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Trayvon Martin Case


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Can we have a frank discussion here?


Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, that idiot who got nailed on CNN, Rangel, Cynthia McKinney, Shelia Jackson Lee. On and on....


What the !@#$? These are the best people these communities can elect into office and worse....KEEP electing into office year after year to represent and serve those communities? And worse...with brainiacs like this in charge....somehow its "the white man's" fault those communities, for the most part, look and feel like downtown Beirut in the 80s?


Its should be the Congressional Batshit Crazy Got My Degree from a Crackerjack Box Caucus.


And this is why I could give a care less what happens to these people who are represented by this ilk. You want a lunatic race baiting incompetent representing you for the next 30 years? Then as far as Im concerned you deserve to live in a shithole.


I think you need to practice some anger management. There are people who can help you, but you have to want to get better.

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Let me preface this by saying I listened to just enough Glenn Beck to consider him a pretty paranoid dude before turning him off. But in the brief time I listened, he insisted there would soon come a day when streets would get bloody after Obama whipped up the class warfare to fever pitch, and one bad incident would trigger riots.


I don't know if he was lucky or smart, or if I'm just suddenly paranoid, but I'm increasingly convinced this is going to end very, very badly.


I've been worried about this for a long time. I think you and I've even talked abou there in the past.

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Maybe Trayvon is the son of this president




just a one finger victory salute


I always thought it would be fun to hang out with the gee-dub! Didn't agree with much of his policy. But I bet he was a fun guy to hang around with.

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I always thought it would be fun to hang out with the gee-dub! Didn't agree with much of his policy. But I bet he was a fun guy to hang around with.


I used to think that about Obama but not any more. Whereas Bush seemed like he'd be just a fun good ole boy Obama comes across as a smug bastard.

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These are not equivalent. Zimmerman may or may not be a criminal. He may or may not be racist. But there is no question whatsoever that the media intentionally misrepresented this case, and that's the real issue here.


Whatever happened between Zimmerman and Martin really isn't but so consequential in the grand scheme of things. People are killed everyday, some justifiably, some tragically, and some that are both justifiable and tragic. It's not essential that we have a national debate on every individual crime tht takes place.


The issue is the media exploiting a case to paint a false picture and create racial strife in this country. The real winners here are racists and criminals and the losers are the rest of us. The issue is also the lemmings who latched on and created a mass protest before they even knew the basic facts of the case. The issue is also how willingly people were to treat a paradigm as fact.


Adam Carolla has a theory that the person screaming the loudest about an issue is the one most prone to it. Example: the guy preaching vitriolically about the evils of homosexuality is the most likely to take a jizz shot up the ass. Similarly, the same people who see racism in everything are the most racist and they're the one's leading the narrative.


I agree with you on point 1 and I even admit to being drawn in by point 2. But I don't agree with you that this is the most important issue in the case as I see it.


I'm more interested in the issue of "stand your ground" laws and how they relate to this case. Though it was the racial issue that brought this to the forefront there are now more issues that have to be dealt with.


Is the fact that Zimmerman followed Martin pertinent to the case? And I'm not saying that he followed him due to his race. I'm just asking that if the fact that Zimmerman tailing him is enough to turn the case around and say that it was Martin that was standing his ground? Especially if it was Zimmerman who started the confrontation.


This is what hits hard for me since we have a "stand your ground" law in Arizona. If someone were to go start a fight and then feel they were in danger of being killed in the fight that followed they could kill the person and claim self defense. But since they started the altercation are they really "standing their ground"?


I'm not against a law that allows you to stand your ground and not retreat but the wording of it has to be such that something like this is still criminal.


I used to think that about Obama but not any more. Whereas Bush seemed like he'd be just a fun good ole boy Obama comes across as a smug bastard.


Something we can agree on :thumbsup:

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Let me preface this by saying I listened to just enough Glenn Beck to consider him a pretty paranoid dude before turning him off. But in the brief time I listened, he insisted there would soon come a day when streets would get bloody after Obama whipped up the class warfare to fever pitch, and one bad incident would trigger riots.


I don't know if he was lucky or smart, or if I'm just suddenly paranoid, but I'm increasingly convinced this is going to end very, very badly.


This is why I thought it was important for the DoJ to start an investigation into the incident if only to let the black community feel like they were being heard. I don't like the undertones that come in that statement but when you have any group of people who feel they are not being heard you have a potential for riots.


But this applies to all groups, not just blacks.


But, as far as Beck claiming that Obama is going to start riots with "class warfare"... he's full of ****.

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Let me preface this by saying I listened to just enough Glenn Beck to consider him a pretty paranoid dude before turning him off. But in the brief time I listened, he insisted there would soon come a day when streets would get bloody after Obama whipped up the class warfare to fever pitch, and one bad incident would trigger riots.


I don't know if he was lucky or smart, or if I'm just suddenly paranoid, but I'm increasingly convinced this is going to end very, very badly.


I'd like to know why something isn't being done by law enforcement regarding the New Black Panthers bounty that is supposed to be up to $1,000,000 now and the other obvious attempts to cause Zimmerman harm. Where is the outrage? Why aren't lawmakers making a stink about this?

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I was lying. :devil:


Sorry, Obama still come across to me as a snooty douche bag. You closet liberal!! :devil:


I'd like to know why something isn't being done by law enforcement regarding the New Black Panthers bounty that is supposed to be up to $1,000,000 now and the other obvious attempts to cause Zimmerman harm. Where is the outrage? Why aren't lawmakers making a stink about this?


I don't know why that is, but you've made your point. There is no reason why he shouldn't be, at least, investigated for this. This is an obvious attempt to cause harm to another if even just by proxy. Not to mention this is entirely driven by race.


Therefore if something does happen to Zimmerman as a result of this, the head of the New Black Panthers that put the bounty on his head should be charged with a hate crime.

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This is why I thought it was important for the DoJ to start an investigation into the incident if only to let the black community feel like they were being heard. I don't like the undertones that come in that statement but when you have any group of people who feel they are not being heard you have a potential for riots.


But this applies to all groups, not just blacks.

That's how we know who's liberal and who's conservative. A liberal looks at this situation and thinks Eric Holder is the answer. If this is really a racial issue (for which there is absolutely NO evidence beyond the fact that the dead person is black), the responsibility falls on the Sharptons and Jacksons and Jackson Lees and Spike Lees and that Rhinestone Cowgirl congresswoman to STOP making things worse with their inflammatory rhetoric.


There is no evidence that this is about race. Absolutely none. And it's embarrassing that this is the way it's going down. The only difference between Eric Holder and the rest of the nutjobs screaming for Zimmerman to go to jail is Holder won't wear his rhinestone cowboy hat in public.

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Y'know...at this point, there is just no way this story ends well.

This story never had a chance to end well. I don't envision Barry sitting down and having a beer with Zim and Tray's parents on the WH lawn.

Which is further proof of their ignorance. Zimmerman is Hispanic on his mother's side and Jewish on his father's.

He's a "Hispanic Jew."

Adam Carolla has a theory that the person screaming the loudest about an issue is the one most prone to it. Example: the guy preaching vitriolically about the evils of homosexuality is the most likely to take a jizz shot up the ass. Similarly, the same people who see racism in everything are the most racist and they're the one's leading the narrative.

Bills Shakespeare said it better: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

This is why I thought it was important for the DoJ to start an investigation into the incident if only to let the black community feel like they were being heard.

And it the DoJ found that Zim acted appropriately, what would the community have said then?

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These are not equivalent. Zimmerman may or may not be a criminal. He may or may not be racist. But there is no question whatsoever that the media intentionally misrepresented this case, and that's the real issue here.


Whatever happened between Zimmerman and Martin really isn't but so consequential in the grand scheme of things. People are killed everyday, some justifiably, some tragically, and some that are both justifiable and tragic. It's not essential that we have a national debate on every individual crime tht takes place.


The issue is the media exploiting a case to paint a false picture and create racial strife in this country. The real winners here are racists and criminals and the losers are the rest of us. The issue is also the lemmings who latched on and created a mass protest before they even knew the basic facts of the case. The issue is also how willingly people were to treat a paradigm as fact.


Adam Carolla has a theory that the person screaming the loudest about an issue is the one most prone to it. Example: the guy preaching vitriolically about the evils of homosexuality is the most likely to take a jizz shot up the ass. Similarly, the same people who see racism in everything are the most racist and they're the one's leading the narrative.


I couldn't agree more........Figures that you listen to the Aceman, too!

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I'd like to know why something isn't being done by law enforcement regarding the New Black Panthers bounty that is supposed to be up to $1,000,000 now and the other obvious attempts to cause Zimmerman harm. Where is the outrage? Why aren't lawmakers making a stink about this?

Beats the heck out of me.


How did this become so politicized anyways? How is stuff on TV being taken as evidence? Nobody talking is under oath, none of these reporters are judges or policemen. These cases being tried on TV is becoming the norm and that isn't a good thing.


It has reached the point of being meaningless- even if the worst case scenerio comes about for Zimmerman, how can any decision stand without a mistrial being declared. This country has lost its freaking mind!

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Beats the heck out of me.


How did this become so politicized anyways? How is stuff on TV being taken as evidence? Nobody talking is under oath, none of these reporters are judges or policemen. These cases being tried on TV is becoming the norm and that isn't a good thing.


It has reached the point of being meaningless- even if the worst case scenerio comes about for Zimmerman, how can any decision stand without a mistrial being declared. This country has lost its freaking mind!



Zimmerman is screwed no matter what. Can you picture any scenario that will allow this guy to have any semblance of a normal life?

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Zimmerman is screwed no matter what. Can you picture any scenario that will allow this guy to have any semblance of a normal life?

I was thinking about that before I posted, but got caught up in deciding what new book to buy.......... You are dead on with that. He is in danger and we don't even know that he is guilty. He may be, he may not be- that is the thing that matters the least to everyone right now. Yet another reason not to try people in the media.

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I was thinking about that before I posted, but got caught up in deciding what new book to buy.......... You are dead on with that. He is in danger and we don't even know that he is guilty. He may be, he may not be- that is the thing that matters the least to everyone right now. Yet another reason not to try people in the media.




If anything bad happens to him that isn't decided by a court then Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Fredrica Wilson, Spike Lee and the New Black Panthers have blood on their hands. The Messiah should have a real case of the guilts too. This is what happens when people will go to any length to forward their agenda. Even the liberals on this board have jumped ship and disappeared or at least changed their tune quite a bit.

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If anything bad happens to him that isn't decided by a court then Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Fredrica Wilson, Spike Lee and the New Black Panthers have blood on their hands. The Messiah should have a real case of the guilts too. This is what happens when people will go to any length to forward their agenda. Even the liberals on this board have jumped ship and disappeared or at least changed their tune quite a bit.


It's called re-evaluating your position based on what you know. Nothing wrong with it.

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It's called re-evaluating your position based on what you know. Nothing wrong with it.


No. It's called having a moral compass. You !@#$ing idiots don't know, don't care, and are completely oblivious to the law and what is right. Re-evaluating your position is a joke.

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Zimmerman is screwed no matter what. Can you picture any scenario that will allow this guy to have any semblance of a normal life?

Since when do murderers get to have a normal life? (OJ maybe?) Zimmerman is a self-appointed Barney Fife who was determined to shoot him a thug. He wanted a confrontation that would allow him to "stand his ground" and an innocent kid is dead. It would take me 3 seconds to indict him, but then again I'm not in the NRA's pocket.



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