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Trayvon Martin Case


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I was thinking about the evidence and it occured to me....

Zimmerman walked 100ft from his car, Martin walked 400ft from his dad's house; who really followed whom?


GZ stayed in a limited area, keeping his eye on TM. GZ lost sight of TM shortly after being told that he needn't follow him. GZ went to look for an address and then returned in the direction of his truck. That is when he got jumped by TM who had returned to the area after being nearly 400' away at the back door of his father's girlfriend's townhome. GZ was only observing TM for awhile. TM was on a mission to attack GZ and at the very least do him great bodily harm.

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I can't believe this thread is this long. How come no 189 page thread about the 20 or 30 blacks who will be murdered by blacks this coming weekend? Everyone worked up being led by the nose as the media outlets cash in with ratings. This case is unclear at best and really at it's core is just another situation that escalated and went wrong. What a joke our society is. The race baiters and mainstream media have to among the lowest forms of life on the planet.

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I can't believe this thread is this long. How come no 189 page thread about the 20 or 30 blacks who will be murdered by blacks this coming weekend? Everyone worked up being led by the nose as the media outlets cash in with ratings. This case is unclear at best and really at it's core is just another situation that escalated and went wrong. What a joke our society is. The race baiters and mainstream media have to among the lowest forms of life on the planet.


Black on black murders can't turn a profit for people like the Rev Al and Barack Obama. White on black murders = racism, and racism = profit.



What will be uglier yet is when the WH and race baiters finally turn their attention to something else, the cries of racism die down, and everyone looks around when the dust has settled the find out our country is every bit as FUBAR'ed as it was before Obama lit the racism fuse on this case.

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I can't believe this thread is this long. How come no 189 page thread about the 20 or 30 blacks who will be murdered by blacks this coming weekend? Everyone worked up being led by the nose as the media outlets cash in with ratings. This case is unclear at best and really at it's core is just another situation that escalated and went wrong. What a joke our society is. The race baiters and mainstream media have to among the lowest forms of life on the planet.


Hey, it keep us from talking about the Middle East or the IRS or anything else that seemed important just a few weeks ago.

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I can't believe this thread is this long. How come no 189 page thread about the 20 or 30 blacks who will be murdered by blacks this coming weekend? Everyone worked up being led by the nose as the media outlets cash in with ratings. This case is unclear at best and really at it's core is just another situation that escalated and went wrong. What a joke our society is. The race baiters and mainstream media have to among the lowest forms of life on the planet.


I started out having an interest in this case because the media and the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Frederica Wilson and Spike Lee made it their cause and influenced the state to file charges. It smelled rotten from the start even when I had no inclination of GZ's guilt or not. What made it more interesting is that posters here were going nuts and accusing GZ of gunning down poor Trayvon. Look at the first few pages of this thread if you want a good laugh. I vote lyrbob's post with the pictures and weight comparison as the most embarrassing. This story quit being about Trayvon Martin very early on and became a story fueled by media flame and about the state's unethical actions.

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Hey, it keep us from talking about the Middle East or the IRS or anything else that seemed important just a few weeks ago.

True, that!

Why after reflection, it seems the Race-Baiter-in-Chief has done the country a wonderful service. Think of all those ugly nuisances he's kept us from fretting over so we could focus in on how to better race relations in America. Wow, what a guy! I look forward as I'm sure you do too to his landmark Civil Rights legislation that's bound to be brought forth as a result of his son being tragically shot dead.

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ABC News lead story: "It may have been better if Trayvon was killed in Ohio, except that it really wouldn't have been better, but hey...it's a front page Trayvon story, so we're doing our job."


This is their lead story on their website right now.


Why George Zimmerman Might Have Been Found Guilty in Ohio

From the outset, the prosecution in the George Zimmerman trial was at a distinct legal disadvantage. After all, they had to prove that Zimmerman was -not- defending himself when he shot Trayvon Martin, a tough hurdle to overcome.


As a legal matter, self defense is what is called an affirmative defense, meaning the defense team is required to present some evidence to support it. But the threshold is very low and no one challenged that they met that standard here. Zimmerman’s injuries and the testimony of certain key eyewitnesses were more than enough, placing the prosecution in the unenviable position of having to disprove self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt.


So if the jurors thought it was even possible that Zimmerman reasonably feared “great bodily harm” or death at the moment he fired that weapon, he was permitted under the law to respond with deadly force. Even uncertainty about that in the minds of the jurors, and the defense wins.


Now there has been some confusion over whether this law is unique to Florida. The answer is no. The controversial part of Florida law, known as Stand Your Ground, which could have offered Zimmerman immunity from prosecution, was waived by the defense pre-trial. Instead, they argued classic self-defense with a law and legal burden similar to that of every state in the nation. Except Ohio.


In the Buckeye State, rather than forcing the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was not self defense, the defendant adopts that legal burden. It is the defense that has to prove it’s more likely than not that self defense was justified (unless it occurs in your home).


In this case that would mean George Zimmerman would have had to prove by what is called a preponderance of the evidence, that he reasonably feared great bodily harm or death when he killed Trayvon Martin.

So would that legal distinction have made the difference? Probably not, but it would have made it a much closer and tougher legal case.

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You don't get it, do you?. Zimmerman had no legal right to walk in his neighborhood. He had an obligation to drive his car across the lawns of his neighbors and he neglected that responsibility which forced Travon Obama to punch him.


It's all common cents like when a woman is being assaulted, beaten and raped. She can't shoot the rapist if she gets ahold of a gun - especially if is she owns the gun. She's got to take what's being dished out and then call the cops who will examine the length of her skirt, her makeup, and her past sexual activity to determine if she was asking for it.


Plus, if she does shoot the rapist, she's still guilty of murder for profiling the rapist as a man.

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GZ stayed in a limited area, keeping his eye on TM. GZ lost sight of TM shortly after being told that he needn't follow him. GZ went to look for an address and then returned in the direction of his truck. That is when he got jumped by TM who had returned to the area after being nearly 400' away at the back door of his father's girlfriend's townhome. GZ was only observing TM for awhile. TM was on a mission to attack confront GZ and at the very least do him great bodily harm.


That's why this story's so polarizing - people continue to cast it in the most biased of lights on both sides.


I can't believe this thread is this long. How come no 189 page thread about the 20 or 30 blacks who will be murdered by blacks this coming weekend? Everyone worked up being led by the nose as the media outlets cash in with ratings. This case is unclear at best and really at it's core is just another situation that escalated and went wrong. What a joke our society is. The race baiters and mainstream media have to among the lowest forms of life on the planet.


Wait'll someone kills a white guy on Trayvon's behalf. Then everyone's going to argue that it's understandable, because the black community is angry.

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ABC News lead story: "It may have been better if Trayvon was killed in Ohio, except that it really wouldn't have been better, but hey...it's a front page Trayvon story, so we're doing our job."


This is their lead story on their website right now.


That is a completely retarded story from the first sentence. The prosecution did NOT have to prove that Zimmerman wasn't defending himself, they had to prove that he had a depraved mind and hunted down Martin, because they were idiotic enough to go for second degree murder charges. That was such a stupid decision it effectively absolved Zimmerman's attorneys of the need to try an affirmative defense of self-defense.


It would have been no different in Ohio, if the prosecution made the same dumbass decisions from the outset.

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Wait'll someone kills a white guy on Trayvon's behalf. Then everyone's going to argue that it's understandable, because the black community is angry.


Reminds me of a pair of white liberals who took their daughter on a do-gooder mission to help impoverished Africans. When a group of Africans beat her to death for being white (despite her African friend advising them that she was "one of the good one's") her parents said they understood and forgave them.

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That's why this story's so polarizing - people continue to cast it in the most biased of lights on both sides.




Wait'll someone kills a white guy on Trayvon's behalf. Then everyone's going to argue that it's understandable, because the black community is angry.


Since I'm not in court I find his tweets and texts admissible and there are no doubts in my mind that he wanted to see blood and plenty of it.

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Just when you thought what you had read previously could not get any more idiotic





CNN: Zimmerman Prosecutor Excused Potential Black Juror for Being a Fox News Watcher



George Zimmerman haters throughout the media have carped and whined about the fact that there weren’t any African-Americans on the jury despite the law requiring the accused NOT the victim be judged by his peers.


On CNN Newsroom Tuesday, it was revealed that a potential black juror had been struck by the prosecution for committing the crime of being a Fox News watcher.

: So Mark, do Trayvon Martin's parents you think, I mean, when they look at the jury makeup and they look at the decision that jury came to, do they say why didn't we have an African-American on the jury? Why did we have six white women?

: And that's what we were saying from the beginning. You know, sometimes I've been criticized by some who don't understand that a legal opinion is very different than a personal, a social, or a philosophical opinion. When you look at the composition of Seminole County, it's eleven percent African-American. And when you look at Sanford, it’s 30 percent African-American. So when you subtract Sanford from the overall Seminole County, you have, you know, a very, very small minority, specifically African-American representation within Seminole County. So when in fact you condense that down to a jury, the odds of getting an African-American on the jury are very slim when you're in Seminole County.

: Although if I remember correctly one of the prosecutors struck a black, a potential black juror from the jury.


Yeah, he was also, I was just, he was also a Fox News watcher. So that was, you know, problematic for the prosecution.





In case you were wondering, Skolnick is not a Zimmerman supporter or a conservative.



Besides being hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons' political director and the co-president of GlobalGrind.com, he's also on the board of directors of the Trayvon Martin Foundation.


That said, it appears black jurors were only going to be acceptable to the prosecution if they were liberals getting their "news" from Zimmerman-hating media outlets.


Martin supporters should keep that in mind as they complain about the makeup of the jury.


Read more: http://newsbusters.o...s#ixzz2ZEWRJuSJ

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Wonder if the media whores will weigh in on this one? Something tells me they don't give a crap.




The difference is, these kids were charged.


GZ wasn't charged initially (and rightly so in hindsight). It fed the narrative that the police ignored the crime because a black kid was dead and a white person shot him.

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The difference is, these kids were charged.


GZ wasn't charged initially (and rightly so in hindsight). It fed the narrative that the police ignored the crime because a black kid was dead and a white person shot him.


Which still doesn't explain why Holder isn't investigating this as a civil rights violation...

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Wonder if the media whores will weigh in on this one? Something tells me they don't give a crap.




We had a similar one here, two black teens beat a 50yo white guy to death because, according to police, they were playing the "Knockout" game. When the first kid couldn't knock the guy out with one punch, they opted to beat him till he passed out. So they'll let Family Court handle the case.



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