam, I had no idea you were also Promo! :thumbsup:


Anyone remember a white girl that Rep Brown stood up for? I live here in Central Florida, and I sure dont! Someone jog my memory, please...



The best part of that clip was near the end. The reporter sensed she had a nutjob, and opted to just let her keep talking. There's a brief moment when you expect the reporter to jump in, it's silent, so that nutbag decides to fill the silence with even more stupidity.

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